Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
229 results found
Better permissions to restrict access to certain areas of Payments section
Owners should be able to adjust admin/manager access accordingly through a customization option or a checklist and grant certain permissions.
Example: create an admin and allow them to view the payments tab, but restrict them from the summary tab, invoices tab, and transactions tab.
Admins shouldn't always be able to view summary, revenue and invoices.
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Choose date to cancel purchase
I require clients to give 30 days notice. Which means currently, I cannot enter anything in the system to cancel their purchase when they request it, because there is no option to choose past their current billing cycle. This would be a very helpful feature.
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Payment for iceland!
Set iceland as a option in payments
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Option to un-publish a product (like you can with meals)
Having an option to unpublish products from showing in the link would be very helpful. Currently you have to delete the product in order for it to not show at certain times.
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setup default product automation settings
Can we please have the ability to setup a default set of values for new products?
For example, I am never going to sell a package that starts on the day of purchase. They will always start "next Monday", and always be removed from the platform as soon as the program is over, as I make upsells during the program.
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Stripe payment options for Jamaican trainers
Integrating in app payments for a seamless process for clients with trainers residing in Jamaica
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Add Stripe Climate Change contributions statement to Trainerize checkout and receipts
Add Stripe Climate Change contributions statement to Trainerize checkout and receipts to show customers part of their payments are going to help fight the global climate issues.
More info: vote -
Ability to embed my trainer's profiles all on my own website
Right now, my trainers fill out their profiles on their Trainerize account. It would be great to be able to just embed this onto my own website so I don't have to create my own website pages for them.
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Product Images on Duplicated Products
When duplicating a product, the product image isn't copied across. It would save time if the image was duplicated along with the rest of the details.
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add a product to a client without making him pay for it
Whenever you want to add a product to a client, it makes your client purchase it. If the trainer can add it, the client wouldn't have to pay for it and can start right away.
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Recurring payments come out on the 1st of the month
Have the option for all recurring payments to come out on the 1st of each month. Currentl, there is the option for payments to come out on a fixed date, one time or recurring from the date of payment. For the purpose of monthly tracking, it would be handy to have the option for recurring payments to come out on a particular date of every month.
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Flexible core/add on product pricing and term lengths
Having the ability to create one package type and be able to sell that same package with a different duration and/or invoice amount.
Right now I am currently having to create new products each time because either the next client we sell has a different duration than the previous client OR they put more cash down up front to have a lower monthly payment. Instead of being able to sell one (Hybrid package) and set terms and pricing accordingly, I am having to create new products, price points and terms. Very hectic
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Make trainerize pay accesible in my area (Philippines)
I want to use the cool feature of selling products through the app. Please make it happen.😔
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Download revenue chart
It would be great if we could download the revenue chart!
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Add one off purchases on top of weekly recurring charges
If someone is on a regular recurring weekly payment but they want to add another product, currently I have to cancel that product, process the single payment and then have them reaccept the weekly product.
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Multiple invoicing
I have clients in recurring invoices that then want to buy extras that would require a separate one time invoice. It would be nice being able to send additional invoices as needed even if someone is already on a recurring invoices set up.
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More flexibility with billing/scheduling payments
When I go to schedule a new package for a client (say their current automated program ends in two weeks) but I want to plan for their program to change at the end of this so I schedule a new program, the client panics because they get a message saying they need to accept the new plan and then have to pay for it in advance. I need a way to schedule out packages with being able to control the notify, pay, deliver schedule specifically.
Can we find a way where the trainer chooses WHEN to notify the client of…
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Export my Trainerize pay products to my Facebook page
One click export my Trainerize pay products to my Facebook page so my clients can purchase them.
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Automatic payment for UAE
Automatic payment are not working in UAE, is it possible to make it happen ?
1 vote
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