Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
225 results found
2 votes
Automated messages for streaks
It'd be great to create an automated message for habit streaks. Getting a message from the app is one thing, but to have their coach send them a message would push it over the edge.
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Be able to filter by habit in the client grid
I'd like to be able to filter by Habit in the client grid so I can see quickly how many clients have a particular habit. This would be a great additional feature to Master Habits
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Allow Client to Report their Wins in habits
Client asked if she could share/write her wins when she completed her "celebrate your wins" habit
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macros goals or PDF meal plan in same place
Sometimes I add PDF meal plan, sometimes macros, and is boring specific every time when they can find PDF or MACROS goals, can be nice find everything in one place
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Allow clients to move habits to different days
Allow clients to move habits to different days on their schedule, just like they can with their workouts. For example: You log 3 'active recovery' habits on the days you haven't scheduled their workouts. If they need to move the workout day themselves, they can, but they'd also need to move their 'active recovery' habit to their new rest day.
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Allow trainer to configure what Body Measurements the client needs to take, and not take
There are a lot of body measurements shown for the client to add information too. Allow the trainer to select ONLY the body measurements he needs to clients to add information to
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Create Alerts for daily nutrition goal not reached
Creating alerts on trainer dashboard would be very beneficial for coaches. If there was a summary of different alerts such as client did not work out, did not reach daily nutrition goal, did not complete something, I wouldn’t have to go through every clients diary to confirm if they met their goals. Or if they do reach each goal, an alert to say so would also be helpful.
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Master Goals
As a fitness professional, I am aiming to improve everyone's overall health. Though each person has specific needs, people can be generalized into categories and groups that all fall under the same category. I need to efficiently push every person towards a common goal, and I need to be able to customize a goal that can apply to all of my clients without having to spend time manually assigning each client the same goal.
Given that a trainer admin is viewing the master list of items, when they see the list, then they should see goals as an option
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Allow habit completion to prompt a message in group feeds (Not just habit streaks)
I'm running a health habit challenge that is based on clients checking off a to-do list of 5 key health habits (performance, mental, physical, personal, and social).
At the start everyone's name was popping up on the feed and the community support was incredible. Now that we're in two weeks, people may have missed a habit or two and their streak broke and now they are no longer on a streak so they don't appear in the feed = less community support.
It would be great to toggle this as a feature under group settings.
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Allow clients to enter in daily stats using a 1-5 scale
mood on 1-5 scale (5 being great mood)
low back pain 1-5 scale
energy levels 1-5 scale
could even have notifications for them to enter these in at certain times during the day (900, 1200, 1500, etc)1 vote -
Possible to upload videos on mentality and habit trainings.
I help my clients to change their lifestyle and a big part of that is mindset training, it would be easier to have a library i can upload here and not just links.
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Allow clients to put in goals + weight goals themselves
I would LOVE the feature of letting the clients add in new goals themselves.
I track my clients for every kilo they go down, and are micro-managing them to much.
They love that feature, because they get hyped every time they go down a kilo.
When it comes to goals, i have micro-goals in different exercises as squat, deadlift, pullups etc and if they could add the new goals reached, that would be so so much more good.
Please open up this feature.
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Automatically Assign Habit Group or Challenge Wide
It would be very useful to be able to assign habits to groups that will be automatically assigned to all current and future members
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quickly add a task to a day from calendar view
Have the ability to quickly add a task via the client's calendar, This could be used for adding in a bodyweight goal and a breakdown of the goal week by week or to add a reminder to complete a task that is only needed on a specific day.
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Ability to add to Trainerize-created habit categories
being able to add a new, custom habit to one of the Trainzerize created habit categories, instead of having to create a separate "nutrition" folder and having multiple.
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Unlimited Character Spaces
Allow unlimited character spaces in description section when assigning client habits.
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Ability to schedule a "coaching conversation" in a clients calendar
Under a clients calendar I could schedule a "coaching conversation" that takes me to a link where i put info on dialoge around a current goa
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Having the option to filter by habit when in the client list.
I would like to be able to filter by habit when in the client list, like with the tags, so that I can see who has what habit. This will make removing and updating habits far easier, especially when client numbers are so high. It is very tedious to have to go into the client's profile and it takes so many clicks to reach the habits and update/remove them. It would take much less time to be able to have it as a filter option, also for tracking the client's journey/plan.
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Set a timeframe for the weight goals
Can you please allow us to set a timeframe for the wight goals? That way it gives a sense of when they should achieve their desired weight goaL.
1 vote
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