Staff / Trainer - ABC Ignite Engagement
94 results found
Ability to group locations into regions / state
Ability to group clubs like Seattle, Tacoma into Washington state.
Or multiple states into a group like "Northwest"3 votes -
Can we add a dark mode for the desktop version? It would help with programming for clients later during the day.
Can we add a dark mode for the desktop version? It would help with programming for clients later during the day.
9 votes -
Customer Service Email on the APP
The contact email in the APP can be confusing to members, quite a few members email into this email to freeze or cancel or dispute payments etc. Can something be added that says: This email is ONLY intended to research, troubleshoot, and escalate app problems that are being presented to members/clients. Do not use this contact for any membership changes or concerns.
1 vote -
Remove the ability to add workouts
- Clients/members SHOULDN'T be allowed to add workouts and programming by clicking on the + Add workout button. This would be a big deterrent to our program.
1 vote -
8 votes
Hide Enrollment Numbers
I have a few classes that are new at a new location. I have a few members that are being discouraged from enrolling in a class if they see 2/50 enrolled.
5 votesEnrollment numbers may be both a detractor and an attractor for a class. The best approach would be to hide the class attendance for classes under a certain percentage and show the attendance for classes over a certain percentage. We are considering this for future enhancement.
Adjust the order list of Appointments
Ability for clubs to adjust the order in which appointments appear in the app for members
2 votes -
Easier way to swap clients between trainers
Easier way to swap clients with other trainers in my company. If another trainer sells training for me, I want the client in my trainerize. However, I need to ask the trainer to go and delete them from their trainerize first before I can add them. This would be an easier process if I could go in an add a client without having to get another trainer to delete them from their app first
2 votes -
Remove Height, Weight and Gender as a requirement in the set up process
More than one account of mine (rainier health and fitness/Club 4 Fit) have requested to remove this as a requirement because some gym members don't feel comfortable submitting this information
4 votes -
When payment is due, receive a notification
When a payment is approaching, user can receive a pop-up, banner, or push notification letting them know their payment is nearly due. The link will take them directly to the page to make their payment.
5 votes -
Update app design/layout
Trainerize is a great app, but some feedback says the calendar and the ‘list style’ workout layout is a bit “ugly and outdated”
I would love to give clients the option to view a ‘card style’ layout, similar to true coach.
Are you planning on updating the app design anytime soon?7 votes -
Moderating/Censoring Inappropriate Language
Implementing an automatic moderation process (or auto-flag) for preset restricted words in either group or individual chats.
4 votes -
Add ability for link sharing for Trainer's Appointment Availability
Add ability for link sharing to Trainer's availability on Trainerize and/or Datatrak like Calendly does:
1 vote -
group sync ABC memberships and recurring services that have the same automation setup
memberships and recurring services that have the same automation, you should only have to set up the automation for those once and the rest should get set up automatically
4 votes -
Search Tab and Management tools in Groups Section
The Edge Fitness has hundreds of groups being used in their platform. Their leadership team is looking to have a search tab in the groups section to pull up specific groups without having to scroll through the hundreds of Groups. They would also like the ability for admins to delete groups without having to "join" them.
1 vote -
"Have set up account" Auto-tag
YouFit wants to identify the list of members who have set up their accounts so they can filter down the members who they know will receive any messaging they want to push out.
1 vote -
I think it would be fantastic if there was a spot we would be able to put testimonials on the pages
2 votes -
Check-In V2: Mobile over fingerprints
Current appointment validation for check-in at clubs is by fingerprint. As we currently use mobile as a validation for class check-in, can we adopt the same method to validate appointments too? That your mobile device serves as your validation.
2 votes -
Canceling membership in-app
Users can cancel their membership entirely in-app (or on web) without needing to call in or go to the physical gym location
2 votes -
Allow Barcode for Google Pay (Android)
For Android users, mirror the Apple Wallet functionality but using the Google Pay module.
2 votes
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