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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

We are continually upgrading your fitness app with new features based on your feedback. Please add a new idea, or vote on an existing idea. This ensures your ideas don't get lost and always visible and other users can upvote your ideas. The idea forum allows us to keep a pulse check on what our user community as a whole wants.

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This forum allows us to more accurately prioritize ideas to ensure a system of fairness by executing on improvements needed more urgently by a larger cohort of our user community, in order of voting priority. It offers you transparency into what we're reviewing, starting and have completed.

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The higher the votes, the more likely the idea will be completed but there is no fixed formula if an idea will be picked up as it is just one avenue we look at. The idea forum is only one of the many avenues we use to evaluate an idea's feasibility. We also factor in your conversations with our support team, in-app surveys, Facebook beta groups,  complexity of the idea, talks with our inner circle of users and how it fits with the overall vision of the platform.

For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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285 results found

  1. Template building for cardio and strength plans without having to create a dummy client

    Rather than wasting client logins with creating dummy clients , there should be an option to build plan templates just like workout templates which will allow for mass planning based on days training whether cardio plan or strength plan like training peaks offers, I'm wasting money on dummy clients im using for plan templates

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    Hi everyone,


Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app with “Master programs”.

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  2. Custom Messages in Programs

    Add the ability to send custom, auto messages within a program. Certain dates will automatically send a message. Custom Messages within Programs

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    Hi everyone,

    You can now schedule messages within the calendar.

    Simply open the calendar of a master program or the calendar within a client’s account.

    You will see the option to schedule up to 3 messages to be sent out at a particular time..

    Thanks for voting up this idea!

  3. Update the mobile app so that we can add exercises to clients program on the go

    Allow us to change their workout by adding in exercise on the fly. Therefore if half way through training a client I decide I want to add in hamstring curls then using the app I can just add the extra exercise right there and then and still be able to track results.

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  4. Change the servings to grams, cups, tablespoons etc.

    Have the ability to change the serving size to 1 gram, 100 grams, cups, tablespoons etc and easily allow us to change the number of servings like in my fitness pal.

    For example

    Serving size - 1 gram
    Number of servings - 115 (allow us to put whatever number we want)
    115 servings of 1 gram = 115 grams.

    I use this format in my fitness pal whenever "1 gram" is available it allows my clients to basically be as accurate as possible when weighing their food.

    We would basically not need my fitness pal if this gets changed ASAP!

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    Hi everyone,

    Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed! Please note that meal recipes and it's ingredients are now shown in both imperial and metric system. However, due to complexity of "cups" we did not show alternative to this metric and all the recipes will just be in "cups". Reason being is that system cannot detect whether particular ingredient is solid or liquid and therefore we can't know whether we should translate cups into grams or ml.

    We created an idea for any of you who would like to still have cups into grams, and you can vote for that idea so we can see how many requests we gather. Here is the new idea for "cups to grams". Please vote if you wish:

    We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.


  5. Limit coupon codes to work for certain products only

    When we create discount codes, we would like the ability to choose which product(s) the code can be used on.

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    4 comments  ·  Payments  ·  Admin →
  6. Master Calendar View of all Trainer's Appointments

    Ability to see a master view of all trainer's appointments instead of only being able to see one trainer at a time like currently.

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    completed  ·  Viktor Djurasic responded

    Hi everyone,

    Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed! We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.


  7. allow archived clients to re-activate their accounts when they pay through Trainerize Pay

    If a client tries to re-activate his account by purchasing a product directly from your website while his account is archived, the purchase will fail.

    The trainer has to first manually un-archive the client, give the client full sign-in access to the app and add a product to his account.

    The product will be marked as "Pending" and the client will receive an email asking him to update his payment information and confirm the purchase.

    If the client opens the email, updates his payment info and confirms the purchase, it's all good.

    But, if for some reason he misses the…

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  8. Set up Trainerize pay in New Zealand

    Set up trainerize pay in New Zealand ASAP

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    6 comments  ·  Payments  ·  Admin →

    Hi everyone,


Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed!
 You can now connect your New Zealand Stripe account directly into Trainerize and make use of all the integrated automation features available.

    We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to add your vote to other ideas.

