Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
207 results found
Make the tracker easier to use!!!!
The In-App meal tracker is very complicated and requires a bunch of additional steps in order to track a food item. Most of the time, my clients are only tacking half of their day because they forget to hit a check mark here, or miss a plus sign there. Its too tedious.
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Allow for carb cycles in macro input
Two parts:
- Allow for multiple sets of macros to track
- All coached to enter in specific macros to the paid meal plan option.
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Allow each food item to appear when adding meals from advanced meal plans
When adding a meal from the meals library in the advanced meal tracking option, instead of adding the meal as 1 serving and the cals and macros get logged, I want each food item to be appear so client can change the serving of the individual item or swap out an item they don’t want in that specific meal.
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Macro Colour change to help with eating disorders
A few clients who have had eating disorders suggest that when logging food the goal colours changing from green, to yellow to red could be triggering. If the final colour could be green this might help
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Add photos of the food products for easier and more correct tracking
I love nutracheck because the photos of foods help me know iv got the right product, so adding photos or linking with nutracheck would be fab, I'm from the UK and some things are not on the tracker so I still have to use both and then estimate on here with a different product.
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Grocery Shopping List
Let the trainer have the ability to see the grocery shopping lists. When I zoom with a potential client I want to be able to show them the features and currently I can't show them the list as its only accessible by clients. Additionally I can't screen record it to send to potential clients in emails, DMs or show on social media.
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Allow 'Discover' tab access to be switched ON or OFF for clients.
It would be great if we could have the Discover access switched on or off. Even if it was controlled in permissions or made so that anyone on Meal Tracking "In-App: Photos" didn't have discover access. This way we can control who has access to our custom recipes as we only want this for clients paying extra for it.
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Option to choose which clients can use macro tracking and which can use photo tracking
I have clients who I need to track by macros and others who I only need them to show me a pictures of their meal based on portion size measured by their hands. At this time we are only able to choose one or the other for all clients, but I would love to be able to choose which option I want for each client. It would actually be really awesome if the client could toggle back and forth which one they would like to use depending on the time frame they have to track throughout the day
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your food tracking system is overall SHIITEEE
I dont have any idea but you have my feedback. its cluncky, I cant see their daily breakdown easily, it seems like its broken and showing me the exact same amount of total calories per day
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Show clients his/her remaining daily calories while entering meals
Clients reported they would like to be able to see their remaining calories while they are entering meal data
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Automatically calculate the meal's calories if macros are entered
If a client enters the food items macros it should automatically calculate the meal's calories
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Individual meal props
allow me to "like/thumbs up" a clients individual meals.
its confusing to them to see that I gave a thumbs up, but they dont know what it applies to.1 vote -
Allow Coach to set marco %
Am I missing something? I can't believe there's no way for me to change the marcos
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Protein tracking is inaccurate.
You can only process 25 grams or so of protein at once. The app allows you to enter 50+ grams of protein in one meal and tracks it as a straight protein intake. Protein intake should be capped per meal.
Every gymbro knows you can't triple up on protein shakes and have 75 grams of protein at once!
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The ability to see the micro breakdown of each meal along with the macro
Have it so when a client creates their own recipe or favorite meal that it shows the micronutrient breakdown as well as the macro
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Allow us to put how many calories we ate
This may be already allowed but maybe I’m missing it. When I eat food that is not apart of the meal tracker I’m not able to put how many calories, protein, carbs, and fat I’ve ate i can post the picture only it’d be good to post what the numbers are to make sure I’m not going over my set goals
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Ability to Insert Custom / Discovery Meals straight into the Clients "Favourite / Saved Meals" from our end
Allowing the coach to use the discover and save meals into our clients favourites section ourselves, at the moment only the client can search and save themselves
That way we can upload custom meals and discover meals for them to go to easily
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Easier viewing for coaches and their client's food diary
Rather than having to click in and out of each day, it would be much easier to have a food diary tab and then just swipe through the days and have an immediate overview of calories and macros and their meals. It seems like a lot of faff to view currently
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notification for when foods/meals are added by clients
I'd like to have the option for the app to notify me the push notifications when my clients post pictures of their food. I like giving them instant feedback on their pics so that I can help motivate and keep them accountable with their food choices.
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