Need a dedicated weight field when creating a workout plan
Right now, each exercise added to a Workout only has one field for sets and one field for everything else, Weight/resistance, reps, special notes/instructions.
This is far, far too limiting. Especially in the case of weight/resistance. All of my clients are demanding to know what weight to use, especially because this can vary depending on total reps assigned. They are thrown off when Trainerize shows them previous max weights, which is not always applicable to a given workout. (For example, if we had an in-person session where I figured out their 1RM with them and logged this, it later shows up as a previous high number for weight… which is totally wrong for them to independently train with. Clients don't have intuitive sense of how weight employed varies according to total reps and sets or frequency.
Regardless, even given the previous weights displayed on a separate screen, the information needed, while actually completing the workout, is not visible inline with each exercise.
By forcing me to lump the weight in with the reps and everything else, it additionally makes it an untraceable metric, which cannot be compared to their actual performance, and it makes their UI cluttered and harder to understand. it forces me to try to find some consistent means of identifying which number is for weight and which one is for reps while trying to economize on space, words, and clutter, which is also a lot of needless extra typing on my part.
By making weight a dedicated field, all of this can be more easily automated and predicted weight based on previous performance vs reps could be auto-populated or suggested to me as I set up their progressions. It also allows comparing recommended vs actual weight. Finally, it frees up the rep field so that assigned vs completed reps are more easily compared.

Chris K commented
Also, if I assign a recommended weight on each exercise, Trainerize could auto-populate that number for each set on the client's end so the client has one less thing to type while working out. Only in the cases where they decide they need to use a different weight would they have to edit that field, which is no harder than filling it in from blank.