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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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213 results found

  1. Online Booking should not show WHO is in the class client is booking for. Privacy should be priority.

    When client online books, they should not be able to see who else has booked at the time slot.
    My current clients do not like the fact that anyone who is my client can see where they are booked.

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  2. Allow coaches to re-schedule repeat bookings

    When editing times of repeat bookings have the option to re-schedule all events in series or only one

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  3. Double Book Different Appointment Type

    Clients need to be able to book to come in to the training room for self-service options like cardio or mobility work assigned to them while I work with other clients. The time slots only allow one type of appointment at the moment so I can't see what the needs of the people coming in are if they book under the only type available.

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  4. Ability to create a custom booking window.

    I would like for my clients to be able to book in 30 minutes before a class starts. It would be helpful to not be limited to choosing between 0 or 2 hours before the class begins. I'd like to be able to enter in a custom time.

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  5. Ability to add link to booking portal in places that aren't Trainerize.

    I want to be able to add my booking calendar link to my social media bio so anyone can book in for a consult, or online programming session to reach new audiences.

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  6. Checkin Clients to Classes and weekly reports on attendance

    Allow us to check clients in and if they no show send them an automated message. At the end of the week create a report to see which clients didnt show up for all their workouts that their plan is (2x or 3x a week) so we can reach out to them.

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  7. Allow coaches to setup recurring booking credits without linked payment

    Right now, If we wanted to add recurring booking credits to a clients account, they have to be charged directly for the credits.

    This means:
    We can't give free trials with recurring credits.
    We can't allow a client to attend without paying through TZ because they may be getting free training or they are paying by other means.
    We can't edit/cancel the payment or credits without also editing or canceling the payments.

    I suggest simply removing the requirement for a recurring credit package to be paid for directly. We could still attach a payment to it if we'd like or…

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  8. Can we please allow clients to book with multiple trainers

    Allow clients to book in with different trainers.

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  9. Automatically be added when on wait list

    Would be ideal if when the member is on a waitlist and a spot opens up that they get added to the class automatically. Other fitness places who have apps have this - example Orangetheory.

    The problem with the way Women’s Fitness has their app currently, is if you get on the waitlist, you get emailed when a spot opens up but if you miss that email, then someone will grab that spot and you miss out.

    Hopefully, this will be rectified.

    Thanks for listening…

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  10. Have Asset Management capability within Scheduling / Appointments

    Have Asset Management capability within Scheduling / Appointments so clients could book more than one asset (example staff member & a space or specialized equipment like a sauna or ice bath or compression massage). Many gyms are including these value add-ons to business!

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  11. Quels sont les avantages du Chat Français ?

    ChatGPT Gratuit : Vérificateur de grammaire IA à votre service
    Dans un monde où la communication écrite est omniprésente, l'importance d'une grammaire correcte ne peut être sous-estimée. Que ce soit pour rédiger des e-mails professionnels, des articles de blog ou des devoirs universitaires, les erreurs grammaticales peuvent nuire à la crédibilité de votre message. C’est ici qu’intervient ChatGPT Gratuit, un outil révolutionnaire qui utilise l’intelligence artificielle pour détecter et corriger vos erreurs de grammaire en quelques secondes.
    Pour des informations détaillées, voir :

    Pourquoi choisir ChatGPT Gratuit ?
    Le marché regorge d’outils de vérification grammaticale, mais ChatGPT Gratuit…

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  12. Confirm or deny a session booked by client..

    I would like to be able to say yes or no when someone books a session because I may have something else going on at that time that is not in my trainerized schedule so they automatically assume that they have a session and I might be going to lunch or something so if we could click confirm or deny and leave it pending until we do that as trainers that would help us and the clients stay on the same page

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  13. unlimited credits

    Unlimited session/class credits as an option when creating memberships or packages.

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  14. Have the capabilities to unexpire sessions after they expire

    When sessions expire and your client isn't able to use them because of some unforeseen cause, we should be able to unexpire these sessions.

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  15. client should be able to cancel their booked appointments

    Clients are able to book sessions but not remove themselves if they can't make it to the workout. I can remove them from it, but they can't do it themselves.

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  16. 3 votes

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  17. ability for clients to filter through group classes

    currently clients must scroll past 100s of classes, it would be good to filter by class name etc

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  18. 50min group sessions in event types, I need to add more sessions in at peak times and making them 50mins versus 60mins lets me do this.

    50min group sessions in event types, I need to add more sessions in at peak times and making them 50mins versus 60mins lets me do this. Is this feature possible to add asap I dont want to move to a new booking app.

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  19. Ability to Cancel Appointment

    Ability to cancel an appointment instead of deleting it. The event should still appear on calendar with a strike through it to indicate it has been cancelled. This helps keep track of missed appointments ie. refunds, consistency etc.

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  20. Make an app that works

    This app is terrible. It doesn’t work properly and custom support is horrendous. Members have not been able to sign up for my classes for several months due to an issue with my email?! Here’s an idea, how about you make an app that works. Thanks!

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