Adding an auto percentage max rep calculator based on 1RM
I have a suggestion that could potentially help out a Lot of you.
Adding a PR tracker/calculator to the app. If the client hits a 3RM of
squat for 205, then that could be added to the clients personal record
tracker. The calculator part would take the 3RM, and see what percentage
that is of the 1RM, and state the estimated 1RM. so lets say the clients
1RM is calculated as 220, then when the trainer says to do 8 reps to fail
on 8th rep, the client can see that they should be doing around 175lbs.
Another benefit of this would be if the trainer says to do 3 sets of 1 at
92.5% of the max, but the client has only done a 5RM, the calculator can
find the 1RM so that the trainer can help the client see where they need to
be. Hopefully it makes sense but I think it'll really help People push themselves harder then just grabbing
any weight that they can do just to get it done.

Coach Jay commented
Yes, this would be a game changer!
Anonymous commented
Great idea!
James Kite commented
Would like to be able to program weight values based off 1RM values that are entered in the app. So if the client puts in that their 1RM for an exercise if 225 then I can program that they do 4 set of 4 reps at 80% of 1RM and the app will calculate what that value is.
Sarah Fegley commented
Is there an update on trainerize working on this? it says you guys started on january 22, 2018
Matthew Bevege commented
This would be an outstanding feature!
MZ, MES commented
This would be a great feature and make programming much smoother!
Mallory S commented
Calculate an estimated 1RM based on the weights client uses for an exercise, then use the 1RM to calculate weights the client should use for future workouts when there is a prescribed intensity. Give clients the ability to provide feedback using RIR to further track perceived exertion
David Masterson commented
When designing programs, the ability to input a percentage of a clients 1rm and the weight that needs to be lifted automatically goes into the program.
Tony Reynolds commented
The ability to auto calculate loads based on an individuals max in a lift is one of the things that makes software like MS Excel great. When you are dealing with more than a handful of clients, this is the only sensible way to truely create “customized” workouts...which is what most of us are promoting.
I spent more than 20 years as a S&C coach and based on experience feel certain that this ability would open up a whole new market for you. College strength coaches would find a tool like this very handy when they send their athletes home for the summer. Us that are now in the private sector would also be able to promote a much more customizable product without undergoing the logistical nightmare of hand entering loads for every client.
James commented
This is what trainers are looking for in a platform that can help people get in shape. A platform that has all the tools to make the trainer life easy to put together a perfect fitness program. This is definitely a game charging idea. You must complete it now!!!
James commented
This is a really good idea. It would separate this program from others.
Kris McClain commented
Yes! This is much needed.
Coach-Shan Vital commented
Long overdue! The data is already being calculated. It would make sense to have this feature
Anonymous commented
Ability to mark the 1RM. Then during a workout, prescribe percentage of 1RM. That should display to the client the specific weight needed to use.
Chris Apps commented
Right now this is a major deciding factor for me between this and another online training app. This would be a clear winner if Trainerize could provide this feature!
Mateusz Solecki commented
Yes! Please!!!
Right now, when programming strength it takes soooo much time, to copy/paste weights from excel to trainerize workouts. :|
Amy Hapgood commented
Yes! calculating a 1 rep max based on the lifts performed (and only saving the best result) then have program templates where you write " @ 75%" and the app calculates this for you and inputs the number so the client sees the number only and not the percentage. Saves us time and is more personable. For those lifts that they don't currently have a calculated max for have an option to either A) enter a value with something like "perceived" next to it (which can be overridden when the client performs the exercise) so the client knows its a guessed max and they need to find one OR B) "find rep max for this lift" on the first set and then auto update for the rest in the program
Amy Hapgood commented
Yes! and allows for better programming, Right now I'm having to use google sheets and transfer over errrrrrr - so much time wasting
Tom Sowden commented
This will litreally blow every other templates dead in its tracks on the internet.
strength and conditioning need this option.
Be best to have two options within programs/workouts.
Either have ROLLING REP MAXES or FIXED REPS MAXES at the start of the program and the pt's changes it down the track to allow for any clients accidently putting 1000kg instead of 100kg for osmehting.
Carl commented
This will be a great addition.. Do we have this added yet??
I am also trying to do a 3RM max strength test.. anyone know how I can do it?