Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
503 results found
Make the "Thumbs Up" solid after deploying in the Client Overview
It would be awesome to have the Thumbs Up stay solid to know we've already deployed for that client activity. Even better, it would be great to have the same options available that appear in Groups (which DO show what has been deployed). Thanks!
55 votes -
Support different languages for each client.
Ability to have one business support multiple languages. I support German, Russian and English clients, but the email that goes out will need to be in the various languages.
54 votes -
Allow for notes for a particular day that can only be seen be the trainer. Like a post it note that you could attach to the calendar.
Can we add a feature to be able to write private notes on a particular day on the client calendar?
53 votes -
Notification when client uploads photos
It would be helpful to receive a notification on my phone when a client uploads progress pictures. I am definitely not as quick to get back to clients without this feature as opposed to before I used Trainerize.. progress pic emails would pop up on my phone from clients.
51 votes -
Allow Customised feedback forms not just photos and body stats for check ins
At the moment there is the option for Photos and Body Stats but this is pretty limited when comes to energy and sleep and feedback from clients.
They may be able to do this on workouts but to add this sort of Form to weekly check ins would be great and a useful tool for a lot of coaches I think.
49 votes -
Copy workout stats (weights/reps) in workout
Instead of entering the same reps and same weights over again during a workout, it would be great to have a button that allows the weights/reps to be automatically filled out for the remaining sets of the exercise.
As a trainer, in session this can take your attention away from the client more than needed.44 votes -
Easily be able to switch between multiple business accounts
I own two gyms and want to be able to switch between accounts
36 votes -
Clients should be able to set goals through app so trainers can customize around it
Clients goals will change along the way, it’s great to set goals with a trainer but clients will change their minds along the way and should be able to set them, and trainers should customize programs along side with those goals personally set by clients themselves
35 votes -
Include the ability to work on multiple client profiles instead of having to switch in between them
Include the ability to work on multiple client profiles instead of having to switch in between them
35 votes -
Make tracking bulk clients easier
A single interface to overview all of your clients progress. It is extremely time consuming checking each clients progress weekly. All I need to know is if they worked out or not (accountability)
33 votes -
Ability to add custom client types and have a preset of dashboard
Set up custom client permissions and roles and give it names like "Habit coaching","nutrtion coaching" etc
29 votes -
Add Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
As a measure of training and lifestyle stress, HRV is a great tool. Such info would allow us to suggest deloads or stress management techniques or at least to investigate possible stresses. There are smartphone apps that measure this so maybe another one to integrate with one of these external apps? HRV4Training is an example of one of these apps.
27 votes -
Enroll clients through a text feature
When onboarding clients, instead of them having to go to their email to set up their account. Have a text sent to them to where it will take them directly to the account set up page.
26 votes -
Clients tracking Sickness or injuries on the calendar
I wish clients could record on the calendar how they’re feeling for the day so we know when they’re sick, injured, unmotivated, discouraged.... It would be nice when reviewing their calendar to see this and know why there's a gap in workouts or that we should reach out to them.
26 votes -
Let clients self-move their master program start date if they are sick
I usually program my clients for two weeks at a time. Every now and then, they miss a workout and now their whole program is messed up. I have to manually delete every workout and then re-add all the workouts. Usually, the client ends up doing the same routine, just pushed back a day.
If you could, make their a way to select the workouts in the calendar and then add an option that says move forwards one day, back one day, back two days, back three days, back one week.
23 votes -
When a client is deactivated cancel any future appointments that they have.
When a client is deactivated the system automatically cancels any future appointments that they have. Also give the option to mark appointments as "no show".
21 votesHi,
Thanks for the great feedback. That would make the system easier to use! Our team is looking at it. Thanks!
Add physical address to client's profile info
Adding client's physical address would allow us to save that info in a convenient spot and have access when we want to send clients a physical product or gift.
20 votes -
Away message or status
It would be great to have an away message setting so that when clients are sending messages outside a trainers work hours they do not expect an immediate response.
18 votes -
Selecting billing start date.
I've been with several trainer/fitness programs and the majority of them allow the trainer to select their own billing start date, not merely when the client signs up. This should be a standard feature. Having clients wait till the first of the month is pretty rediculous and is not a professional business solution.Please, please, please give us trainers, business owners the ability to sign up clients at any day and choose a billing start date.
18 votes -
Having The Ability To View Where Clients Are Within Master Program
I have a master program that currently has over 100+ subscribers who have purchased the program throughout the summer months. It would be nice to be able to view where everyone is within the Master Program on a Master calendar of sorts.
18 votes
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