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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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1625 results found

  1. Add stretching exercise, or programs.

    Ability to create stretching routine to add to a clients program.

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  2. Start a youtube video for a custom exercise at a specific time.

    My request is to be able to start a youtube video for a custom exercise at a specific time. This comes in handy when i want clients to see one exercise from a 12 minute video...I dont want them to watch 12 mins, I want them to just see the 30 seconds from 6:30 to 6:50.

    Youtube has the ability to pull links for specific times, but the trainerize youtube player does not seem to heed the code with the timestamp which gets added to a video

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  3. view entire Client Calendar workouts to help with programming flow

    Currently you CAN NOT open a clients calendar and easily see on previous days what workout/ movements/ exercises were completed. If you could allow previous workouts to be viewed in the Client calendar, and simply edit a specific day with the whole calendar open, while still seeing previous days... this would allow a easier flow and visual to make sure as the trainer you didn't accidentally program the same thing or similar movement.

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  4. More in-person training adjustments

    A way for trainers to have a single compact screen for in-person session use so you can quickly just enter something like 3x12x15 instead of having to input data for every single set. Also a way to add workouts to client profiles that only the trainer can see/use, for in person training use as well.

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  5. 1 vote

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  6. Cardio machine workouts with resistance and pace settings

    The ability to make a cardio work out with machines (elliptical, treadmill, rower, stair climber etc.) and set pace, heart rate, resistance, and elevation with time blocking. ie. 5min warm up at 50% heart rate at resistance 3 elevation 1, followed up with a 2 min 70% heart rate at resistance 6 elevation 3, next up a 30sec sprint at 90% heart rate at resistance 9 and elevation 3, so on and so forth.

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  7. Be able to program regular/circuit/interval styles in one workout

    When building a workout it would be useful to be able to use multiple formats- ie: regular and interval, rather than having to make them separately.

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  8. editing programs easier, it needs to be easier to edit client programs, that are subscribed to a master program

    We need to be able to edit program easier, with RPE rating this is the point, so we can review and change where necessary, without having to subscribe/un etc.

    Also an RPE option next to each exercise, just like reps/sets x, not all exercises are equal it would be amazing for more in depth programming, I really like the App so far, but if other software comes up with these features and I know they are, then a lot of coaches will switch over.

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  9. Clients have requested a THUMBS UP or BADGE when check off workout for the day

    Several of my clients have asked if they could get a badge, thumbs up, or medal pop up after they check off a workout for the day. We are a group that likes gold stars!

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  10. Have Youtube links made blue/clickable in the workout description for quick access to Youtube workouts/exercises

    Currently, a Youtube link posted in the workout instructions only turns blue/is clickable when viewing workout on the mobile app, not the desktop. I want it to be clickable on the desktop app as well for clients that use the desktop app.

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  11. Exercise demo vid side-by-side with the workout instructions

    Had two new clients tell me that it kept interrupting the flow of their new workouts to have the video take over the whole screen, then have to move back to the instructions to see how many reps, etc

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  12. Add Workout Alert for an exact time

    I have a multi faceted program for some of my clients. I'd like to be able to schedule an exact time for each workout to keep them regimented.

    For example:
    9am: Warmup
    9:15am Strength Workout
    8pm Core Circuit

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  13. Multiple select on clients calendar

    When editing on their calendar- be able to select multiple workouts/cardio events at 1 time- to delete

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  14. 1 vote

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  15. 1 vote

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  16. ability to mention other trainers in notes

    Ability to mention another trainer in the notes and the other trainer can get a notification. This will be great for collaboration.

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  17. Change back

    You changed The cardio my client use to be able to just enter their data themselves and not they cannot and I can not figure out how to do it either. Please put it back to the way it use to be

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  18. Data entry for runs.

    It is difficult to position the cursor to the right of the “0” when entering your time for a run.

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  19. Programs should be broken down into days (ex. Day 1, Day 2) instead of specific weekdays.

    Instead of listing specific days to do workouts, they should be in numbers incase a client starts their program at a random time of the month. And every month has a different amount of days so it overcomplicates scheduling.

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  20. 1 vote

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