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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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1626 results found

  1. The calendar on the programs back dates.

    I want to do online training but this app makes it hard because every time i have a new client it starts them on very first month instead of where everyone else is in the program, which makes it impossible for me to keep everyone on the same page. Then if i delete the workouts it back dates everyone to the month they started. It’s really annoying for my clients and really inefficient for me.

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  2. Allow to add data from VO2 max testing

    Allow custom metrics for custom assessments, i.e. VO2 max testing, etc

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  3. Messaging option when structuring a workout/program

    When structuring each workout there should be an option to send a message for each exercise
    Push Up eg If you can’t complete the rep count finish on your knees

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  4. View progress in Progression spreadsheet

    When creating a progression, I'd like to see the last time a client tracked that particular exercise or workout, that way, I can easily progress sets, reps and weight

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  5. workout builder

    Once you've searched for an exercise, the ability to flag, select or dock an exercise (like a favourite) so it can be dragged into the builder more than once without having to search again and again.

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  6. Change workouts from interval to regular after they are made

    Sometimes need to change a workout from interval to regular because the client doesn’t like the way the timer works.. would be a lot easier and faster to just have the option the change a workout from interval to regular without creating a whole new one

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  7. 7 votes

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  8. Be able to graduate from a bodyweight to a weight exercise

    -the ability for clients to include amount of weight used, length, and reps, on every exercise (not only just one). For example:
    Hanging Leg Raise - you are only able to include amount of reps done, as a client, and not additional weight if applicable (if they were to do weighted hanging leg raises).

    Right now you have to use 2 different exercises

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  9. Leave the rest periods alone

    It's great how we can do a rest periods after each exercise, however, the new format where when you click on the workout and it shows the rest period as a complete block under the exercise is too distracting. It makes it look like the workout is way longer than it is. It was better when it was on the side. It's harder to see what exercises are in the workout at a glance when there is a big yellow rest under each one. Just my opinion.

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  10. print exercise images when printing workouts

    print exercise images when printing workouts

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  11. Included metabolic coaching

    Incorporate metabolic coaching workouts into this app so users don’t need to use two different ones

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  12. Connect to ExerSmart Cardio programming

    It would be great to have cardio and strength in one place!

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  13. Mass exercise Import as general

    When I'm importing several coaching videos from YouTube, I cannot import them as general. I have to pick reps, timed.... These coaching videos are simply for education rather than exercise and now I have to go back through and change them to general.

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  14. Separate exercises based on body part. Ex: Biceps , Triceps, Lower Abs

    I think the app would be a lot easier to use if the exercises were broken down based on body part. For example, if I search “Triceps” it should list all tricep workouts. Or have it to where you click the body part and it brings up exercises for that part of the body

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  15. Faster workout design

    Ability to add exercises and all parameters simply using keyboard. Having to use mouse slows down the process greatly.

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  16. 1 vote

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    THIS A FUNDAMENTAL AND TOTALLY ESSENTIAL TOOL for strength & conditioning coaches, trainers and serious coaches

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  18. More variety on videos , try to cover more functional videos

    Plyometric workouts , box jumps , ropes ect

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    When you tie a group and Master Program together, all groups are forced to start at a specific date that the trainer sets. WHY?

    This is silly.

    Just let us have the option to put people into a group and come in at different dates and start Master Programs at different times.

    You guys have a lot of cool features and got a lot of things right. But there are some things I am just shaking my head on. Big things.

    Makes no sense at all.

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  20. Show if a client has previously been set a workout from their list.

    When you go to set a workout for a client, it would be great if it could show if the client has already been set that workout before and how many times.

    For example,
    leg workout (Client has not been set before)
    leg workout (Client has been set 1 time)
    leg workout (Client has been set 3 times)

    This way it is so much easier to know if a workout is new to the client or if you have set it before.

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