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Client / Gym Members - ABC Trainerize

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5605 results found

  1. Populate recipe macros/nutrients automatically into My Fitness Pal and have a fun way to celebrate/validate positive choices that we make.

    The ability to see recipe suggestions populate directly into My Fitness Pal. Also, providing recipe suggestions that are easy - a section of 5 Ingredients or Less as well as a ‘Snack Hacks,’ section that you could easily navigate to when you have a weak moment and/or are hangry. It would make it easier to resist making bad decisions out of frustration and/or lack of knowledge. For some of us, these basic skills are something new and honestly a bit foreign! ;)
    A section to recognize when we choose “this” instead of “that!” … and the option to celebrate our…

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  3. Put my mealplan calories and macros on the app

    I love to put my meal plan on the app with calories and macros to make sure i reach the daily goal on the meal tracker.

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  4. Add snow shoeing and cross country skiing to activities for us Canadians

    You need more snow activities. Snow Shoeing and Cross Country skiing are great outside exercises in the winter

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  5. Meal Tracker

    Would be nice to have our meal plans built in like the exercises and the option to substitute based on the meal swap guide - just like we can substitute exercises. Then numbers would total/subtract from our allowed macros at the bottom to help us track our numbers.

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  6. Ability to get a spreadsheet of workouts and weight used

    I think it would be great to get a breakdown of each exercise you’ve done as well as the weight you’ve used. I know you can go into a workout and see when you did the workout as well as what weight you’ve used but my trainer is switching over to a different account which means all of my current progress and the weights I’ve used will be lost when her account is deactivated. I wish there was a way to bring all of my current activity together in some form such as a spreadsheet to keep for my records.…

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  7. ability to track PBs

    i think i’ll be great to be able to see progress in weight changes with PB tracking!! maybe a graph like weight/steps?

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  8. Sync with FatSecret

    Sync with FatSecret

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  9. Make it easier to repeat

    Don’t have the workouts attached to a specific date. That way if you want to repeat the program, you don’t have to scroll the calendar all the way back to where you first started.

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  10. Range of motion routine

    Combine existing exercise into a routine to increase range of motion so this can be done on off days to lifting. This would be with very like weights and exercises like resisted backswing, 3D torso rotation, 3D hip rotation, etc. The last time I looked at the range of motion it had 3 exercises. This could be a series, A, B, C. To be done throughout the year.

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  11. Instant messaging. I haven’t been excepted on FB

    I haven’t been excepted on fb. And I wanted to change my meal preference. I don’t know how to request that.

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  12. Video and iwatch connection

    Wish there was a way to submit video so the instructor can visualize the form of exercise or some type of interaction and wished my i watch transferred activity to trainerize app

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  13. A place to print out or save previous workouts, what weights and how heavy.

    I would like to be able to print or save my previous workouts, the exercise, # of reps, and weight used.

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  14. More portion control in MyFitnessPal

    You should be able to input the exact amount of food in ounces, grams or pounds not just serving size. I’ve used other calorie trackers in the past that are more easy to navigate and find food.

    Thought I do like the build a recipe option and the way it breaks down the macros for you

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  15. Add hangboard exercises for finger strength training to lost

    As a climber, would like to track my finger strength sessions in app

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  16. Delete Confirmation

    Instead of having the swipe to delete button, with no confirmation, and immediately deleting a workout that was logged, it would be nice if the user was asked “are you sure you want to delete this workout?” That way, a user doesn’t just fat finger swipe and delete and delete valuable information. This leads to a poor user experience.

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  17. When putting in food manually the point doesn’t work.

    Make it possible to do 0.4
    Also make it easier to reuse frequent foods or meals

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  18. Ability to offer custom activities

    I use fitness programs through Meta like supernatural. I’d love to be able to annotate that and other custom workouts like an online dance class or a specific type of workout not currently available.

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  19. 1 vote

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  20. Change refresh rate for syncing issues

    Have the developers change the refresh rate within the app. It doesn’t sync well with MyFitnessPal in real time, and I have to sync manually from both apps and then manually refresh the trainers app. Sometimes I will enter food all day, and at the end of the day trainerize still hasn’t synced any of my meals.

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