Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
289 results found
Automated messages
Allow customized reoccurring messages on certain days and times
1 vote -
Voice memo’s in messaging that way you can give feedback & clients can better read your tonality when coaching.
I often use trainerize + WhatsApp strictly for the voice memo features. It benefits the client to be able to ask questions on the fly. It also benefits the trainer to be able to be more time efficient with responses. Additionally, having a voice memo feature allows for there to be less confusion with tone when giving coaching cues and critiques.
3 votes -
2 votes
Bulk delete Auto Messages
Ability to bulk edit or delete auto messages. Currently the sign for deleting auto messages is greyed out. Can we please have this ability. It's a chore to go in and delete all these auto messages one by one.
13 votes -
Increase video length from 1 minute to 5 minutes to support weekly client video check-ins
Increase video length from 1 minute to 5 - 10 minutes to support weekly client video check-ins. More coaches are moving from form based check-ins to video check-ins, clients have to send me multiple 1 minute videos to get all their points across currently and it would be good to be able to send it all in one video.
61 votes -
Ability to share or attach a recipe or meal within a message
In auto messages or direct messages, attach a recipe of the day video
32 votes -
Self-reminder (automessage) to notify about the upcoming plan expiration and the need to renew the plan
Self-reminder (automessage) to notify about the upcoming plan expiration and the need to renew the plan. Today, I am doing it manually.
1 vote -
The ability to have video messaging with clients that allows clips that are over a minute, and voice messages on trainerize messenger would be amazing. This could cut down on third party apps being used for communication and clients check ins.
2 votes -
Copy iMessage for Chat Feature
Everything about it
2 votes -
add a heart emoji and bicep emoji in messages - lose the thumbs up emoji (its so condescending)
add a heart emoji and bicep emoji in messages - lose the thumbs up emoji (its so condescending)
9 votes -
Update emojis for reactions
Can we please get different emojies? Heart, fire, sad, laughing
Instead of tongue lolSimple, but makes a difference.
Thanks!7 votes -
Is there a way to change the message at the end of a workout that says "see you tomorrow"? What if they don't have anything in their calenda
The message at the end of the workout that says "see you tomorrow" only makes sense if they actually have something scheduled for tomorrow. What if they don't have anything in their calendar for tomorrow? It sounds confusing to me! It would be better if it said "see you at your next workout" instead or just "Nice work today!"?
1 vote -
4 votes
Messenger history
One HUGE feature Facebook and What’s App have are the ability to search with a keyword through messages. This is a great selling point for coaches who go through a myriad of messages and want to more easily find past information from previous conversations without having to sift through numerous messages, which could take a lot of time.
2 votes -
Auto-Message with customization sheet with a Master Program
Being able to program auto-messages with a workout in discussion groups or in personal inbox of a master program subscriber. This way I can be sure to raise awareness to the client of a specific feature for the week. If it's only written on the client's program, he might miss it.
2 votes -
Add our own auto messages in settings
I would like the option to go into settings, and add/ edit an auto message to send out a reminder to all of our clients the Saturday before their first program starts. It is a pain to have to go into every programs calendar and do it, we have many different programs. So this takes up my whole day.
9 votes -
Basic clientele allowed into group chats
Allow basic clients to still be allowed access to group chats
4 votes -
Allow basic clients to message.
It would be great to have all messages for 1-1 personal training clients and online coaching clients in the same place!
15 votes -
Auto messages and emails should support more than one language.
Automated messages and mails can only be send in one language. If my client doesn't speak the standard language he should get the option to automatically change it to his language.
1 vote -
Interactive features in group chat
Having Polls or Yes/No voting options for types of posts in the group chat would be helpful to keep people engaged.
18 votes
- Don't see your idea?