Ability to label sections or blocks for each workout such as warmup, strength, assistance, skills, mobility, cool down, etc.
Currently there is no distinction between areas/sections of the workout such as warmup, movement prep, strength, assistance, met-con, skills, cool down, mobility/stretching, etc.
It would be great to have the sections labeled or the ability to create a custom area/section.
It would also be great to have templates for each area/section that could be saved and easily placed into the other workouts
For Example:
Rower @ 5 minutes
Movement Prep:
2 Rounds
10 Air Squats
10 Leg Swings
10 KB Swings
10 Lateral Lunges
Back Squat 5,5,5,5,5 @ 75%
4 Rounds
10 KB Split Squat
Foam Roll @ 2 min
Couch Stretch @ 1 min

Josh commented
Allow us to label Supersets and Circuits within a workout.
Carrie Brookins commented
Be able to rearrange training plan workouts
Kyle Waugh commented
Yes, this would be great. If this was possible, I could set up workouts for a day into blocks like
A) warm up
B) Agility
C) StrengthWould be really beneficial
Steven Jenkins commented
Ability to have sections for each workout such as warmup, strength, assistance, skills, mobility, cool down, etc.
Pedro Avila commented
Currently there is no distinction between areas/sections of the workout such as warmup, movement prep, strength, assistance, met-con, skills, cool down, mobility/stretching, etc.
It would be great to have the sections labeled or the ability to create a custom area/section.
It would also be great to have templates for each area/section that could be saved and copied to other workouts. -
Zack Kramer commented
Ability to have sections for each workout such as warmup, strength, assistance, skills, mobility, cool down, etc.
Dasha commented
Be able to rearrange workouts in the training plan to any order I would like to
Jamie Bird commented
This is a great idea, everyone has there own style of programing & with different types of training programs,
it would be great to be able to custome write in the title of each section.
Like the original post said, but so that each trainer can have there individual style within there,
For example a corrective exercise program will look very different to a weight loss or sport performance program.
Hopefully the comment is clear, I think this is a great idea 💪🏼🙂
Brenda Breland commented
Be able to rearrange workouts in the training plan to any order I would like to
Tonia Cox commented
Be able to rearrange workouts in the training plan to any order I would like to
Jennifer Vibert commented
Be able to create a bank of circuits/supersets to import into client programs.
I am not looking for full Master Workouts, but for instance, I'd like to have a grouping of ~15 exercises for client warmups, that I'd like to be able to import into a workout without having to manually enter each exercise every time I make a workout.
Liz Barker commented
There is currently no way to rearrange items in your calendar for that day by drag and drop. The order the items are listed in your calendar is dependent on the order that you added them into the calendar for that day.
Being able to rearrange items so that you can more easily change the order of what comes first, second, last
Liz Barker commented
Drag and Drop Reordering of daily workouts on Client's Calendar
Liam Saechao commented
TrueCoach has this feature and it allows you to save the warm-up template in case if you want to use it again. For example, if I saved a warm-up as "Active Dynamic Warm-Up" and type that in a new workout, all of the exercises and videos will transfer over. It would be nice to have this feature on Trainerize too!
Liam Saechao commented
It would be nice to have a warm-up template section that allows you to save and transfer warm-ups. This will save a lot of time!
Tom McCarthy commented
Completely agree. 90% of our athletes programs follow the same structure. It would be great to be able to set that structure up and then use it to filter exercises, sets, reps, rest, tempo etc etc
Gabriel Grove commented
I LOVE this idea. Maybe have each section color coded like how interval is green and circuit is yell... arm up could be blue, cardio could be red, cool down could be orange for example and could be implemented by checking the box next to the desired movements like super setting and circuit build is done.
Add warmup sequence for specific body parts or general warmup so we can re-use.
Please add your specific exercises to the comments, with any youtube videos. That will help us execute on this idea if we have specific exercises we can execute on.
Rocio Blanco commented
Absolutely, I thought about that as well. I build workouts with a circuit for warm-up/mobility, then activation and finally the workout. Or other times I like to use "Skill exercises"... So yes, I'd love the idea of being able to Change the title of "superset" or "circuit".
Tom McCarthy commented
Another must. The field has been here for 6-10 years.