Zone interval training / metcon cardio intervals
Customize zone targets time in cardio workouts. Zone 1 for 5 min, zone 2 for 10 min, etc. Build a heart rate interval workout.

Coach Adrian commented
Hey there! Any update here??
Coach Adrian commented
Any update on this one?! Thanks!
Coach Adrian commented
It would be great to see this in there!
Jason Hardy commented
look at pear fitness for a great example of what many people might want
Lexi Wright commented
Would love AMRAp and EMOMs added i use alot of those
Ryan Lovstad commented
Add a description box for cardio workouts. This would enable us to program more structured workouts by providing, pace, time, distance along with writing up an interval workout.
Dan DEgidio commented
I love this idea too! I'm working with runners, so having a better way to program specific zones would help a whole lot!
Peter Györffy commented
Yes. Would love that. Currently I need to use another program for clients that are runners for example.
Sam Eiszele commented
Yes please, this would be great when programming 'AMRAPS'
Adrian commented
This would be a game changer when it comes to conditioning/ Energy System Development!
Adrian commented
YES PLEASE!!!!!!!!!
Christina Relke commented
I train many of my clients referencing HR Zones, as well as setting their personalized Zones. I guess I was one of the few that used this feature before it was removed! I would love if it could be brought back, please.
Chelsea Kmiec commented
YES. I hate that the ability to add custom targets was removed. I would use the custom target and type out the HR intervals for my clients. Upset that this is gone, so please bring back something better.
Chelsea Garcia commented
Assign your own specific heart rate ranges during cardio activities. I specifically test VO2 max to give my clients specific heart rate zones for different modes of exercise (run, cycle, elliptical, etc.). Heart rates will differ depending on the amount of musculature you use during that specific mode of exercise. I would like to be able to put in a specific range (120-134 bpm) in the time or distance + HR boxes instead of it only allowing an option for % of HR max. Heart rate percentages are often times way off depending on how trained or untrained an individual is. HR zones can often times change drastically depending on the time of training someone is doing. It would be awesome to be able to assign a zone and change it as often as their physiology adapts to programming.
Ariel Wyant commented
This would be easily obtained in another app that is exclusively for workouts. This app seems more of an informational and data source vs a place to operate out of for daily use for workouts and for.
Joshua Cauchi commented
This would be awesome to link to myzone for this reason
Elizabeth Wergin commented
I would like to be able to add distance as a option for the intervals vs just time. Ex: 800 meters vs only in minutes. I would also like to be able to enter a suggested pace (minutes/mile).
Elizabeth Wergin commented
Ability to customize running to have intervals, pace, etc.
Stephanie Ozinga commented
I end up having to type everything out in the description box and telling clients to just use the videos for demo only. Similar to Wodify - have a place where they can enter their time/reps/ wt used and other stats
Matt Hancocks commented
This is absolutely necessary.
there should be sub-categories of workouts meaning tracking would be accurate.When clients achieve 5 workout milestone but actually they have completed 10 cardio sessions it can be dis-heartening for them.
workouts should be the total number of all activities completed (strength, hiit, cardio, yoga) they are all workouts and should be registered as such