Ability to pause, freeze or pro-rate a payment to accomodate vacations and time-off
Ability to pause, freeze, pro-rate or change payment date of client's next invoice payment date instead of cancelling their plans and restarting.
This is to acomodate when clients want to go on vacation, are sick or have any other time off.

Shauna Lamotte commented
This is something that has made me consider changing to another developer - having the ability to personalise payments is a must, or at least allow us to use stripe and set up the programs as paid through a different method
Natasha Caleel commented
So necessary! Not having this causes so many billing issues for me
Anonymous commented
This is ridiculous that it's not done. Please put high priority!!!
Hossein Sobhani commented
Hi all, reiterating what has been said on here by many others. This is absolutely critical for our client retention and experience!!
Coach Roy commented
I just dont understand how this is not done yet.
When comparing to other CRMs like Mondybody, zen planner, WODify... all of these give ultimate flexibility with clients payments and programs.
You can pause, edit, change programs and billing at any time per client with these systems... and Trainerize just seems to be behind on this.
This is just a basic need when it comes to running a business and building a great client experience on the backend
Having to jump through 5 loopholes, creating multiple programs and ad on programs just to get everything to work for one specific need is ridiculous.
Would love to see this suggestion in action in the near future if possible
teagan bewick commented
this is sooo critical......how has this not been actioned??
Mike Lim Trainer commented
Hi all,
I was away on holiday for a week so instead of cancelling my clients payments I made a discount code for 100% off. They still got invoiced for $0 and I removed the code the following week.
Not ideal but works. -
Momentum Active HQ commented
Allow us as the coach to be able to suspend a membership and debit for a set amount of time.
The only work around this is either
A) Have the client cancel their current membership with our services and rejoin (horrible for retention might I add)
B) Have us create custom discount codes to put onto the clients account. Which is a major hassle. -
Tyler Brooks commented
How is this not already implemented? Having clients bills come out and then refunding them if they are going away for a week is as bad as having to cancel a payment schedule then rely on the client to go through the checkout process again.
Valerie Lusvardi commented
This is critical for me
Mike Lim commented
Hi all, just found this and I am wanting to put clients on a hold/freeze for a period of time.
Is it possible to switch clients from their paid subscription product to a free or low cost product (have a freeze fee maybe), instead of cancelling their subscription product totally.
I guess they still have to subscribe again though, any thoughts? -
Momentum Active HQ commented
Ability to pause payments when subscribed to an on going online membership with myself.
I have people who sign up for 3 month at a time club training programs, but inevitably have to pause due to holidays etc for 1-2 weeks.
I cant see an option to be able to do this through the stripe payment integration where we can see the future debit and 'delete' / skip / pause payments for a short period of time without having them to cancel.
Nic Davel commented
Are there any updates on this?
This is honestly a feature that is so crucial and is so disappointing that it's still not available.
The ability to be able to choose payment dates, skip payments or alter each weeks is incredibly important to what we do and being able to provide our clients with an amazing service but providing them with the flexibility that is expected because it's how it's done in pretty much every other payment service.
Honestly this needs to be a priority.
Tyler Brooks commented
How is this STILL not an option? Get on it Trainerize...
Vanessa Stolarski commented
I really need to be able to switch a client to a different program without canceling them & then asking them to resign. This opens up way too much potential for the client to flake, delay or change their minds altogether & then I lose money bc they failed to re-sign.
Vanessa Stolarski commented
Too easy for a client to delay or change their minds on upgrading or changing programs. We can literally lose money if this doesn't change.
Becky Jones commented
Yes really need this! Annoying to have to cancel then re-set up
Naomi Lynn commented
agreed... we need this ASAP
Sophie Hull commented
This should be standard
Sophie Hull commented
Ability to pause individual payments (say if a client is on holidays) without having to cancel them down and restart them. Ability to choose which day payments come out or move a select one to another day.