Build out a daily video lesson or educational content that they can check off when completed
It would be great to be able to provide a daily lesson that clients can mark as completed once they’ve consumed the material and implemented the lesson

Hi everyone,
Thanks for coming to the idea forum and adding your vote to this idea.
We’re moving this to our planned roadmap.
Please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Amir Yazdanparast commented
Being able to add video training (like how to track their foods, how to meal prep, etc) modules that clients can watch and mark complete, like the workouts but in a separate category
Right now I upload my training videos (youtube) as workout videos, but when they complete it, it counts as a workout and affects their milestones...
Neil Owens commented
awesome news, when you are building the add a lesson, can it not be just video, but audio and quiz integration with something lie typeform. Make it a really high quality user experience with add image capabilities etc.
Im currently using for high quality lesson content and MIndbody for livestream, but i'm not happy with either. If you get this right, you could have a one app solution for the industry and i will 100% switch to the Pro unlimited asap
Frank Jiogo commented
This would be amazing for client experience as it would cut down on the number of apps needed. I could deliver premium content, workouts and nutrition all in one place.
Kayla Michelle commented
YES PLZ — this would greatly streamline my clients user experience. Rather than - as it is now - having to leave the app to login to my websites members portal to access study material!
Luke A Epaminondas commented
- [x] This is a big one for me. More clarity/ structure for clients overview when looking at their program. Would be great if we can have folders or a way to simply organise them. When you send the main program to a client Eg. 4 day split that they can clearly see thats the 4 main session they will be following for the next x of weeks. Then an extra/ sub folder where we can put optional workouts like home workouts, limited equipment, warm ups, shorter workouts for when they’re short in time. This way there is something else they can do to keep them moving when needed alternative options. This way it makes it real clear. They would then clearly see what their main focus/ program is that they are falling and easier for them to find. As at the moment they can see like 20 workouts which is great but they are never in order and clients can get a little confused on what they're supposed to do even when you write it in description. This would really help make it look organised and a easier customer flow and experience for everyone one.
Luke A Epaminondas commented
I believe this would be a huge game changer to add to all the other great elements of this app, it would be to have an extra tab that looks like a book to learn (like the kettle bell and knife and book for workouts). Where we can put educational videos and series or PDFs for clients to access and they mark off as they go along. We can put in some kind of series of videos, Even have categories like, nutrition, principles of exercise, foundation, about exercise, exercises (tutorials), fat loss, myths. How to make the most out of the app. I think this would be a huge asset to this app and clients experiences and education. Clients results would dramatically increased with more education in one place. This would make use and this app stand out. Would be great if this was also part of the Standard package we already pay for.
Ivers Inspire commented
An area on the app where you can add educational content for clients, and have a hub of videos/information that they can easy access. E.g. I could make a video explaining Macros and clients can view it on the hub, as opposed to sending them a direct message.
Panayiotis Mamasoulas commented
I want to post in a program some videos with instructions, educational, motivation and other, week by week, to be automaticaly there. Now that i am doing is creating a workout and put a video in there, but its different and very frustated to have together exercises and other videos together. Thanks in advanced.
Anonymous commented
Space to create coaching videos for weekly viewing & follow along can be automated to show up in messenger or create a space on Trainerize for them to watch each week of the program to teach clients how to meal prep, use their nutrition plan, how to use the app, etc.
Jaivir Hans commented
The ability to produce & host various courses on different topics such as Nutrition, Advanced Nutrition, Exercise technique, Etc. Being able to add to client profiles as add-ons, stand-alone products, etc.
Bret Mossing commented
Section where you can add specific videos describing topics such as carb cycling, how to calculate your own calories, importance of drinking water or getting in 10,000 steps a day, etc. Also a section to input recipes with pictures and instructions. I have all of this on my separate website but it would be much easier to have everything in the same place on the Trainerize app!
David Ogden commented
I currently have several 12-week programs up in Click Funnels as it's currently the best way for me to provide lessons for clients.
I don't what to schedule lessons in their calendar as some people move at different paces, scheduling them makes it harder for them to find old lessons as they are bundled with all the program workouts in the program tab and are out of order.
If there was a separate lesson tab and lessons creator (much like the exercise and workout creator) I could record and create lessons and put them in modules much as I do in the click funnels membership model.
This way I can direct them to the less tab and the appropriate module that they currently need.
Also would like to be able to customize my own habits with videos and add them not only to individual clients but also to a full master program.
If these changes were made, I believe that not only myself but other coaches would most likely be using just your app in regards to coaching.
Coach Morris commented
A space within the app to upload videos that are not related to workouts, more so for educational purposes.
A platform to be able to upload videos that will not be counted towards workouts.
Some ideas on educational videos I would like to upload are,
What is flexible dieting,
Calories in vs out,
It can be whatever your coaching services cater towards but a separate platform to upload these would be a tremendous advantage to have.
Otto Petersen commented
a lot of the fitness industry focuses on training and nutrition but hardly anything on mindset. I would love to create videos and upload to a section in the app where my clients can go through the mindset training as well as the nutrition and training. This would be a great feature so clients stay on the app instead of going off platform to another software such as clickfunnels or Thinkific to go through the mindset training.
Christy Campbell commented
I need this asap because it will allow me to migrate off of Kajabi and put everything in the trainerize platform. I would also like to be able to schedule these out like a program to deliver a sequence of lessons over a month.
Jennifer Nagel commented
This would be nice! Currently I add this to their calendar as an auto message, but it would be helpful if I could add it just as I would a workout or cardio session so they can "check it off" and I can see that they have consumed the information.
Bailey Stuart commented
Yes yes yes!
Sam Stacy commented
I don't know why there is only a limit of 3 scheduled messages allowed to be placed at once.
I would like to schedule a learning protocol for my clients, but I can't because there is a limit of 3 schedule messages allowed.
This reduces functionality and now I need to look towards third party applications like zapier.
Erin Haft commented
This would be a huge game changer! I've considered switching off of here and creating my own app so I can do this but I really want to stick with trainerize!
Coach Kelly commented
Part of my offer to my client is an online educational course (video based). I'd like to be able to offer this without putting it into their training program. Having a separate program builder for video lessons would be awesome.