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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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213 results found

  1. Ability to change appointment type from in person to virtual under the same "event"

    I have clients that are sometimes in person, but switch to virtual sessions. At this time, if I switch them in the system, they won't get charged for a session- a client should be able to utilize their sessions however they'd like, and as a trainer it is important they get charged for the session (for obvious reasons). A 60 min session is a 60 min session no matter how the client chooses to use it.

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  2. Ability to change appointment type from in person to virtual under the same "event"

    I have clients that are sometimes in person, but switch to virtual sessions. At this time, if I switch them in the system, they won't get charged for a session- a client should be able to utilize their sessions however they'd like, and as a trainer it is important they get charged for the session (for obvious reasons). A 60 min session is a 60 min session no matter how the client chooses to use it.

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  3. Toggle notifications off during class creation.

    When updating the class schedule clients receive a notification with each update. Can you create a way for an admin to toggle notifications off during this process?

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  4. Calendar view when booking appointments

    Instead of having a scrolling calendar when booking 1-1 appointments it would be much easier to be able to see a calendar view so that the day of the week is visible too. I often have to switch over to my iCal to check which day a certain date falls on.

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  5. Ability for clients to join a waitlist

    if a class is full, have a client join a waitlist

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  6. 1 vote

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  7. clients can schedule up to the appointment time or until 2 hours before

    Booking appointments- we have the ability to allow clients to book appointments up to the class time or 2 hours before- I suggest allowing us to allow clients to book 1 hour before the class time

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  8. Allow to block time off before a class

    This would allow 10-15 minutes for people to arrive and settle into the class before it starts, and no personal training clients could book an appointment that ends right when the class starts. so it would allow a little lap over for the last client to leave and the people for the class to arrive.

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  9. Ability to set Smart Avavailability

    The issue with setting availabilities, is that it doesn't stop clients from sessions that have gaps of time between them. For example, I am free 4-8pm, I have one client book 4pm, then one at 8pm.

    It would be great for the booking system to work like a doctors booking system, or when you book a car service. E.g, it will automatically give you availabilities that "block" the sessions back to back.

    For example, if my availability is 4-8pm, and I only have one session from 5-6pm, it will only allow a client to book their session DIRECTLY before or…

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  10. Increasing the number of attendees without creating a new product

    I had to recreate my products, resell them, pretty much redo everythig form selling to setting up classes just because I can increase the number of people attending a class. this feature should be simple in a product and not this complicated

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  11. Dollar icon

    Sometimes I'll switch between paid and free classes. I need to see at a glance whether it's a paid class on my schedule. Instead I have to go into the class and edit it to see. Please just add a dollar icon in the schedule on the very right just like with all other client calendar icons

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  12. Waiting list for group appointments

    I would like a waiting list option for when a group class is fully booked

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  13. Text message reminders for in-person and virtual appointments

    I want to use the calendar portion of the system, but I can't because I need to be able to have text message and email reminders for in-person and virtual consultations. I currently use another app that links to my Google calendar, but I pay a separate fee and would love to do it through Trainerize.

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  14. 3 votes

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  15. Flexible Session Credits

    Session credits can book into multiple classes. No longer limited to one event type, you can select multiple, or even all event types to have your session credits apply towards.

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  16. Show clients name first, instead of appointment type.

    Set the clients name as the start of the preview
    At the moment each appointment description begins with the appt. type and I have to hover over the appointment to see the clients name. This means that when the appointments are integrated into an external calendar (google calendar for me) all I see is "45min PT session" so would be nice to see the clients name first.

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  17. report of all clients and their attendance at "Booked" in person classes

    I would like to be able to get a report of all clients and the amount of in person classes they attended for the month.

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  18. 1 vote

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  19. Sub-categoy for group classes

    Allow to add sub-category to a class. such as Strength, Cardio, HIIT, hot yoga or vinyasa, etc and allow clients to see what this sub-category is when booking. for example I offer strength and metabolic classes. but there is no way of posting the schedule of which day is what and clients cant see when booking a class

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  20. event times

    The ability to toggle the length of a client appointment from the standard 60 minutes to 75 minutes

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