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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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1631 results found

  1. Have one space where we can see all the notes a client has input.

    I can only see a note from a client in the daily email or if I click on that specific workout they checked in for/tracked. Many of my clients leave me detailed notes after each workout and it would be helpful to see them all in one space for each client so that I can review them all at once before writing their next program.

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  2. Make it possible to track clients workouts that are onsite with a trainer. It would be easier to convert clients as well.

    Trainers should be able to record live sessions as they are happening. Clients would be more likely to sign up for an additional monthly fee if they see us working with it everyday.

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  3. Edit main workout Template that automatically updateClients that is using that workout template

    I have created a workout template and I have a multiple clients using the template however I add and videos tot he template weekly sometimes daily. I have updated the main template but this does not update all the clients using the template. Example I added 3 new videos and I have 50 people using this template instead of going to each individually to update them how can I do a bulk update without duplicating in the calendar or going to each individually?

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  4. 2 votes

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  5. Graduate a client - Export their data

    When a client "graduates" and completely stops training with you, it would be nice with a "Graduate" button which exports all his workouts (nicely, so he could print it), all his stats, meal plan, etc., into 1 PDF file which you can e-mail to them.

    The export could have settings to choose which training plan to export, or choosing what time period.

    The file could even have a nice front page, and a "About your trainer" section, a list of Personal Bests, links to social media, etc,.

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  6. See past stats when opening a tracked workout from the overview

    When clicking an already tracked workout from the Recent Activities list, it would be sweet to be able to see the progress already there.

    So instead of only showing weights and reps for that workout, show the past 3-4 workout stats.


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  7. When you track a workout have the previous workout reps/weight show on the screen

    When my clients are tracking their stats their previous workout info doesn't show, so they can't do the workout and track at the same time since it doesn't show what weight/reps they did last time.

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  8. Optimize for Android

    A few suggestions for Android/overall platform:
    1) Get rid of iOS style scroll-wheel
    2) Implement the back button
    3) Allow for locally stored client data,
    4) Allow for changing order of workouts in app

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  9. add scaling to workout templates

    I like how I can create a workout template and use it for several clients, but once I add that workout to their calendar, I can't swap individual exercises for substitution exercises or add scaling options for clients with bad knees, shoulders, etc...

    For this, the only option I see is to add a whole new template just for one client rather than have them follow a similar routine where I can delete and exchange "weighted dips" for "machine assisted dips", for example, while they recover from a work-related injury.

    If I get to the point where I have 50-60…

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  10. Allow us to record and insert our voice in exchange for the generic beep that signals the start of a set following a rest!

    It would allow our personalities to shine through every set by giving countdowns, making clients feel like we are really with them during their workouts

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  11. Need "Workout template" in the app

    There's no workout template in the app. And its not hard to do.

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  12. Add option to queue workouts insted of setting them on a fixed day

    Add the ability to set up days when client is supposed to train, but queue workouts instead of fixing them to a date:


    I want my trainee to workout on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday.

    I want him to do two workouts A and B.

    Right now i have to set it up on a fixed day:

    Monday: A progression 1
    Wednesday: B progression 1
    Friday: A progression 2
    Monday: B progression 2

    If he misses Wednesday's workout he should do "B progression 1" on Friday instead of "A progression 2".

    No I have to change everything manually, and…

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  13. Make it possible to list alternatives to exercises within each workout builder.

    Make it possible to list alternatives to exercises within each workout builder.

    Example: Barbell Front Squat OR Dumbbell Front Squat (same reps may still apply, helps clients with limited equipment to have fewer questions)

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  14. option for clients to skip exercises / rest

    Users need to be able to skip on circuits/hiit. eg i set up a tabata plan but I put a rest in between each block of exercises that my clients felt was too long. For future, of course, I can increase this, but for that workout it would have been great if they had the option to skip when they wanted.

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  15. Allow Negative Weight Entry

    Some workouts need to be regressed by taking off weight. For example, pull-ups or training finger strength on a hang board.

    It seems like there is a condition in the app that won't let me date entry negative weight.

    Can this be changed so that I can log a set with -15 lbs for ex?

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  16. Offer an option for Alternate Sets not just Supersets

    Supersets is misleading to clients. There needs to be an option for Alternate Sets to save writing "This is not a superset" in the notes several times per program. If anything Supersets are used less than Alternates.

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  17. Substituting Exercises

    It's great to be able to substitute an exercise. I would like the App to allow me to substitute an exercise for just one round instead of all rounds of that exercise. In case, they do the first round with the original exercise and then switch it out later.

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  18. Improve the rest timer

    I was working out tonight on the versaclimber at my local gym and wanted to do sprint intervals of 30 seconds while listening to my music.

    I could not do this because the rest timer didn't warn me that there were only 10 seconds left. I was waiting for a ring or to alert me but it never did. A countdown would have been nice too. But I wouldn't of wanted it to interrupt my music.

    Timed workouts are the best workouts for online training. The client can stay on track and push themselves (reps don't do this)

    You really…

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  19. Creating Workouts Auto-Save

    It would be really handy to have an auto save function when creating workouts as I lose all content if my internet connection goes down.

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  20. Edit Progression

    It would be extremely helpful for the [edit progression] feature to allow us the ability to edit tracked workouts with ACTUAL numbers rather than the templated TARGET numbers.

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