Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
299 results found
Be able to sync smart watches that aren’t Apple or Fitbit.
I have a client that has an Active watch but she’s struggling to get her steps synced with Trainerize even with the Withings app.
8 votes -
Upload youtube videos thru add-ons integrations via MOBILE
Capability to upload youtube videos to the app via mobile.
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Easier way to enter running programs (upload them
Being able to enter running programs (distances and instructions) directly instead of having to create a workout.
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Add Headspace as an integration
Would love to be able to easily integrate a mindfulness session into my online clients workouts as I have seen great results with the athletes I try when they incorporate this into their routine.
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MyFitnessPal Micronutrients Tracking
Provide the micronutrients tracking information from MyFitnessPal within Trainerize.
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Connect to LiveStrong's MyPlate?
It would be awesome if we could connect to LiveStrong's MyPlate or other nutritional tracking information. I received feedback from one of my clients today that smudged an otherwise excellent review.
"The Trainerize app she uses was helpful, with example videos of the exercises and a timer function right there. It also sent daily reminders of what I needed to complete that day. However I did find the MyFitnessPal app used for tracking food a bit clunky-- I have used LiveStrong's MyPlate app in the past and prefer that one for what seems to be more accurate nutritional info, and…
8 votes -
Access Instagram videos for Adding to exercise database
Instead of only YouTube video options, allow Instagram videos to integrate into the programs
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Integrations for samsung health and galaxy watch integration
Integrations for samsung health and galaxy watch integration
7 votes -
dark mode
DARK MODE! Its been requested and voted on so much since 2018 and its almost 2024 and no dark mode which is an absolute standard now across the board for apps now.
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To be able to loop our own videos for HIIT workouts.
To be able to loop our own videos for HIIT workouts.
You should be able to create a 3-6 second clip and upload it for it to be able to be used to loop. and then have an option to upload a longer one.As you create a new exercise there can be 2 video uplaod options, a long format and short format.
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Allow calanders to be synced to Outlook / Office 365
Its really awesome you can sync your calander with iSO and Google Calander, but it would be great if you could also sync it to your outlook calander.
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Ability to link existing members in InBody Web into Trainerize
Right now, Trainerize creates a new record for each client.
I wish Trainerize can detect the existing members in InBody and link up the systems that way.
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Ability to track wellbeing/Mental Health/Mood
It would be nice if there was some way of tracking a clients mood on a daily basis as exercise massively assists people mental health and state of mind it would be good for clients to be able to view their progress, not just physically but mentally too!!
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Integrate with Amazon Halo
Integrate with Amazon Halo
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Make PAR-Q & Waiver process automatic so that PDFs are not being sent back and forth.
Clients having to download PDF versions of the PAR-Q and Waivers is inefficient. They are not likely to actually download, print off, and scan these documents back. It would be AWESOME to make this forms similar to the consultation form- something they have to fill out as a part of their sign up process.
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Precision Nutrition integration
Precision Nutrition integration
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Please create a watch connections for the brand Amazfit
Please allow the app to sync with the smartwatch brand Amazfit
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Import exercise heart rate stats
Have a tile that shows the imported stats of heart rate during the programmed workouts.
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7 votes
Mi-fit connection
I hope we can also sync our mi fit app
7 votes
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