Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
289 results found
54 votes
Be able to support mass scheduled messages
Being able to schedule messages would be a game changer for fully automated online training. We could technically do this using email marketing software alongside trainerize, but it would be nice to have it all in one spot. Also, it's nice to be able to write a one off message when you're thinking about it even if it won't be relevant until a few days later.
53 votes -
pin notes, links or messages in group chats
Some form of 'description' section on the group chat feature or the ability to pin certain information like links or messages to the top of group chats for easy access by all group members
47 votes -
Add a filter so unread messages can be sorted up to the top
Listen, we need the UNREAD MESSAGES to stay at the top. Trying to go through 800 clients of messages to find that one message is so nerve wrecking. Especially when I seen a group message and that all get pushed down. If it is unread keep it at the top PLEASE
47 votes -
Video Messages when on Desktop
It'd be awesome to be able to do video messages from desktop, so I don't have to go back and forth on mobile a ton, and since it would upload a lot faster than on mobile.
34 votes -
Have a business support or shared inbox, so the reply workload can be spread out
I want to allow my assistants to be able to log in as themselves, and see messages between me (and/or other trainers) and clients. As is, they have to log in as me, and answer as though it's me, but say "hey, it's Lauren..." Based on the description of the Admin role, it seems like this would have been possible, but it's not. This would be very helpful for studio / enterprise level customers like myself with 300+ clients in the system.
It would help if we can share a collaborative inbox.
34 votes -
Ability to share or attach a recipe or meal within a message
In auto messages or direct messages, attach a recipe of the day video
32 votes -
Allow multilingual support with a translation tool, from which users are able to translate the app to their own language
Allow multilingual support with a translation tool, from which users are able to translate the app to their own language.
This allows for a faster integration of other languages, as we are getting complaints from our users that they are not fluent enough in English and hence not able to use the app in a friendly way.
This is one of the most important reasons our clients end their subscriptions.
30 votes -
Post workout selfie prompt after completing a workout
Upon completing a workout, prompting the client/user to take a post-workout selfie that would post inside the group they're involved in would be awesome.
29 votes -
Create availability or do not disturb hours for trainers for chats
Create "contact hours" for trainers and have them unavailable on messenger when they are scheduled to be out of office
29 votes -
Longer videos in the attachment section of the client's profile
In the attachment section of the client's profiles, there is a limit of around 8mb (1 minute max, sometimes even less, 50 seconds or so) for video uploads. This section would be really useful for any trainers that want to upload mobility tests that clients have done to track their progress. This way the trainer can track how the client has progressed from the start. This is the same for any exercises that the client may have had issues with. They can be uploaded at the start, be worked on with the trainer, and then upload new videos of the…
26 votes -
Pin messages in chat
To have the ability to pin important messages within a client conversation so the message is always there and can act as a reminder for both the coach and the client.
26 votes -
Automated Messages per Trainer
Allow automated messages to be sent/created on a per Trainer basis. Basically, allow each Trainer to create their own messages.
26 votes -
Ability to mass message from mobile app
Why can’t we send a mass message from the IPhone app? Select multiple clients and send a message. It only works from the web based site?
24 votes -
Add in a heart to the “liking” part to messages
My clients always send me messages of how they’re doing and I feel bad just giving a thumbs up so a heart would be great to recognize their message!
22 votes -
Add hyperlinks into auto-messages
Rather than paste a full url into an auto-message, have the ability to add a hyperlink to specific text.
19 votes -
Interactive features in group chat
Having Polls or Yes/No voting options for types of posts in the group chat would be helpful to keep people engaged.
18 votes -
Online status on messenger
Online status, showing a small green dot or "online" badge when the client/coach is currently online.
17 votes -
Video analysis - voice over & scrub video
It would be INCREDIBLE if you could respond to a client sending a video of their exercise with a voice over/screen record of you scrubbing through the video and talking through what they could do better. I coach a lot of athletes and this would be super relevant
17 votes -
Search feature on the message system. That way if we have to go back and look for something, we don't have to scroll forever.
If we have to go back and look for something specific, it takes a pretty long time to scroll back. We have a lot of clients who have been with us for well over a year..and more. Searching the history of messages can take a really long time.
17 votes
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