    Other payment ideas:

    Other appointment booking ideas:


  9. New nutritional breakdown is awful

    New nutritional breakdown is awful - we now have to click 3 times to view breakfast, lunch and dinner each day for a client, multiplied by 50+ clients is a lot more time added to a working day. It is clunky and not user friendly at all.... PLEASE change it back!

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    8 comments  ·  Nutrition  ·  Admin →

    Hi everyone,

    Thanks for flagging this. We fix this earlier in the year after we started seeing the feedback coming in.

    We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.

    If you are interested in trying the new in-app meal tracker, please go to the Add-ons > Integrations and scroll down to the beta labs section and turn on Meal photos and tracker.


  10. Ability for clients to take video calls on the web app

    So I did my first live workout with a client last night using the new built video call feature. Is there a way for them to access this on the computer?

    Bottom line they are older. Would like the use of a bigger screen so would prefer to use the computer.

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    Hi everyone,

    Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed!
 Video calling for clients will always exist on the web.

    We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.

    Other ideas related to video calling:
    Small group virtual training video calls

    Schedule appointments with multiple clients for team, or small group training.


  11. Extend the 14 Day Auto Messaging Feature or create a sequence or campaign of auto-messages

    Having the 14 Days worth of scheduled messaging is great....but we need more! I want to be able to have a sequence of messages be set to keep clients accountability on par and If you have a lot of clients it can be hard to do this manually. I think starting with a months worth of automessages would be a good start, be the ability to add as many as you want into the fure would be ideal

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    10 comments  ·  Messages  ·  Admin →

    Hi everyone,

    Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed!

    You can now build multiple programs and stack them. So you can build a dedicated messaging journey as a program and stack it as an add-on program.

    Stacking multiple is in beta so you can request to join it.

    More information here:

    We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.


  12. Allow more customization of branded app

    I would like to see more customization choices for those who, like myself, have purchased a branded app.

    It's great that we can upload our logos, customize splash landing screen, banners and colors, but at the end of the day, the actual interface of every single own branded Trainerize app is the SAME!!!

    I appreciate that making an app and adding all these things to it is a lot of work, but when we purchase one it's to have our business stand out. Therefore we don't necessarily want our app to look like that of the next trainer that comes…

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    Hi everyone,

Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed!

    We’re now offering a higher tier of custom apps where there are additional customizations like a themed in-app experience and the ability to split the iOS app into a separate app store listing.

    You can see the compared features here:

    This new app tier is offered as part of our new Studio bundles. Simply upgrade to the new Studio plans and the new app offering is part of the monthly bundle

    We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.


  13. 27 votes

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  14. Add a "General" category to the Exercise Type dropdown, or don't force a choice

    I am adding custom exercises to my library that fit into other categories, such as "mobility", "stretching" "warmup", etc. I find it frustrating to be forced to choose between categories like "Strength: Reps & Weights", etc. when they don't apply. I'm not forced to tag a main body part, so would like to not be forced to choose an Exercise Type - unless I could customize it.

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    completed  ·  8 comments  ·  Admin →
  15. Make attachments available as an add on

    When will be able to add attachments. For example completed PAR-Q form or a postural analysis or even the invoices i raise for a particular client.

    Need those attachments!

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  16. Sell multiple product products

    Sell multiple product products

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  17. Drag and drop items on calendar

    Be able to drag and drop workouts, cardio or body stats from one day to another.

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  18. Disable the check in feature

    It would be good to disable the check in feature. many new clients keep selecting that instead of track. Plus I don't want a client to get out of logging in a workout that easy.

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    Hi everyone,

Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed!
You can now do it with the latest v6.x app.

    We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.


  19. Allow users to copy workouts from members area to the workout template area

    Workouts created in the workout template area can be sent to the client's area but not vice versa.

    If you create a alter a template or create a new workout in a client's area and realise that it is a great program you would have to create it again in the workout template area. It would be useful if you could send a workout from client to the workout template area.

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  20. Include a welcome video in a trainer's profile

    Have the ability to post a welcome video. So when a client signs into the app for the very first time on the web or iphone, they are greeted with a trainer's personal greeting video.

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    HI everyone,

    You can now add a welcome video to greet your new clients when they first sign into the app. Simply go into your mobile app’s Settings > In-app videos and upload the welcome video directly from there.

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