Separate custom meals from Trainerize meals
The new nutrition updates have been extremely helpful, particularly the ability to add my own Foods and Meals in the database. Just a small change that could make things much easier for the clients is when they click on the "discover" tab, Instead of seeing all of the Trainerize meals mixed in with my meals, they will only see MY meals, with an option to look at the Trainerize suggestions if they would like to.
I think the Trainerize meals are GREAT and very helpful, however many of them look a little "daunting" as they call for a lot of ingredients. For newer clients, I would like to keep things as simple as possible by having them just see my meals, with the option to discover trainerize's meals if they chose to do so!

Hi everyone,
Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app. Under business permission you can turn off "show Trainerize meals in meal tracker's discovery tab" and your clients wont be able to see Trainerize system meals under "discovery tab".
In case you keep this permission on, your meals have priority in the list and are sorted on the top, while Traienrize's meals are on the bottom.
Clients can not chose one or the other as they don't know the difference between system and custom meals. They simply just see the list of the meals.
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
James Clay commented