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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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292 results found

  1. 1 vote

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    During hours when we are not working we a “quiet mode” akin what Instagram currently has but they also get an automated response saying “Coach John Doe isn’t available as he is off-duty between the hours of 6pm” It would help our clients know that we’re not leaving them hanging. As long as this doesn’t cause any further complications within the system I think this is an absolute MUST/necessity.

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  3. Option to save message templates for auto-messages

    Be able to create master templates so I don't need to retype each time. I can just click the message.

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  4. Edit welcome message before sending

    I had to turn off the welcome messages entirely because for many clients I need to make small changes that are relevant to the package they buy. I end up sending welcome messages via email instead. It would be great to do everything through trainerize and have the option to edit the welcome message template prior to sending it out (without altering the entire message template) so if I need to add or remove an details for one particular new client it will be easy to do so without changing the entire auto message and then changing it back after…

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  5. 6 votes

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  6. reply to a specific message while chatting with clients

    while connecting with clients. most of the times the clients send more than 1 messages to which we have to reply seperately. so to avoid any inconvenience please initiate a feature of replying to a specific message

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  7. love reaction button (heart)

    Have a heart (love) feature on the emoji reactions that you can give to your client's messages & vice versa. This is highly requested by myself and my clients. Some things deserve a heart <3

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  8. More Customizable Auto / Scheduled Messaging

    More customizable options in regard to automated and scheduled messages (i.e. every Sunday repeating, or WHEN client has a scheduled workout THEN message AT [TIME] with the following; etc.)

    Having the pre-selected options of "3rd, 7th, or 14th" day after signup could be nice, but it doesn't help with the program I build for my client.

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  9. Having the group messaging be more like slack

    Within the group having channels or subcategories so things can be organize and also within those subcategories when the trainer posts a question or something that needs a response being able to click on that message and answer within that specific message so that the feed isnt just everyones answer and the clients isnt just trying to find the original question posted by the trainer. This is how slack is built and works well and what I use but I hate having client use 5 million different apps

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  10. Right/left scroll on videos

    If there are back-to-back videos sent in the messenger (assuming we are still capped at 60 seconds), after watching one, we should be able to slide to the next video, not back out back into the message thread and guessing which one is up next to watch.

    Threads would be better, 60+ seconds would be better

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  11. add a love heart react in chat/ message

    Sometimes the right response is a love heart rather than a thumbs up or celebration , please add this in to group chat and private message!

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  12. Amaake Tomosumi さんの ChatGPT 日本語 の使用体験談

    Amaake Tomosumi さんは ChatGPT 日本語版の使用において、最新のインターフェースが非常に魅力的であると述べています。特に、視覚的な美しさとシンプルさが際立ち、誰でも直感的に使える設計が気に入っているそうです。このインターフェースは、ユーザーがすぐに慣れることができ、ストレスなく作業に集中できるようサポートしています。特に新規ユーザーにとって、複雑な操作を一切必要としない点が大きなメリットです。

    ChatGPT を無料で使用するには、ここにアクセスしてくださ :

    ChatGPT の応答速度も、Tomosumi さんが評価している点です。彼は「一瞬で答えが返ってくるのが魅力です」と語り、仕事の効率が大幅に向上したと感じています。長時間考え込む必要がなく、必要な情報が素早く得られるため、ストレスを感じることなくスムーズに作業を進めることができます。例えば、短時間でアイデアをまとめたり、質問に対して迅速なアドバイスを得たりする場面で、この機能が非常に役立っているとのことです。

    また、ChatGPT 日本語版は単なるチャットボットとしてだけでなく、さまざまな作業に応用できる点もTomosumi さんにとって非常に有益だといいます。例えば、ライティングのサポートや日常業務の効率化において役立つツールとして使用しています。さらに、創造的なアイデアを生み出す際にも、大きな助けとなっているそうです。多岐にわたるニーズに対応できるため、個人の作業やビジネスにも幅広く活用できる点が彼の作業に大きな影響を与えています。

    Tomosumi さんは、ChatGPT 日本語版があらゆるユーザーに適していると感じています。彼は、初心者から上級者まで、誰でも簡単に使いこなすことができると述べています。特に日本語での自然なやりとりが可能であり、他の多くのツールでは得られない快適さを提供していると強調しています。日常のサポートからプロフェッショナルな作業に至るまで、さまざまなシチュエーションで役立つため、どんな作業でも効率よく進めることができます。

    Amaake Tomosumi さんの ChatGPT 日本語版の使用体験は、最新のインターフェース、高速応答、そして多機能性がもたらす利便性に強く裏付けられています。このツールは、日常業務からクリエイティブな作業まで幅広く応用可能であり、誰でも手軽に使える点が特徴です。


    名前 : Amaake Tomosumi(あまあけ ともすみ)

    会社名:ChatGPT Japanese - ChatGPT 日本語

    マイページ :


    国: 日本


    電話番号:+81 3 5422 3311


    Googleマップ:Shibuya Mark City, 7th Floor (渋谷マークシティビル7F)

    日本語チャットgpt, #日本語チャットgpt, #無料チャットgpt

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  13. The ability to upload longer than 1 minute videos in the messages

    We need the ability to upload our checkin videos which for me are 3 minutes long. Right now it’s only 1 min

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  14. Ability to turn off voice messages for clients in DMs

    I want to be able to turn on or off ability for individual or all clients to send voice messages in direct message (DMs). Right now both me and my client can send each other voice messages in DMs, and I dont want them to be able to send me voice message back as it slows me down.

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  15. Send mass messages without having to click on every single client

    Having to click on every single client to send a mass massage is time consuming. Should be able to click a "Send to all clients" Button or something like that

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  16. Ability to create and customize our own auto-messages

    I can see this idea is already listed but throwing mine out there too in the hopes that this feature gets added. I have to manually add automessages to my clients program (I save them in a word doc and cut and paste them in). I'm nearing 200 clients so having to do this every time I set up a program is crazy and takes valuable time. This would improve onboarding, client satisfaction and retention and free up the coach's time for building more business.

    It only makes sense to Trainerize and to everyone.

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  17. Show 'Recent Activities' on right when in 'Messenger'

    Allow trainers to be able to see the 'Recent Activities' feed (unique to each client; as shown on client dashboard) while in the desktop messenger for each client. This would minimize clicking between pages while messaging/checking in with clients on the desktop messenger.

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  18. Spell check

    Spell check for the messages we send clients. Not that I'm illiterate, but I do brain dump to clients and spell lots wrong and don't always notice.

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  19. More emojies

    We need new emojies. STAT

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  20. Allow edits to client workout notes that have already been sent

    If you create a typo in a comment from a client’s workout, it would be great if you could edit those comments before the client sees instead of never being able to edit the comment.

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