Add manual Pulse-Ox data entry and tracking as a dash tile
With COVID now an ongoing, and long-term "thing", one of the things we are doing now with clients (and ourselves) is measuring and tracking oxygen saturation using Pulse oximetry, or pulse ox. Doctors are using this on patients as diagnostic tools both at home and in hospitals. My brother and mother have each had COVID and this was a leading indicator to get help, as well as a prescribed at-home, follow-on testing they were told to do daily when they were released (on O2 and still recovering). This is both an instant and trending measure to help assess one's health; simple to measure and assess, noninvasive, inexpensive.
And there is no easy, clean way to track it. In my vision, this would mimic the Resting Heart Rate tile so of course in my mind's eye it would be duplicating it and naming it "Pulse Ox" or SpO2 or the like