Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
508 results found
Lead Capture with Consultation form
For example, a potential client is browsing Instagram and comes across a story with a link. They are then taken to the Trainerize consultation form where they put in their details and answer the questions built by the trainer or pre-made. After completion, the trainer has talking points ready to dive right into a conversation.
2 votes -
View Client names on the calendar view without having to hover over event type.
Be able to see individual client names for each booking on the calander view for the trainers without having to hover over the event type for more details.
2 votes -
Away message or status
It would be great to have an away message setting so that when clients are sending messages outside a trainers work hours they do not expect an immediate response.
18 votes -
Editing calendar
The ability to delete multiple events from the calendar at one time.
1 vote -
Adding 'check-ins' to calender
I think it would help if trainers can enter a 'check-in' appointment. The same as when clicking on calender and scheduling a workout or tracking stats etc...
9 votes -
Ability to assign clients to more than 1 trainer.
Ability to assign clients to more than 1 trainer.
I have clients that work with more than 1 trainer and they cannot see the clients previous workouts and this makes it hard for them to know what to do or what weights to use.2 votes -
Client Comments on the workout directed to inbox and an option to allow them to upload form videos to each exercise
Unless I am in my dashboard on my mac I cant see that the client has left a note and I often miss them, can there be a mobile notification or have the message directed to the inbox so I can see when a client has left a note. Also following the workout can there be a prompt for clients to upload their form videos for trainers to review
1 vote -
Basic Client Type
For the Basic Client Type (I know you just implemented this last week) can we set them up with workouts/programs, but don't have access to the trainer?
At this time it seems kind of pointless for them to download the app just to set up an appointment. Most of us probably already use scheduling things (like calendly) for this so why would someone go through the trouble of signing up on an app just to send something that could be an email.
If the basic client type could have access to just workouts (without access to the trainer) this could…
10 votes -
be able to tag clients in already posted group messages
This would be so helpful so if a client asks a question that has already been answered, we could just tag them in the posted message so they can see it - a lot like being able to do that with posts on facebook
5 votes -
link parent and child accounts
Link parent and child (or spouse) accounts so that one can manage the other and the can possibly share packages. I work with a lot of youth athletes and couples so this would be very helpful; I've been with a number of other platforms that have this feature.
Sometimes parents do not want their child having access to their credit card information so creating the client/child account with their parent's payment info isn't great.2 votes -
why is there not an option to book 2 clients at the same time?
How can I book 2 clients at in the same hour?
1 vote -
Add in Emergency contact and address to summary page
Add Emergency Contact and Address to summary page
10 votes -
ability to "check in" client when they show up to scheduled appointment.
an option for trainers and/or clients to "check in" into an appointment in order to keep track of sessions that have been used.
4 votes -
Ordering Clients However You Want, not just by name/date added etc.
The easiest way to keep track of which clients you've already checked in with and updated programs for is by going in the order they are listed in the client dashboard. You can organize that order by name/date added etc. However, the clients I want to check in with first are the ones who have been with me the longest or are the most active. "Date Added" orders clients from newest to oldest. If there was a way to organize them from oldest to newest that would be better in my opinion. It would also just be nice to be…
1 vote -
Fillable PARQ & Liability Waiver
Present a fillable PARQ and esignature liability waiver during initial client app set up. Rather than sending them as email attachments.
947 votes -
Ability to remove all weight/body size language
We are in the era of body positivity and using body weight to identify goals is so last decade. Let’s get with the times and let coaches have the option to turn that question off as the question itself can drive away business from people who are adverse to it.
1 vote -
Allow to schedule multiple things like before in Calendar
The most recent calendar update took away the option I had before to schedule body stats. Before I could schedule an auto message, select body stat photos, and body stats (so all three things), could be scheduled and chosen to repeat, all in one go. Now I have to seperately select each option and tell each seperate thing to repeat, so it's a slower process, not an upgrade. I actually don't like the new Calendar at all. It just tells me how many workouts a client has done, but I can no longer view WHICH workouts (like how many times…
1 vote -
Please go back to the old calendar. The new one is not as user friendly
The old calendar prior to the last update was much more user-friendly. It's quite small now and confusing to read. Whereas the old calendar with the orange and blue differentiating between different programs was more organized. The new drop down menu on days is nice, but otherwise the organization of the new calendar is not helpful
1 vote -
Drop down alert
I would love the option to add an alert that will pop down or across the screen when a client's account is opened:
Ask about how their dog's surgery went
Remember that they're traveling this week
On antibiotics until 8/17Etc. A reminder pop up would be so helpful.
1 vote -
consultation forms
allow coaches to post a direct link to the consultation forms on social media, to get sign ups
4 votes
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