Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
1625 results found
Workout and program building
Be able to copy and paste workouts without having to select from your exercise library
4 votes -
Allow logging of stats during Interval workouts
Ability to log stats as you progress through a interval workout rather than at the end. Currently when you create a workout with interval template, it has 2 options once you start you can either "Track"or "Check in". I use the track function so that it transitions from one exercise to the other using the times and rest durations i specificed. The problem with this is that you cant enter your stats during the progression of the timer, you have to instead enter them at the end. Here is my problem with this:
One example is my Bumps and Jumps…
16 votes -
Interval Timer: Ability to access the workout and begin at what ever exercise the client chooses
When people are using the interval timer, occasionally they are kicked off and have to restart the workout because a phone call came through, wireless service issues, or phone glitches, etc. It would be great to have the ability to access the workout and choose what segment of the workout you want to begin at. For instance, if you got kicked off and wanted to restart the workout, you could start if from the point where you got kicked off instead of having to begin at the very beginning. If people get kicked off at the end of their routine,…
2 votes -
Allow the timer to rotate when being used by clients
When my clients use their apple tv or chromecast to air play their interval timer and workout with their home systems, the timer does not rotate so they cannot maximize their TV screen. Allow the rotation within the timer on their mobile devices so that when they airplay or connect to their tv, the whole tv screen is used.
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10 votes
Addition Fields for Exercises
For your program design, I'm looking for additional fields for each exercise, such as tempo, recovery, intensity load (absolute and relative). I use PTEnhance, and it has all of those things. Of course Trainerize has things that they don't have, but I need the ease of designing programs first. Some examples are Tempo (Slow, Medium, Fast, or numeric for 3122, 21X1, etc.), Relative Intensity: 7 RPE, 2 reps in reserve. Rest 30 sec.
13 votes -
Add small group, partner, couple or duo training format. Ability to track multiple clients quickly
For small groups it would save a lot of time if we would add group workouts to a group of people.
This would work for small group and semi private clients.
There could be two options for tracking.
The clients track their own stats (ideal for small groups)
With in the same view/page you could add stats for multiple people in a given workout with out having to switch in and out of clients to add stats (ideal for semi private)
This is a must have feature. Right now stat tracking for more than one client at a time is…
368 votes -
Software update for the app? My client feels like it freezes and isn't very user friendly
Update the app and make it more user friendly. Takes ages to load stuff which doesn't always load. can't open the workouts to read instructions nor do the videos appear
6 votes -
Increase interval timer so it can be used for longer cardio sessions
The interval timer seems to only go to 5 minutes. It would be nice to used a countdown timer for running workouts like this:
Walk/Jog Warmup - 5 minutes
Run (zone 2) - 15 minutes
Run (zone 3) - 10 minutes
Run (zone 2) - 15 minutes
Walk/Jog Cooldown - 5 minutesWe also use it for cycling, which has intervals up to 90 minutes.
16 votes -
Change workouts into cardio templates
I'd like cardio templates as well because of the detail and progression ability. I am technically creating different workouts for cardio, but when clients finish that it just adds to the workout number not the cardio number. Adding cardio on the calendar is super limited.
10 votes -
Make it possible for trainers to add what we want on the client calendar instead of bring limited to a drop down list.
I want to be able to include "Yoga class at the Y" or "meet with trainer" or whatever on my client calendar. While I like having the option to select workouts from the drop down menu, I think the rest is too limiting.
6 votes -
Graduate a client - Export their data
When a client "graduates" and completely stops training with you, it would be nice with a "Graduate" button which exports all his workouts (nicely, so he could print it), all his stats, meal plan, etc., into 1 PDF file which you can e-mail to them.
The export could have settings to choose which training plan to export, or choosing what time period.
The file could even have a nice front page, and a "About your trainer" section, a list of Personal Bests, links to social media, etc,.
29 votes -
When you track a workout have the previous workout reps/weight show on the screen
When my clients are tracking their stats their previous workout info doesn't show, so they can't do the workout and track at the same time since it doesn't show what weight/reps they did last time.
28 votes -
Remove client view of exercise library
Remove the ability for a client to see the exercise library and add a freestyle workout
9 votes -
Introduce a section within the workout plan to gauge the intensity each exercise/workout.
Personally I like to use the 'Reps in Reserve' (RIR) model. For each set I ask my clients to record how many more reps they feel they could have completed in good form. Very simple and gives me an indication of how hard the client is working. This is vital when progressing the workout (increase load/reps/ROM ect.) or even more importantly can help to identity if the intensity is too high and increasing the risk of injury.
Maybe this isn't for every trainer but it would be nice to have the option to customise the workout information.
RPE scale is…12 votes -
Allow other workouts/tracking while a part of a program
It drives me nuts that if I create a program for a client it takes away all their other workouts and the ability to move a workout or track a non-program workout. PLEASE open it up so even if a client is on a program they can still track "other workouts" and have workouts not in the program be a part of their library.
6 votes -
Calendar Edit Functionality
It would be great to be able to change a workout on the calendar without having to delete it and put in a new workout.
6 votes -
Create a Program for days, not weeks
Allow a program to run for a certain amount of days vs having to have it last a whole week.
4 votes -
Text only workouts
The ability to post written text workouts with stats tracking feature. Some clients do not want videos. Also searching for videos to go with an exercise can take time especially if the videos are not well suited to your clients goals, are not the desired length, or do not have the exact movements you want. Having to import from a YouTube search is labor intensive. Having the ability to input a workout template with text and stat tracking would be a nice addition for those clients who are intermediate to experienced.
4 votes -
Add workout builder tab
I'm trying to add workouts but can't find where to do it. Itt needs to be more user friendly
2 votes
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