Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
289 results found
Separate Auto Messaging to my clients that do nutritional coaching with me and ones that workout with me.
I have two types of clients, one that do nutritional coaching and others that do workouts and some that do both. It would be great to be able to have separate auto messaging for each category based on the tag perhaps.
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Ability to bulk add tags to clients left in active messages
I send checkin Messages every week to all my clients. Once they have replied I then achive the message. Anyone left in the inbox I want to bulk follow up with, Would be good to select all then either message them or add a tag from the message centre.
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Bulk email clients from the app
Bulk Email to clients
It would be great to be able to send emails in bulk to clients if we are sending out a weekly newsletter something similar.
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1 vote
Make each product's intro message different/customizable
I have several products on my trainerize and based on which product they choose, their first message is different than another product. I would like intro messages to be customized by product.
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1 vote
Full screen Banner on app
It would be great if we could incorporate a full screen banner for the client app instead of 16:9
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changed not messaged recently timeframe
changed not messaged recently timeframe
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Allow all clients to be able to message any trainer regardless of if the trainer assignment
Each member should be able to message each coach or as the owner, I should be able to select which coaches they can message by default when I set up their account.
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