Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
112 results found
Heart rate monitor sync issue
Please allow the app to synch up to the heart rate monitors and other apps
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5 votes
Switching between apps doesn't erase entries.
In the middle of my workout (tracking reps) when I switch to another app, then back to Trainerize, all of my entries are erased.
1 vote -
Real time conversion to kg or lbs
Some equipment in my gym is lbs and some is kg. I usually have to either covert witj google or just track my kg entries as lbs. maybe a press and hold to change the lbs to kg for that set? Sometimes I have to use a different machine than the previous workout that has kg instead of lbs or vice versa and it would be nice to have the app manage the conversion
4 votes -
Android Watch Integration
I have a couple of clients with Andriod Watches they cannot synch the trainerize App with their data from their smart watch.
32 votes -
House Flipper Móvil: ¡Diseña, Renueva y Vende!
¡House Flipper en Android! ¿Quién no ha soñado con ser un magnate inmobiliario virtual? Este simulador te permite comprar casas destartaladas, transformarlas en joyas arquitectónicas y venderlas por una fortuna. ¡Todo en tu bolsillo!
La mecánica es adictiva: martillo en mano, derriba paredes, pinta, decora, amuebla... ¿Te atreves a ir más allá? ¡Modifica hasta el último detalle de tu propiedad virtual! El potencial es infinito.
House Flipper no es solo un juego, es un lienzo para tu creatividad. ¡Explora las posibilidades, desata al diseñador que llevas dentro y crea el hogar de tus sueños, píxel a píxel! Acceso en
1 vote -
Workouts for Trainers
As fitness professionals, it would be nice if we could track our OWN workouts. I think the only work around is to create a 2nd email and profile and become my own client. A little messy.
4 votes -
Ability to add time, distance and ELEVATION GAIN to skiing, hiking and running
Ability to add time, distance and ELEVATION GAIN to skiing, hiking and running cardio options.. i have a lot of endurance uphill athletes that this would be helpful for.. would also be great if i could prescribe zone 1/2/3 intensities and/or interval workouts where they could use a timer
7 votes -
Add more activity options...
It would be good to be able to add more activities - can climbing/ bouldering be added? Or could there be different 'general' options eg. general cardio, general strength, general endurance etc etc
3 votes -
Watch: during rests, show upcoming excercise
The Apple Watch app shows a countdown progress bar, but what I’m most interested is what’s coming up next. Currently I have to swipe right to see the whole exercise list, but it would be nice to see the next excercise and any pre-recorded data if available to help setup the next excercise during rest periods
3 votes -
Track Calories per Workout
I would like to suggest being able to see the calories burned per workout. When a client starts their workout, their wearable tracker automatically starts. When they finish the workout, the wearable will show them how many calories they burned during that particular workout but it is not recorded in Trainerize. We can see the total calories burned for the day but not for each workout. About 90% of my clients have a wearable tracker. They often compare calories burned during workouts in the group chat. I think it would be a good motivational tool if this was added to…
2 votes - Rewolucja w Komunikacji Online
Odkąd odkryłem
Kiedy pierwszy raz trafiłem na stronę, natychmiast poczułem, że znalazłem coś wyjątkowego. Zaprojektowany z myślą o polskojęzycznych użytkownikach, ten serwis szybko zdobył popularność ze względu na swój przyjazny interfejs i łatwość obsługi dla osób w każdym wieku i na każdym stanowisku. Jednak to, co naprawdę wyróżnia tę platformę społecznościową spośród innych, to jej niezwykle szybki system reakcji chatbota oraz wsparcie eksperta ds. badań nad sztuczną inteligencją i dekodowania Bengta Ariena.
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Znakomita Obsługa dla Wszystkich
Nie ma znaczenia, czy jesteś nastolatkiem, który poszukuje pomocy w nauce, czy dojrzałym profesjonalistą, szukającym inspiracji…
1 vote -
7 votes
Track Rep Improvements In an Exercise, Not Just Weight Increases
Track Rep Improvements In an Exercise, Not Just Weight Increases
I want to see the app track when a client increases their reps at a certain weight within an exercise, rather than just when the client gets more total reps for an exercise.
For example, if a client goes from 30 to 35 pounds for an exercise, they will likely be performing fewer reps. However, as time goes on, the client will begin performing more reps at 35 pounds.
Right now, a Personal Best for number of reps (expressed as volume) is not achieved until their total reps at 35…
2 votes -
2 votes
Sync with app Map My Walk
I would like to see Trainerize allow the app MapMyWalk sync
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Watch- show previously recorded data
I cannot use my watch exclusively during workouts because I cannot see my previous workout data without using my phone. Maybe a swipe gesture to see any historical data for reps and weights on my watch
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Allow keypad entry for watch data
In addition to scrolling the watch dial, we should be able tap the field and enter via keypad. Scrolling from 0 to 300lbs+ is time consuming
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Connect Garmin heart rate band
Make it possible for trainers to monitor the clients hart rate during a training session. Trainers can see the progress own there device during the session
2 votes -
Cardio Metric Conversions
It has been brought to my attention that the scheduled cardio metrics do not convert, even if you have it on a separate setting
For example, my running client is American and uses Miles, I am Canadian and use KM
I had scheduled 6KM for her to run and she see's it on her end as 6 Miles which is an extreme error. It doesn't matter the cardio type, whatever metric you use will give the same number even if the client has profile set to different metric (km vs miles)
We need to have this auto convert based on…
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?