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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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182 results found

  1. please add a reply button in a community chat under comments rather than @ them down below (like Instagram or Facebook)

    In a community chat I would love to see a reply button directly under that comment rather than having to @ everyone down below. This would help keep comments and reply’s together just like how Instagram or Facebook does it.

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  2. Go Live Video Session in group's

    I think the option to Go Live in groups will be awesome.

    Especially with challenges you need to gather so there is a great meeting.

    For challenges using Facebook is not professional while we have a great app...

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  3. Allow client to delete a group they no longer participate in

    I have a client who’s part of a group with a trainer that left our club. She would like to delete his group from her account, as she is now training with me.

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  4. Show leaderboard for challenges on Studio App

    Only my clients with Trainerize app or android can see the challenge on their app. All my members that use IOS can’t see the challenge and leaderboard on their studio branded app.

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  5. Step challenges

    Hey! Step challenges are highly usable for company groups wanting to track their employees daily movements. Would love if there is a way to display everyone’s steps on a leader board or creating a group goal, such as distances ( New York - LA) or (100 million steps in 100 days ) Or can a daily habit of say 8k steps automatically lead to a habit being checked of ? Thx!

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  6. 1 vote

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  7. Max points per day on Challenges

    Limit the max amount of points that can be earned in a single day (eg. 20 points) so that clients who record multiple cardio activities in a day do not get excess points or if the client accidentally tracks a workout more than once.

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  8. 1 vote

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  9. I'll be honest, until you can choose WHICH workouts, cardio, habits, etc. are supposed to be counted towards the challenges - they're pretty

    I'll be honest, until you can choose WHICH workouts, cardio, habits, etc. are supposed to be counted towards the challenges - they're pretty

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  10. Indpendent challanges for clients

    I see you have a Beta Challenge section this is great however, it is mainly aimed towards a collective, It would be great to great this for individual clients so we can reward them when they achive a challenge set.

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  11. Give basic client's acces to groups and massaging

    I want to give all my basic clients access to my community group in the app and make messaging possible...

    Ok, I'm training them 1on1 in real life but they need contact with others, and want to send me a message, now we use WhatsApp so I think it will be awesome to let the get used to it with Trainerize... And maybe this gives me a great opportunity to make a transition to go online with them after I thought them the basics in real life 1on1 trainings...

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  12. 1 vote

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  13. course

    Ability to make Educational Course Content and not have clients using a separate course builder on a website in addition to the App. Right now the App isn't set up to deliver education nutrition, health information via a video course. You have the WOD, but that is titled "Workout of the Day." You can change this in the meantime to "Training of the Day," so at least that can cover physical training and educational training videos and still make sense for a bandaid for now. Would be nice to have a true course build out with dates when to watch…

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  14. Can we use custom images for the group icon. It would be perfect for branding. The selection of provided icon images isn’t extremely diverse

    Can we use custom images for the group icon. It would be perfect for branding. The selection of provided icon images isn’t extremely diverse. The ability to use our own images expands creativity

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  15. Make the order of groups interchangeable

    I just made a new group, but now my most used group is listed below this new group. This doesn't make sense ergonomically for my clients or myself, because the new group won't be used as much as the previous top-listed group, and there is no option to change the order of my groups. Please vote to create the option to change the order of existing groups so we don't have to delete entire chats just to reorder the groups.

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  16. If wrong permissions were set on a group and client notifications pop up of task completions & goals hit, allow us the capability to delete

    Sometimes I accidentally forget to click off the notification settings in a group when a client hits a goal, etc. I only realize once a client performs one and the badge/notification pops up in the group. Can we please have permission to delete this info from the group as the trainer/host?

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  17. How to Make Groups Better w/a Leaderboard & digital badge for the leaders or winners

    Leaderboard for groups/digital badge winner
    There’s already the ability to make groups. So why not make a Leader Board inside the group or on everyone's home screen that's in that group? The leaders could be determined every week/every 2 weeks/every month/quarter or every year. The top 10 or 5 or 3 get a digital badge and the leader board is based on activity/workouts/logged nutrition/overall compliance etc etc. The winner or winners receive a digital badge and bragging rights. This could go even farther to be used as credits towards discounts on their monthly payment or digital products or merch etc…

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  18. Ability to add all clients on a manager account to a challenge rather than just your assigned clients

    Its hard to add all clients to a challenge as you can only see the clients assigned to you.

    An Admin or manager account should be able to see all clients and add all clients to the challenge easily rather than needing to type each clients name individually to add them if they are with another coach. Or a selection to add to challenge based on Gender, program type, coach etc?

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  19. Adding members via groups, automations, or program type.

    Make it easier to add individuals.

    Tie challenges to groups, automations, program type or tags.

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  20. Disabling what notifications a group sees based on each individual not just the group as a whole

    I like that you can customize what daily accomplishments the group will see like completed workouts, habits, daily nutrition, etc. But it would be nice to have a general setting for the entire group, then be able to further customize for individuals. I have some clients that don't want a particular daily habit to get sent to the entire group when the accomplish it, but I don't want to disable habits from showing for the entire group necessarily. Perhaps you could click on an individual within the group and have the group settings pull up then make further customizations for…

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