Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
299 results found
Enable data sync with Chronometer
Enable data sync with other macro tracking apps such as chronometer and carb manager
15 votes -
Calorie expenditure instead of just intake
Clients can integrate FitBit, Withings, Apple Watch, apple health, google health, MyFitnessPal, etc. so why can they only track calorie intake on Trainerize? The other apps can already track the output so it would be nice for it to transfer to trainerize so we can see the expenditure of at least a workout. It would be great to see workout, daily, and weekly totals.
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15 votes
We need the app in SPANISH!
I have a lot of spanish clients and they are not keen on using the english app... I have been paying trainerize for years, I would love if you could add spanish! Thank you
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I’d like the ability to easily toggle between my coaching dashboard and my own personal training dashboard without having to sign in and out
I’m new to this app so I could be mistaken but, I’d like the ability to easily toggle between my coaching dashboard and my own personal training dashboard without having to sign in and out. I use Trainerize to program for my clients and my coach uses Trainerize to program for me. And in order to access those, I’m constantly having to sign in and out.
14 votes -
Import from Peloton
Import from Peloton, or if not able to directly, import from Strava.
14 votes -
Allow to toggle between coaching and client account. As I am a coach and client it is very inconvenient to have to sign in/out constantly.
It would be nice to stay signed into the app and be able to switch between accounts. Just like Instagram if you have multiple accounts you can easily switch without having to sign in and out. Signing in and out on a mobile device is one thing but doing it on the desktop is almost impossible as it does not allow you to switch between different coaching programs. This integration would drastically increase the ease of use for the app.
13 votes -
Integrate with Evolt360
It would be amazing to integrate body scan results from Evolt360 or InBody scanners
13 votes -
Video cropping/looping in app
Adding the option to trim the ends of a video, and then loop it would be amazing!
13 votes -
Add visibook so clients can book directly or create a booking session tab so clients can book sessions.
This will help clients book their appointments and keep up with them.
13 votes -
Provide the ability to import historic body stats data using simple CSV files.
When you are moving to a new platform such as trainerize and you want to make use of all your existing data. Bulk importing body stats and training results by CSV is the easiest way. If you can provide import capability then it makes it much easier to switch.
This would be great for people using excel files from before or for people using InBody .
13 votes -
Integrate login and membership with wordpress so clients can use the same login
I would like to be able to integrate the login and registration/inquiry form to my website. Then the user will only ever see my page, and the user-backend of Trainerize. and get a lot cleaner experience.
Using embed as an example should be pretty easy to do, but probably there are nicer ways as well.
I'm using Wordpress myself.
13 votes -
Add ability to track functional movement scores FMS
Be able to see if a client is improving in mobility.
13 votes -
I think a voice note feature along with a video note feature would be a great option for what we pay per month. Also
I think a voice note feature along with a video note feature would be a great option for what we pay per month. Also, I think an area where we can import google docs or excel spreadsheets of our own to use as a skeleton for each client and they then have their own folder.
12 votes -
Ability to import past body stats Inbody entries into Trainerize
It would be great if we can import existing body stats entries from excel files or exports from InBody into Trainerize so the clients can have all their data in one place.
12 votes -
Built In Checkins
You know you want to ;)
scheduled it like progress pics/weight
ability to ask the questions we want to and build out the look of it for our client niche
Or ability to integrate external software into app
11 votes -
Lean Mass (muscle) should be pulled from InBody and Tracked in Trainerize
Trainerize only tracks lean mass (which is fat free mass) from InBody and not Lean Mass (muscle). Lean Mass (muscle) should be tracked as well.
11 votes -
Allow us to bundle a free Apple watch with our client sign ups
Some gyms have a program where a client signs up for 24 months, we can offer a free Apple watch.
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Link with weight watchers
I have a client that uses the weight watchers app to track her food. That would be another great app to link with.
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11 votes
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