Need to allow custom calorie intake below 1400
Simply give the option for custom calories below 1400 as some people need them
stephanie White commented
The main reason i'm considering not staying with trainerize is for this reason. It's the ONLY thing in my opinion that lets it down. I have at least two short clients, 1400 would barely get them in a deficit. Perhaps the system could link the meal generator to the height or perhaps you only allow those with professional credentials/ qualifications to apply for this lower calorie feature? Seriously disappointing that your software can't do this.
Rogelio Gonzalez commented
This needs to change ASAP! Going below 1400 is less than a 500 calorie deficit for some clients. Please update!!
Shelby Stuckey commented
Sometimes I lower clients really low for a short time so it would be nice to be able to in the app
Kelsy Abella commented
Some people need less than 1400. The meal planner is a good idea, but also kinda useless without being able to tailor calories to reality.
Sparky Park commented
Why hasn't this changed already? Shouldnt this be a quick implementation? Custom calorie intake is very important
C Rod commented
This is very critical to the success of my business. Everyone is not created equally and based off individual metrics, a number less than 1400 is appropriate.
AAPEX Supplements commented
This is important because some of us are training serious athletes. In these cases we push to our limits. Especially during cutting phases.
Ben Cross commented
I have 2 clients who can’t achieve a deficit at 1400… why don’t you set minimum below the calculated TDEE not a generic one
Julie Prince commented
Critical I with some clients who are shorter and older for instance, if your are under 5ft tall and 60-year old women 1400 may not get you into a deficit
Claire Farrell (fitpositive) commented
This is critical for my smaller clients who simply need to be at lower than 1400 in order to achieve a calorie deficit.
James Andrew Fraser commented
short people should be allowed to use this amazing feature to lose weight - 1400 calories can be maintenance for some people
Elisabeth Magalhaes commented
I have quite a few very short clients and 1400 is not a deficit for them. -
Ricky Darma commented
Why it's not even updated yet?
Ricky Darma commented
Many people especially women are small in indonesia, we're talking about 150cm and less in height, they need under 1400 even for maintenance calories, please update
Shaikha Alyaqout commented
Some clients of mine have had bypass surgeries and they can't take in big meals in one sitting it would be very critical to provide that option
Jeremy Thom commented
Even though I understand it can be for majority that under 1400 cal is unhealthy, there is the exception (ie, someone who is quite small in stature).
Allowing us the flexibility to adjust this is critical. Please arrange ASAP
Tajinder Judge commented
There are days when it needs to be lower than 1400 and it causing lot of extra work for me. Please include this feature.
Anonymous commented
I work with clients who compete and I need to be able to make greater adjustments to there macro split and total calories
Christina commented
Many reasons why this needs to be lowered: bikini competition prep is one example. But Gastic sleeve and gastric bypass is the main reason. Unfortunately, clients who have had these surgeries can't physically eat 1400cal due to the restriction. These clients usually eat anywhere from 800-1200cal. I don't like it being that low, but this is just the reality of what is tolerated and recommended from their doctors.
Shane Gordon commented
This needs to change in both directions. A small 40kg bikini competitor will need days lower than 1400.
More obviously though, 4000 is WAY to restrictive if you have any high level male athlete who is wanting to get bigger.