Ability to choose 3, 4, 5,or 6 meals for 1500 and lower caloric range
When putting in a meal plan for someone who may be in the 1500 range to be able to offer them meals plus snacks, not just 3 meals.
Denise Marroquin commented
I'm really surprised this hasn't been added into the meal plan options. Teaching clients how to eat throughout the day by adding snacks is so important, even for those eating 1500 calories or less. Please add this feature.
Rebecca Carter commented
Having the option of 3 meals and 2 snacks for 1500 calories and lower is definitely needed. Not everyone likes eating 3 high calorie meals. They prefer it to be 5 smaller meals.
Ivan Gal commented
Who are you training? A cow that eats grass all day?
Ainsley Rodriguez commented
Yes yes and yes! I have clients requesting snacks that are on 1400 cals and I have to let them know it will change their goals and I would have to increase calories! The same way you adjust ingredients in meals to increase calorie counts - you should also lower them to make this possible. For example 1 egg versus 2-3 eggs etc
Gavyn Berntsen commented
Claire Farrell (fitpositive) commented
The ability to choose 4 meals for clients with 1500 daily calories or less is critical. I don't think it's sustainable not to include a snack for my clients, regardless of their calorie goals. Instead of three big meals, they'd prefer to have slightly smaller meals and a snack.
Chase & Kate Burnett commented
Please allow for more more than 3 meals in a day regardless of overall daily caloric intake. Many people need snacks!
Angellina Perez commented
1,400 - 1,500 calories A day in 3 meals a day is not sustainable.
Anonymous commented
I would like to see more meal per day options in the lower caloric values. 3 meals, 2 snacks!
Nikki Auckland commented
this is super important as alot of my clients and myself included need to drop down to lower calories in a fat loss phase but still want to eat snacks and have more volume food
Mira commented
Able to go up to 5 meals independently on KCAL per day