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292 results found

  1. Message Reaction Additions

    I'd love to see the "fire" react, a "like" option, and maybe a "mind-blown" reaction as well, to start. It just seems a little weird reacting man-to-man with any of the other reaction options than the thumbs-up.

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  2. Threads for messages

    I've had to move my group to Facebook because it is not possible to create a thread. I do twice weekly group check ins where clients are required to respond.

    On top threads would help organise the chat so that other updates/messages do not get lost.

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  3. Enhanced Group Engagement & with Automation group chat Feature

    Summary: Introducing an automation group msging feature within the app for group environments, enhancing community engagement and fostering a sense of belonging. Trainers can set up automated messages such as welcome greetings, weekly check-ins, WOD (Workout of the Day) updates, motivational comments, and interactive polls. Additionally, the feature includes scoreboards to track achievements such as steps and personal bests, further promoting camaraderie and healthy competition among members.

    Detailed Information:
    - Trainers can automate group welcome messages to greet new members and foster a warm and inclusive environment from the outset.
    - Automated messages for weekly check-ins allow trainers to gather…

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  4. Fix how links display in the chat. Why do links to example loom or typeform, display as an ad?

    When I post a link in the chat, for example, a loom, typeform, etc, it pops up as a big ad.
    Pleases fix this to display the way these links display in text, social media dms etc.
    It's frustrating that I need to send these links to their email rather than in the chat so it displays betters.

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  5. A photo folder in the messages chat

    It would be awesome if like "messenger" there is a way to see all photos a client posts in the chat in a little folder. My clients use photos/videos in chat a lot and it would be awesome to not have to scroll through the messages to find them all the time. I often move my clients onto WhatsAPP for photos and video management, but I would love to be able to do all this in the app. I also get stuck with the 60 sec max video sharing, as I often do coaching vids that are longer than 60…

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  6. schedule messages

    Be able to schedule messages from the messages, and not need to fully open the clients profile/calendar

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  7. Message "Office Hours"

    I would like the ability to schedule "office hours" different from the current vacation message ability.

    When being messaged before or after my "in-office hours" I would like the ability to schedule a message stating that these are outside of my office hours and that their message will be answered when I return.

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  8. Make it possible to pick a certain time inside the video

    Right now while watching the client's video it is impossible to pick a certain time frame
    For example if I see something at 45s in to the video and want to look at that REP again specifically, then I got to exit the video and watch the first 44s of it again to be able to look at it for the second time

    This REALLY ups the time trainers need to spend on watching videos. Please make it so that we can pick different times through out the video.

    (Already been posted here, please go vote on it

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  9. Option to delete selected Auto messages from a program calendar

    Currently if you want to delete auto messages in the calendar, you have to select all items. The suggestion was made to have the option to delete selected auto messages rather than all items or none.

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  10. Initial Message Option (Coach to Client)

    Coaches need the ability to have an auto-generated message sent to the client (regardless of new or existing) upon PURCHASE of a product.

    As it is you can not automate a message to be sent to a client in that manner:


    I have a Nutrition Guidance product. Someone (new or existing) purchases it. They have no idea how to add/schedule an appointment for counseling. If you attempt to attach credits and a program to it that auto-sends a message with scheduling instructions ( I made a how-to screen-recording) or that sends them the "Book Now" links, the only option…

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  11. Coach can send hyperlinks through messaging (not just the long link)

    I do a lot of nutrition coaching through messages and check-ins, and the messaging right now is pretty primative. Would love to be able to send hyperlinked meal plans and nutrition guides without posting a 5 line link to canva (or whatever else I am linking) that looks pretty unprofessional and messy.

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  12. Ability to mass send auto messages with all your clients calendars, that is not attached to a master program.

    Being able to bulk edit, delete, and send auto messages to all clients that is not attached too master program. Each client has different programming for theirs individual goals, so its very annoying to schedule them like that when I want to send basic reminders for Nutrition, and exercise that applies to all clients the same regardless of their program type.

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  13. Keep messages positive! Here is an auto message generated to my client..

    This message auto generated questions understanding of a client. I believe all messages should not carry any questioning or sound negative.
    "Hope you're enjoying your workouts! Let me know if you want to change anything, or if you don't understand any of the exercises. Leave me a note in the workout, or message me here."🤨

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  14. Stock messages

    I send the same or similar messages over and over. Currently I have them saved in my notes on my phone and computer. But I would love to be able to create a list of stock messages I can scroll through when messaging clients about missed workouts, meal tracking, habits, etc.

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  15. Ability to add "notes" next to chat box where it says "files" to see client goals/medications/considerations

    To be able to see the client's goals and focus beside the chat box would help a lot with guiding and realigning the discussions. I have some clients that are taking SSRI's and other medications as well and it would be amazing to see all of that in one place for them next to the chat box instead of needing to open their profie.

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  16. auto reminder for a few days after signing a client up

    to set auto reminder for a few days after signing a client up. Example. Dont forget to return your PARQ and have a read through the PDF expr

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  17. Show overview of client profile and progress when messaging

    When I am messaging a client, it would be really helpful to see a side bar of their profile. Usually it shows "files". In addition or instead of that tab, having their profile overview would be awesome so I don't have to open up their profile and refer to it every time I'm answering messages.

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  18. Videos in chat!!!!

    Please make it possible for us to post a video directly into the message section! Sometimes you need a video in order to get your excitement across to your client!

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  19. Add Voice and Video Messages to Automated messaging system

    Simply put, giving us the ability to add automated Video and Voice messages to any master program and also schedule them in advance. for example I run a group challenge that I would like to add a welcome message to those that participate however right now I have to either opt for a text message or do every single message one at a time which is also very slow to upload.

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  20. Improved messaging please.

    I currently use Telegram to communicate with clients because I can pin messages, reply to certain messages, and send voice messages. It'd be a lot easier for the onboarding process if clients didn't have to sign up for multiple apps.

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