Menstrual period tracking in app and shade the weight loss graph a different colour for coaches
When females have their menstrual cycle, it would be great to be able to see it on the chart with their weight loss, in a different colour

Kate commented
I have been searching (and would switch over in a heartbeat), but there is literally NO personal trainer software designed to let trainers set up programs based around female bodies. Menstrual tracking should be a bare minimum.
I am waiting for FITRwoman or WILD to expand their coach dashboard but if we could integrate with those apps or even Oura, that would at least be a start.
I swear, the first software to take these metrics seriously is going to win the market
And indirectly, moving away from body weight based metrics (or at least giving us the option to turn off a forced body weight stat upon sign up)
Luke Andreas Epaminondas commented
This would be epic, and for it to show more information about it to help educating them.
Imani commented
Yes! This would be an amazing component on the training app. Cycle biofeedback is something I take into consideration for all of my clients. This affects a woman's training amongst other things, it would be great as their coach to easily track this with them.
Nikki Fraser commented
This is an amazing idea as the cycle can have huge impact on our RPE and the number on the scale.
Anonymous commented
This is such a fantastic idea!
Michele Wilder commented
Women's bodies change throughout their cycles and so do their training capabilities and nutritional needs. It would be very helpful to know where clients are in their cycles. This could be easily added in the fitbit and apple integrations as both platforms have period tracking abilities.
TJ Moats commented
A menstrual cycle tracker As stated in others that also allows to track energy/fatigue/RPE/recovery
Becca Percy commented
Somehow have the ability to monitor when female clients are in the follicular or luteal phase of their cycle. The apple cycle tracker, Clue, or FitRWomen are all amazing apps, but it doesn't allow for me to see multiple females and their predicted hormonal states.
If I'm going to genuinely coach and train these ladies, this needs to be considered! I would be doing them a disservice by not including it in their training program! I realise that to incorporate it in the software is a lot of work.
But Trainerize, you could definitely look to integrate Apple/Samsung app, or another cycle tracking app so that trainers and coaches can have a really good sense of how our ladies are!
Burnout is one of the primary reasons why female leave sport in New Zealand, and by monitoring their cycle, we can look to care for them and support them throughout every phase of their month.
Something (anything!!) to see where our ladies are in their cycle, for their safety!
Becca Percy commented
OMG! 100 times yes to this post!! I adjust my programs based on what phase my ladies are in! And it would be soooooo much easier to do this (and a better service), without having to do the maths on it every time!!
Janie Herron commented
This would be so incredible for the women I coach.
Eileen Pappas commented
Yes, a number of clients use the app Clue to track periods and symptoms. Would be great if Trainerize was able to sync with this.
Anonymous commented
Can i vote for this 11,000 times!!!! Out of all suggestions - this is by far the one that Im so shocked that it hasnt already been added.
Luke Everett commented
I think this needs to go one step further and track the cycle the females are on as this directly impacts their strength and workout capacity.
By knowing which part of their cycle phase (Follicular, Ovulation, Luteal) they are on, the Trainer can better program for the client specifically.
Also have thing ability for the client to check-in went Ovulation starts and finishes mean you can track the cycle length and consistency. -
Sarah Bartlett commented
Either through Apple Health, or another period tracking app such as Flo. I use alot of menstrual/hormonal focused protocols with my female clients, in which we are constantly tracking for body temperature and menstrual cycle timings, and symptoms - having this integrate with Trainerize, or a built in option for women to select when they are menstruating would be helpful
Jasmin Fowler-Puja commented
yes I love this! I always have to check in with my female clients when their weight goes up a little like "hey are you on your period?" lol, kind of awkward sometimes
Aubrey Mahaffey commented
Need this!
Kyala Clegg commented
Females can sync their cycle with trainerize and get more insight about how they should be training based on their time of month. Trainers can then also use this info to improve programming for females with periods (and help prevent amenorrhea also)
Michaela Mallett commented
Many of my clients have asked for this
Shana Leigh commented
If Trainerize could link up with Flo app cycle tracker, this would help our female clients to get even better results by understanding how their cycle effects progress/training etc. I use this app currently with my clients, but it would help so much to have it link to their profile so all data is in one place.
Anonymous commented
The menses cycle in women plays a vital role in how they are feeling and their training phases. Being able to predict when a client is going to be able to lift heavy and when she needs to go slow would be extremely beneficial