Be able to add or drop certain screens during the account setup process
Not make clients enter their weight and making sure none of the pre-programmed plans have language or focus about/on burning calories and losing weight.
For habits coaching, for example, I don't care about weight etc.
For nutrition coaching habits, for example, it would make sense I would collect more information like weight loss goals, current weight etc.

Barnaby Ball commented
Please please remove this, this forum has been time-stamped since 2019! is now 2023. Please action this, it's completely unnecessary to have it as a requirement.
Laurine Kulczycky commented
Yes! I've been dying for them to remove this.
Kate commented
Honestly shocked that is is a forced metric. For so many reasons, this is NOT the first impression I want my clients experiencing...and it's kindof archaic to be so body weight focused as a default. Please make it something we can remove if we want!
Along the same lines, I would like to be able to preset which tiles show up for my client on their dashboard. None of my clients need to see body weight, body fat, calories, progress photos, or any of those things (at least NOT at the beginning). Yes, there is a place for them depending on your client and their goals, but my clients don't need it.
What they DO need is metric tracking around their cycle.
Trainerize has a lot going for it, but does anyone know of training software designed by women? Doesn't matter what software you choose, it's very obvious there has not been any input from women on what would be useful.
Connor Williams commented
Some clients may want to track their weight and some may not, make it optional, however it does also help the app calculate there BMR for us which is handy so we can set nutrition goals.
progress photos on 1st sign up shouldn't be there as we can always add them to the start of a program instead.
Jennifer Bigby commented
I agree this should be optional
Chris Van Nostrand commented
This is not a metric I want included in a generic sign-up form. I'll ask about it later only if absolutely necessary. It sets a really bad first impression for clients when I try to avoid diet culture altogether.
Lisa Dreyer commented
I agree also - i'd like to be able to modifty the welcome message. My clients do not want to take their before pictures and add them to the program. Can this be eliminated?
Pippa Dunn commented
Maybe for it to be optional as opposed to removing it all together ... or for the trainer to be able to decide whether to include the weight question when adding a new client.
Because a lot of clients are weight focused and the figure helps us to calculate their BMR / cals / macros where necessary.
Jess Eliason commented
We have several clients who are under the age of 18 and struggling with body image issues, eating disorders, etc. As trainers who are trying to help them develop healthy habits, I hate that we ask them for their weight on first sign in. Could we have the profile customizable, or an option for the client to say "prefer not to answer".
Strong Mom Fitness commented
Not asking clients for their weight when signing up
Lauren Prufer commented
Yes I hate this and progress photos! I don't like the focus on weight at all - and how it reflects on me as a coach!
Lauren Prufer commented
I'd like to be able to get rid of "progress photos" and asking for people's weights - I only work with athletes and I really don't want to be seeing their bikini shots. And I want to take the focus away from weight and onto being the healthiest best version of themselves they can be.
What I would like is to be able to request "progress videos" so I could maybe get them to film themselves performing a specific exercise or skill on a regular basis to provide virtual feedback.
The focus on progress photos and weight can actually be problematic and harmful to some athletes/some of my clients. It's really not what I want my athletes focussing on - as they get fitter, they're body may naturally change, but the focus is on performance first.
Obviously lots of trainers have weight loss focussed clients, but having worked in that industry, I think it'd be really valuable to be able to control whether it is a focus for a given person.
So I'd like the option to remove them progress photos and weight! And also to be able to cue them to upload a video.
Thanks guys!
Esther commented
Not asking clients for their weight when signing up
Jocelyn Bergeron commented
Not asking clients for their weight when signing up
Cristin Zaimes commented
Agree, actually considering a switch if I can’t turn it off.
Jenny Halstead commented
Absolutely agreed. The MY PROGRESS screen should be set by the trainer. And allow the trainer to use best practices for their expertise.
Cassie David commented
I would vote this be optional!
Anonymous commented
It would be helpful if we could turn this option off, or have a "what is your goal?" question instead prompting them to enter stats or smart goals in conjunction with their individual purpose for training.
Lisa Hisscock commented
Couldn't agree more with this post and the comments. Weight should not be mandatory!
Lara Gregory commented
Would like to be able to turn off this requirement per client