Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
289 results found
Have a business support or shared inbox, so the reply workload can be spread out
I want to allow my assistants to be able to log in as themselves, and see messages between me (and/or other trainers) and clients. As is, they have to log in as me, and answer as though it's me, but say "hey, it's Lauren..." Based on the description of the Admin role, it seems like this would have been possible, but it's not. This would be very helpful for studio / enterprise level customers like myself with 300+ clients in the system.
It would help if we can share a collaborative inbox.
34 votes -
Larger Reply Message boxis To SMALL!
The message window in both the client and the App are entirely too small and on very bottom of screen. It is a waste of a screen to have room for only one line and in a very small font, when that is the main function of the screen. Please make the Type Message window larger to allow for a larger viewing font and not on very bottom of screen. Thanks.
10 votes -
Blast an auto-message as an announcement to everyone.
For Instance, I have my clients check-in every wednesday or thursday. But, instead of going into each person's calender and creating an auto message for each person. It would be cool if every tuesday. It just automatically messaged them about check-ins and sent them a link with the calender! Total customization under the auto messages and events feature could make this happen.
7 votes -
Allow a notification to be sent to the trainer when clients don’t track their food for 3+ days
It would be awesome if you could set up a notification system or an automated message that could be sent out when you clients don’t track their food for 3 + days
6 votes -
6 votes
5 votes
add a way to form group chats from individual chats
I would love to be able to select individual chats and then be able to form a group chat by clicking the clients I need and then clicking a 'create group chat' or 'add to group chat' button.
4 votes -
Viewing weights on a specific exercise with various clients
Add a way to see clients weights all at once on a particular exercise if they are training in the same group. It helps with set-up of weights for strength groups. For example I run semi-private strength groups and have to open each clients individual app to see weights which is extremely time consuming.
3 votes -
Create ability to give a client a kudos when they check in for their workout
Sometimes a workout notification doesn’t need a full message; it would be cool to have the ability to quickly send a kudos to a client once you’ve received notification that they’ve completed a workout.
4 votes -
More automated Message customization options
More automated Message customization options. Id like the ability to:
1. send a message when a client misses a set number of workouts.
2. send a message when a client logs in for a set number of workouts.
3. send a message based on pre set crieria ( Ex: send message if client Resting HR is above 60. Send message when over/under on calories )288 votes -
view attachments in browser
Be able to view the attachements in browser. Currently you have to download the documents which in my opinion defeats a lot of the purpose with the feature.
3 votes -
Allow clients to install the app via text
It would be great if we could invite clients to download the app via text message and not just through email.
12 votes -
Add a date in addition to a time stamp in chat log
Chat logs show time of last chat but never a date. Would be helpful to see when specific messages were sent according to date and not just time.
5 votes -
Make available the option to personalize automated messages to clients during initial setup
Please allow trainers to personalize the two automated messages a client receives during initial setup of their profile.
1) The message a client receives prior to taking the questionnaire and
2) After a client completes their profile!
Currently the second option reads as if I, an independent personal trainer, have multiple trainers on "staff". The ability to edit these messages would eliminate the look of errors in my business plan. It would also allow for a more personalized touch in all communication outreach, especially in the beginning stages of a client/trainer relationship.
Thank you!
8 votes -
Be able to support mass scheduled messages
Being able to schedule messages would be a game changer for fully automated online training. We could technically do this using email marketing software alongside trainerize, but it would be nice to have it all in one spot. Also, it's nice to be able to write a one off message when you're thinking about it even if it won't be relevant until a few days later.
53 votes -
Ability to blast auto-messages or announcements to specific cohorts based on rules
I really like the new function of the auto messages that was added and the fact that you can customize them. However, I would like to be able to create my own messages based on a criteria I put (ie. every Sunday morning at 8am) that is different than the ones currently in the tool. This way I don't have to use other tools to send out automated messages for me.
8 votes -
Automated Messages per Trainer
Allow automated messages to be sent/created on a per Trainer basis. Basically, allow each Trainer to create their own messages.
26 votes -
Create availability or do not disturb hours for trainers for chats
Create "contact hours" for trainers and have them unavailable on messenger when they are scheduled to be out of office
29 votes -
make "recent activity" optional on the dashboard
The dashboard loads very slowly - maybe because I have 400+ clients all doing stuff. The "spinny loading wheel" in the Recent Activity panel leads me to believe that's what's slowing it down. I can't switch to any other view (Clients, Messages, etc) until it's done loading. Would love to have an option to toggle this panel off to speed up my process every time I log on. Thanks!
3 votes -
Add seen/read receipts for messages
Allow read receipts so that Trainers can see whether or not their clients have seen their messages.
121 votes
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