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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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5566 results found

  1. Connecting to Whoop

    Being able to send data through from Whoop

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  2. Connect to whoop for sleep tracking recovery etx

    Connect to whoop to have whoop data in trainersize and export workout plans to whoop load tracker functionality

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  3. Partner with Whoop!

    Please partner with Whoop or Oura!!! I want to be able to accurately track everything!!!

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  4. Connect Oura ring and connect Whoop

    I wear an aura ring and a Whoop device. It would be nice to have that data, including HRV to see it improve as you get more fit

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  5. Link trainer use to an Oura ring

    Adding an Oura ring to the trackables would be way more precise.

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  6. oura ring

    Oura Ring integration for sleep. Steps arent accurate on the Oura Ring. I keep my garmin watch active for that. In other words, allow syncing but then allow to select WHAT to sync.

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  7. Snack options

    we have meals to choose from that we’ve eaten but can we have snack options because I tend to eat two solid meals a day and then like 2 to 3 snacks

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  8. Samsung Health and Galaxy Watch Support

    Would like better support on Android products. Linking to Samsung Health is a must!

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  9. Integrate with Lose It app

    Lose It is way better than My Fitness Pal. Jeez!! Please integrate. Thousands of people using Trainerize need this integration.

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  10. Needs to let us choose and schedule our own food to meal plan better

    Needs to let us upload recipes and allow us to put in our own food like protein bars so we can meal plan better.

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  11. Consistency in Recipes

    I’m noticing that your recipes have ingredients in the instructions that don’t fall in the ingredients list. For example on a smoothie bowl recipe, it talks about topping with chia seeds, but no measurement is given in the ingredient list for these. Several recipes are like this. Also, use consistent measurements. How many g, oz, c of potato instead of “1/2 a medium…”? I want to make sure what I’m eating is what I’m tracking.

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  12. Dark mode

    App needs dark mode

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  13. Make it easier to favorite meals

    Make it possible to favorite the meal with a heart on the picture for a quick add.

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  14. Nutracheck

    Please add nutracheck syncing. Really struggling to get on with the in app tracker as there are so many things not listed and the calories don’t always match up.

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  15. Please add more flexibility to customize workouts

    Due to certain limitations I often must substitute exercises and/or want to expand my workout beyond the coach’s specific lifts. While the “substitute” option is there you can only sub in something already in the database. There is currently no way to add in additional (extra) lifts/exercises once already started a workout. Additionally, it would be super helpful if the option to add in a customized name or description was available. Not every lift I need is in the database. I would love to be able to insert exercises from my own plan with my custom name and description.

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  16. Dark Mode

    It’s entirely too hard to see the light blue words on the white background in the app. I was really confused when I first got the app and still have a hard time using it because I can’t see any of the words on the top of the screen.

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  17. Integrate your app with oura ring app

    Oura ring tracks sleep as well as activity, pulse rate, etc. It would be great to have it integrated with your app.

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  18. Can you put an option to link my oura ring please? This is far more accurate for my steps

    I find I do not carry my phone always but always have my oura ring on - can you link this feature to the app?

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  19. PLEASE integrate with Lose It

    PLEASE make Lose It work with this app. MyfitnessPal is incredibly difficult to use, not as easy to find my foods, and riddled with ads. I have been using Lose It for years now and would love to be able to just integrate the data I have with Trainerize

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  20. Serving sizes

    If the meal makes more than 1 serving, give me the breakdown of what 1 serving looks like- weight or something. It’s hard if it makes 6 servings but i have to guess on what 1 is. I can’t be sure if I’m eating more/less than I’m logging. Hope that makes sense.

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