Ability for a trainer to present an easier/harder/alternate exercise as options
Sometimes as the trainer, I would like to specify what the alternate exercises are.
For example, the default is push up. But present them to them
Push from knees (easy), push up (default), push up (legs on a box (advanced)
Perhaps having a slider so they can select which version they're doing.
So clients can progress an exercise to a more challenging version, or regress to an easier version by themselves.
Without having to browse all the exercise for the right substitution.
Anonymous commented
This feature is critical and should be implemented ASAP! It just makes sense for the clients benefit and the trainers benefit! A drop down with a regression or progression that is suggested by the trainer would be perfect. I’ve had many cases where a client could do a specific exercise and then would have to go look for a whole different alternative in the huge exercise library. Let’s make it simple and easier for them to progress this feature should be in top priority. I know everfit currently has it we should have it too.
Matt Ross commented
Totally and make those changes remain for the training phase rather than just one workout.
Nat Veiga commented
Absolutely! Currently clients can substitute an exercise but they have to select one themselves and (hopefully) make a good alternative choice. This works fine for more experienced clients, but for most people it would be nice to be able to pre-select their alternative exercise choices and even prescribe the rep/weight/time/RPE targets etc. for the substitutions if possible.
Steven Nelson commented
Allow trainers to set recommended substitutes for each individual exercise.
For example, if someone doesn't have access to a smith machine, you can set the recommended substitute in order of best to least, maybe 3-5 total.
Robin Hartfield-Cross commented
For a lot of clients this is critical. Without knowing how to regress progress an exercise it involves manual intervention and therefore a delay in the client getting on with the work and more hassle for me. The alternative of searching my entire library provides way too much choice to be useful.
Joe B. Abadilla commented
This suggestion is very critical. This will make building programs much easier. I don't have to build multiple programs that only have slight changes.
Ryan McEachern commented
When someone chooses to substitute an exercise,
Have a drop down with suggested progressions, regressions or replacements which can be pre-set by trainerize or the individual coach.
This would be preferred to thawing to build these into every workout description/note or having to beaccompanied in a PDF that involves leaving the app mid session.
Rob Lagana commented
It would be great to give clients the option to swap an exercise for a regression or progression.
Ifa commented
Couldn't agree more, this one has become an issue with me as well. Suggested Alt, would be beneficial for them and us the trainer/coach.
Candace Smith commented
Yes, please! I would love this feature!! I don’t want to build out multiple programs. I want to be able to list the exercise alternatives as I am building the program.
Lucas Hyde commented
Clients don't know the names of exercises. Recommended substitutes or auto subs for exercises that function similarly would be simpler
Daniel Weybright commented
Some clients get more out of a workout when they can pick what exercises they are 'feeling' instead of just following the plan. What I propose is the trainer creates a group of options to hit one muscle group and then the client can pick one for that day or training phase.
The trainer will dictate the big lifts for the day but accessories can be left up to the client or provide 'free time' where the client can pick what they want to work.
Thomas Perkins commented
If a client cannot preform a squat give them 2-3 other options to choose from within the app until so that we don't have to make any changes to their program which makes their program much more user-friendly.
Mike Zimmer commented
When you're in the exercise library or the workout builder, and you click an exercise to view the video/instructions. Have a section that shows similar and/or recommended exercises to the exercise that you're viewing.
Very similar to how Amazon has similar and recommended products displayed to the one you're viewing.
Jamie Dodgson commented
I also agree that this should be a thing
Raphael Velazquez commented
Any update on this feature? I believe this feature would help a lot of end-users that may be having any discomfort or pain to have an alternate option. -
Eimer Henderson commented
Yes please!
Kim Ast commented
I would love this, I do currently have to make really long videos to show different variations. I do all group training, meaning they all have the same workouts. Need to be able to show progressions/regressions. ALSO would love the options to show different equipment options. Example: how clients can swap exercises, i want to be in control of what exercises they can swap with. This way I can select different variations of that same/similar exercise. Currently this is whats the biggest head ache for me,
Jo Butler commented
this would also be awesome for anyone with injuries that is just purchasing a generic master program rather than individual programming
Luke Everett commented
I think this needs to be kept simple. The program is written by you as the trainer. You can then select a regression exercise or a progression exercise specific to the target muscle/movement.
The client should not be able to pick a regressed exercise unless you give more than one option.