Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
45 results found
Custom logo on the personal best/achievement screen
When my clients share their personal best, I’d love for people to able to see my brand. We pay a lot of money for these features and this update would add a very nice touch.
4 votes -
Remove Trainerize Welcome Video
Option to remove the Trainerize welcome video so that clients don't have to navigate through the custom welcome video and the Trainerize welcome video
10 votes -
Custom Links Page Available for Studio Accounts with Pro CBA
There is no error message on the Custom Branded App custom link page to indicate that Studio Accounts with Pro CBAs will not see the custom links on the app which causes confusion and frustration
2 votes -
Suggestion to Enable Manual Language Customization in Trainerize
I believe a valuable improvement would be to allow trainers the option to manually customize certain interface elements into other languages. Specifically, the ability to translate menu names, button labels, and notification messages would allow us to provide a more accessible and culturally adapted experience for our clients.
This feature would empower us to better connect with non-English-speaking clients by presenting a seamless, fully personalized interface in their native language. In my experience, clients are more engaged and comfortable with a platform that speaks their language, which would likely increase usage and retention rates.
Thank you for considering this feature!
3 votes -
Put the app on FRENCH !
You should put the possibilty to put the app on french. It's very difficult to use the app for my french customers ! thanks
1 vote -
Create programs to sell to mass audience where its a one time purchase to a program they own forever, without making them a coaching client
Create programs to sell to mass audience where its a one time purchase to a program they own forever, without making them a coaching client.
2 votes -
Make Printing Of Programs Look Better ( remove Play button + Add Business logo to printout)
Please make the printout of a program look better. Currently, the big Play arrow covers half the photo, and our business logo does not appear. Some people prefer printouts.
2 votes -
Multi-language App
There must be the option of English, Spanish and Portuguese (Br). They are the 3 types of clients that I have and the fact that it is only in English generates rejection and that means that I lose potential clients.
6 votes -
Inherit Light/Dark Mode from Account Settings on Login Screen
A recent change to the login screen defaults it to dark mode, creating visibility issues for trainers using dark logos. This is particularly problematic for trainers who pay for a branded experience, as users encounter an "off-brand" experience upon logging into the portal. While the web app and mobile app adhere to the light/dark mode and logo preferences set in account settings, the login screen does not. This inconsistency undermines the seamless branding expected across the platform.Proposed Solution:
Update the login screen to inherit the light/dark mode settings and logo preferences directly from the trainer's account settings. Since…1 vote -
Make app sync workouts to garmin native apps.
I have many online clients who wear garmin watches. There should be a way to sync the apps that I design and send to their watch.
2 votes -
Allow users to modify their RPE entry
My clients are clicking off too fast on the RPE button and by default, it rates their RPE at 1/10. They want to be able to go back and modify their entry.
1 vote -
Sharing Workout Branding Logo
When a client finishes their workout and can post it to their Instagram or Facebook maybe it display the branding of the company/business rather than just the "Congratulations, You've completed your Workout"
39 votes -
Musik Klingeltöne kostenlos anzuhören?
Die Technologie entwickelt sich ständig weiter, um den Bedürfnissen beim Hören der besten kostenlosen Klingeltöne unter gerecht zu werden.
1 vote -
hide workout feature
Adding The hide workout feature was extremely useful. The ability to add a client's entire program to his/her training plan and making only the ones you want them to do during a particular cycle is MUCH more effective
1 vote -
5 votes
Auto sizing for images
It would be great to be able to load up an image for a meal and have it auto size to the dimensions for desktop / mobile (app) without the image being cutoff in any area.
4 votes -
Have the ability to remove the Trainerize Portion from the dashboard link on the desktop version.
If you have an account with the custom app and branding there should also be the option to remove the Trainerize portion of the desktop dashboard link as well to have it also be fully customized to our individual company/ business like the app is. Even if this would incur and additional fee.
Remove the trainerize part from the link.5 votes -
11 votes
Ability to change app colours and fonts to match my business’ branding
Would be awesome to have flexibility in adjust the apps colours and fonts in order to better match my business’ branding. Would make things flow better across all apps.
22 votes -
Make custom content as robust as built-in content!
When I create custom habits, they are severely hamstrung in terms of what can be shown to the client on the display page. Most clients do not swipe to the next page and do not understand how habits work. They simply see a habit name and mark it as completed or ignore it.
When I create a new exercise, I can't choose the thumbnail used and there are no looping video excerpts. I also can't make a grouped left/right split version of them.
Both of these are examples of how the built in content has powers/features that are not available…
2 votes
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