Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
289 results found
Add our own auto messages in settings
I would like the option to go into settings, and add/ edit an auto message to send out a reminder to all of our clients the Saturday before their first program starts. It is a pain to have to go into every programs calendar and do it, we have many different programs. So this takes up my whole day.
9 votes -
Option to send an automated message if its outside of "business hours"
Would love the option to have an automated message sent from me if a client sends a message outside of normal business hours. Would also be great if we could set business hours for when we get notifications. Boundary setting is important!
9 votes -
Be able to select which clients receive automated in app messages
Be able to select which clients receive automated in app messages
9 votes -
Folder for pdfs that I easily assign to clients or a group program.
A trainer’s folder to keep pdfs . I would like the ability to easily assign certain documents to clients, group or program. This keeps all their training/nutrition/program information in the app.
9 votes -
Better Quick Emoji Options in the Chat! ❤️👍💪🏆 👏 🎉😃
The current 6 emoji options that can be quickly accessed in the bottom right corner of the chat box are very lacking. For instance, I’ve NEVER used the “thumbs down” emoji, nor have I used the “waving hi” emoji – both are basically pointless and take the place of emojis that coaches are much more likely to use, like the “arm flexing” and/or “trophy” emoji or even just a simple “smiling” emoji (not a face that’s sticking its tongue out at a client…).
Here is a better lineup of emojis that I think coaches would appreciate having quick access to:…
8 votes -
add a love heart react in chat/ message
Sometimes the right response is a love heart rather than a thumbs up or celebration , please add this in to group chat and private message!
8 votes -
Threads for messages
I've had to move my group to Facebook because it is not possible to create a thread. I do twice weekly group check ins where clients are required to respond.
On top threads would help organise the chat so that other updates/messages do not get lost.
8 votes -
Ability to delete a bulk amount of reoccurring scheduled messages
For example, i have set a check in message for 52 weeks of the year and i cannot remove it. I have to go through and delete them individually. Aint no body got time for that
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Auto-reply to clients
If someone messages me and I'm out of town it would be cool to set an auto-reply stating as such.
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Option to Change the Date of Auto-Messages
I have auto check in messages set up in my Master program calendars.
Sometimes, because of client's scheduling, their exercise days don't fall on Monday-> Friday so I have to move the auto-messages.
To change the sequence of messages, I have to create new Auto-Messages into their calendar and delete the old ones.
It would be much easier to have an option of where I can open the prior scheduled auto-messages, and have them rescheduled to a different date.
8 votes -
8 votes
Make available the option to personalize automated messages to clients during initial setup
Please allow trainers to personalize the two automated messages a client receives during initial setup of their profile.
1) The message a client receives prior to taking the questionnaire and
2) After a client completes their profile!
Currently the second option reads as if I, an independent personal trainer, have multiple trainers on "staff". The ability to edit these messages would eliminate the look of errors in my business plan. It would also allow for a more personalized touch in all communication outreach, especially in the beginning stages of a client/trainer relationship.
Thank you!
8 votes -
Ability to blast auto-messages or announcements to specific cohorts based on rules
I really like the new function of the auto messages that was added and the fact that you can customize them. However, I would like to be able to create my own messages based on a criteria I put (ie. every Sunday morning at 8am) that is different than the ones currently in the tool. This way I don't have to use other tools to send out automated messages for me.
8 votes -
Pin Messages & Reply Directly to Message to Create Threads
To have the ability to pin messages in group chats.
To have the ability to reply directly to a message in a group chat creating a thread.This would allow you go do Q&As within a group chat which could take the coaching aspect to the next level. We dont want to have to use another platform like telegram for this.
7 votes -
Update emojis for reactions
Can we please get different emojies? Heart, fire, sad, laughing
Instead of tongue lolSimple, but makes a difference.
Thanks!7 votes -
7 votes
Voicenotes on messaging
Please can you include the option for trainers (and clients) to add voicenotes on the messaging feature to save time (like on WhatsApp?) Many thanks!
7 votes -
Separate auto-messages and events for 2 way and 1 way client types
It would be nice to have a separate welcome email / e-consultation form / auto-messages for the two different client types. When offering high and low ticketed products, a coach may want the auto-messages and events to look different for those two different offerings.
7 votes -
Automated "Missed Workout" messages...
We have non-editable missed payment messages, but what about a custom message for when people miss their workouts, rather than just relying on the tags feature.
It will add a further automation layer, therefore less stress on the trainer(s), when they have multiple people missing workouts.
For example, if we can set the time of the message to send at, say 7pm, asking why they haven't recorded a workout.
"Hey {FirstName}, I notice you didn't compete your workout today.. Why?"
7 votes -
Add assistant coach to existing chat
I would love to see the ability to add an assistant coach to an existing chat between the head coach and the athlete. I don't want to assign athletes to another coach and lose the relationship completely, but add them into my chat so they continue to get automated messages from me and the assistant coach has full access to it as well.
A group also isn't a good option for what I'd like as it would take away from the automated messages already programmed.
7 votes
- Don't see your idea?