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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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207 results found

  1. Clients should be able to track food from both myfitnesspal entries and trainerize meals.

    My clients want to use some of their own meals and some of trainerize meals. But you can't have both myfitnesspal and trainerize meals connected. The app only allows you to have one or the other connected. I want my clients to be able to log everything, so if they are using trainerize meals I still want their coffee drink, soda, water intake, and any additional treats or personal recipes to be tracked along side that. The way it currently works is confusing to my clients and makes trainerize meals hard to use.

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  2. The Breakdown of Protein, Fats, and Carbs

    I would like to see the complete breakdown of Protein, Fats, and Carbs. Basically, I would like to be able to click into the Macro wheel for example (Carbs) and be able to see what exactly the Client is eating that may be putting them over on Carbs, Proteins, or Fats.

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  3. Easier for clients to add food to the diary:

    a quick add button on the main page to add food to the diary; it would be great if they could just use this app for tracking food, but the feedback im getting is that my fitness pal is so much easier to add food to, on this app they have to go through lots of options instead of just being able to click once and be on the add food/ scan barcode section.

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  4. Adjust the quantities/servings of each food before adding to diary like in my fitness pal, instead of at the end

    Once I've searched a food in the search bar, I want to be able to click on the food and change the quantity and serving size before clicking “next” and then having to adjust it all right at the end.

    It would make things flow smoother if we could just adjust quantities from the start like My Fitness Pal.

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  5. Ability to automate nutrition goals

    I want someone who buys a certain package to automatically be asked questions like weight, height, sex, weight change goal and be prescribed a first pass caloric goal.

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  6. A dashboard for the trainer to see an overview

    In the Meal Tracker portion that I see as a trainer, I wish I could view all of their food pictures for the past week or month. Just like you can view the macros and calories via MyFitnessPal in the progress tab under nutriton graphs. If you added another tab to progress that uploaded all their photos with the date then you could click on each one from there to get the food stats if they uploaded that.

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  7. Coach's Ability to Edit In-App Tracking System

    The ability for a coach to add a food into a client's meal tracker or even edit can be helpful in educating the client. Maybe have a way where the client and coach can see the difference between what the client tracked and what the coach has added/edited.

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  8. Track Protein Only

    I have a few clients that I only have them tracking protein and that tracking calories for them isn't ideal just yet.

    Would it be possible to add the feature to only track calories so you can choose to track protein only, protein and calories, calories only and full macros.

    I think this would be helpful for quite a few coaches

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  9. Allow In-App Meal Tracker To Scan PDF Barcode to Import Nutrition Details

    I currently have my recipes on PDF with a MFP barcode at the bottom left corner of the recipe that can be scanned by the client to import all nutritional info into the tracker. I’m in the process of migrating all my clients over to Trainerize Studio and I’d love to be able to do away with MFP and keep the clients within the environment of our platform.

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  10. Client's can create their own nutrition goal

    Client's can create their own nutrition goal

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  11. In-App Nutrition Access for Coaches/Trainers

    I would love to be able to log my own meals with photos so I can share in the experience together with my clients! Lead by example!

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  12. Smaller variance in nutrition accountability

    I love the added ability to change the “variance” for nutrition accountability. However, it seems the steps in variance are quite large. From 10% up to as much as 100% in 10% increments. Just a suggestion, I feel as though 5% up to 50% variance with 5% increments would be more applicable. Just my thoughts/ feedback.

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  13. photo

    To be able to take or upload a picture of your meal and have AI guess it's calories, macros and ingredients and put it into your meal tracker. Similar to Chat GPT 4 photo recognition or apps like

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  14. Ability for admin to hide MFP as an option in client's settings

    Business wants to move fully to in-app tracker and not even show the option of MFP tracking to a client. Admin should be able to turn on and off ability for client to see that option for food tracking.

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  15. There should also be achievements for clients' nutrition successes in the achievement thread on clients dash

    Example achievements:
    Consistency with tracking their meals for "x" number of days/weeks/months
    Consistency with reaching their calorie and macro goals for "x" number of days/weeks/months
    Consistency with keeping sodium/sugar low for "x" number of days/weeks/months

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  16. Ability to log part or multiple servings of client's custom meal.

    When entering custom foods for my client to easily access, why am I only able to enter ONE serving size? This is EXTREMELY frustrating. I have clients with different protein goals so when creating meals for them, I have to create THREE SEPARATE chicken options, one for 4 oz, one for 5 oz, one for 6 oz...This is extremely tedious work that takes too much time. On top of that, it adds confusion to my clients when they see several different options of chicken...

    The serving sizes NEED to be adjustable. Not just the current option that allows it to…

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  17. Auto-adjust daily calories so they can hit their weekly average

    Saves the coach time instead of having to manually adjust it or coach a client. The app AI should take care of it so they hit their weekly average

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  18. Ability to see what the client sees FULLY on tracker

    I hate when I can’t explain how to do something because the coach view of the meal tracking isn’t the exact same as the client facing! For as expensive as this add on is - it’s kind of crazy I can’t see it myself.

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  19. Allow for the tracking of "net carbs"

    Allow specifically the tracking of carbohydrates that count toward energy and significantly impact blood sugar levels (i.e. Total Carbs - Fibers - Sugar Alcohols)

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  20. Copy Ingredients to Food Tracker not Entire Recipe from Discover Options

    At the moment, when someone selects a Meal/Recipe option from the Discover Tab to add to their Food Journal, the entire meal/recipe is copied as a single item and people can't do any changes to the ingredients in that meal/recipe.

    It would be more flexible to just have the option to copy the ingredients in the quantities mentioned in the recipe so that people can then change ingredients or quantities as needed.

    I hope I have made a clear point 😄.

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