CrossFit Style AMRAP workout - Ability to put AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) as a value when adding number of sets.
Currently when putting in a value for the number of sets for the exercise it is not possible to put anything other than a number.
It would be great to have the ability to put in AMRAP if the exercise is to be completed for As Many Rounds As Possible in a set amount of time.
For Example:
AMRAP in 5 minutes
Box Jumps AMRAP x 10 Reps
Pushups AMRAP x 10 Reps

Anonymous commented
how has this not been added as a feature yet???!!!!! every trainer is using the likes of amraps/emoms/every 2mins. Trainerize get with the times and functional fitness and get these added already. PLEASEEEEEE
Paul Chalmers commented
please add this. I pay a LOT of money and this is basic stuff
Jeff Archer commented
How is this not a thing yet? Trainerize you need to handle this. This is basic functionality. We have clients wanting this, and this drives us away from your platform and into WODify/Sugarwod. You have had 8 years since this was suggested.
Brandon Adams commented
Agree with all the previous comments that this should have been implemented years ago. Please include this functionality. Traditional lifting workouts and circuits are converging with HIT / WOD type of workouts. It is more important than ever than to be able to support them all.
Krystykka Luken commented
HOW IS THIS NOT A THING YET!!! This was literally created 9 years ago as an idea... There are a few MAJOR let downs by Trainerize and not having this feature is one of them.
Coach Dan commented
Echoing EVERY comment here that has been placed for the last 8 years. I am a new client trailing your software and this is literally the only thing stopping me from moving away from TrainHeroic which does this all flawlessly and coming to Trainerize! Perhaps at least explain why you will not integrate this extremely basic feature?
Hi Jacob!
Thank you for submitting this idea. We already have an existing idea for AMRAPs and EMOM workout types, so I'm going to merge this idea into the existing one. You'll be subscribed to that idea and will get updates from us when we provide them.
Please let me know if you have any questions!
Anonymous commented
AMRAPS and EMOMs are basic High Intesity Interval Trainers at this point. I'd like the platform to include these as a format. Right now, building them into a circuit is fine, but we do not have the ability to have an overall timer like (16 Minute AMRAP). Instead, it always has to be built into a circuit. I've saw that others have already submitted the idea of adding all workout types together, but this is a separate addition that could really help out.
Jason Lydon commented
Attention Trainerize....What is the delay in this process. Every other program worth while (SugarWOD, WODIFY) uses AMRAP, EMOM, and ability for clients to add what their actual time was in the APP.
Gabriel Aubin-Laberge commented
What is going on with this function? It has been suggested 8 years ago and there is still no avancement. This is a MUST!!!!
Kamil Delrade commented
I often start creating a regular workout with strength exercises, eg. A1, A2 and B1, B2 and then want to finish the workout with a metabolic conditioning portion but your system won't give me the option to add this format within the regular workout.
Sean Thomas commented
Terrance Martin commented
I think this app needs it, the fitness industry is changing and having the ability to have more free flowing programme and workouts is vital
Rachel Mahan commented
Why has this feature not been made yet?! This must happen as this is a VERY popular form of working out!
Anonymous commented
Very critical. Clients cannot currently track properly via the app for all of the EMOM and AMRAP workouts I have created and they are frustrated.... as am I
Albin Hodza commented
Adding AMRAP, EMOM with timer on creating workouts for more diversity.
Pat Doherty commented
Would love to have a HIIT workout of the month with the EMOM and AMRAP as options for people to knock out their lifts when they are limited on time. Having an appropriate built in timer would be clutch.
Natalie Dyer commented
Instead of giving a number of rounds to a circuit have a timed option i.e to set a circuit for 10 minutes
Justin Feldman commented
This is a really important feature for my super busy entrepreneurial clients. Please add it!
Al Galeno commented
It is difficult to set this style workout up and would help to have it in the app already!