Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
1631 results found
Mass exercise Import as general
When I'm importing several coaching videos from YouTube, I cannot import them as general. I have to pick reps, timed.... These coaching videos are simply for education rather than exercise and now I have to go back through and change them to general.
1 vote -
Faster workout design
Ability to add exercises and all parameters simply using keyboard. Having to use mouse slows down the process greatly.
1 vote -
It would be great to get updated videos
I think that some standard exercises and standard gym based equipment could be added to help support to workout programs. Part of the love for this is easy and quick setup but I have not found many if the exercises I actually do.
2 votes -
1 vote
More variety on videos , try to cover more functional videos
Plyometric workouts , box jumps , ropes ect
1 vote -
When you tie a group and Master Program together, all groups are forced to start at a specific date that the trainer sets. WHY?
This is silly.
Just let us have the option to put people into a group and come in at different dates and start Master Programs at different times.
You guys have a lot of cool features and got a lot of things right. But there are some things I am just shaking my head on. Big things.
Makes no sense at all.
1 vote -
Show if a client has previously been set a workout from their list.
When you go to set a workout for a client, it would be great if it could show if the client has already been set that workout before and how many times.
For example,
leg workout (Client has not been set before)
leg workout (Client has been set 1 time)
leg workout (Client has been set 3 times)This way it is so much easier to know if a workout is new to the client or if you have set it before.
1 vote -
The ability to switch out reps/time for an "other" category
My clients are climbers, so having the ability for them to add in climbs or grades of climbs would be helpful in the rep section. Just adding in a more qualitative "rep" section would be okay. Some climbing gyms don't do grades, rather they do colors, so have a flexible rep box they could add comments to would be ideal.
1 vote -
Assign a program to a client from the phone
Assign a program to a client from the phone
8 votes -
Be able to quickly fill in Reps and kg from previous set completed inset of having to manually inputting each set
Would be really convent as a PT and user to be able to just click a button that add in the previous reps and weight (kg) into next set if client has done the same reps and weight in all sets.
At the moment if a person does 4 Sets of 10 and used 15kg I need to input all info 4 times and would be an amazing update.11 votes -
Add "Loaded Carry" as an exercise type
I would like to see LOADED CARRY added as an exercise type option.
Exercises that fall into this category are; Farmer carries, suitcase carry, ruck hike, etc.
The objective here is to transport a load over a distance. Measures to t record that would indicate progress would be;
1) the load carries
2) the distance transported
3) the time to cover the instance (or time under tension/load)So, when recording progress for his type of move we need to be able to record and track progress on;
A) Distance covered
B) Time under tension
C) LoadAt this time I…
100 votes -
Clients want to be able to print their workout s
A thing that would be great, is that i know many people like to print the workout out on paper. so if there could be a pdf creater of the workout you maked for your clients ? So they could choose that option to?
3 votes -
Combine different circuit/interval/regular workouts within one multi-modal workouts
Add the ability to merge different types of workouts (like circuit and HIIT) into 1 workout.
2,024 votes -
Weekly automated tracking of specific exercise RPE AND automated weight selection
Having a system where you can automate weekly weight selections based on the RPE/effort of the workout.
How this idea came to me is that previously I use Google Sheets as my main source of delivering training programs. For those who are familiar with Sheets/Excel, you can do things like
EXAMPLE: If the client is asked performs goblet squat @ 20lbs @ RPE8,
However, the client did it at RPE6, the google sheet automatically fills in next weeks weight/adds next weeks weight to let's say 30lbs to hit RPE8.Now I know we can o this MANUALLY on the program…
33 votes -
Workout Programming
Is there a way we can add a Master Workout into a Client’s profile without having to do it from a desktop? I feel that it is a bit tedious to have to do a few other things on the computer.
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Personal best in overview
It would be great to be able to view what the clients PB's are from the Overview page rather than getting a notification that "Joe achieved 3 PBs in todays workout" then having to click into each exercise to see what's changed.
3 votes -
view entire Client Calendar workouts to help with programming flow
Currently you CAN NOT open a clients calendar and easily see on previous days what workout/ movements/ exercises were completed. If you could allow previous workouts to be viewed in the Client calendar, and simply edit a specific day with the whole calendar open, while still seeing previous days... this would allow a easier flow and visual to make sure as the trainer you didn't accidentally program the same thing or similar movement.
5 votes -
More in-person training adjustments
A way for trainers to have a single compact screen for in-person session use so you can quickly just enter something like 3x12x15 instead of having to input data for every single set. Also a way to add workouts to client profiles that only the trainer can see/use, for in person training use as well.
4 votes -
Rep goal transferred to printed sheet
When printing, it would be great if the target rep goals I have in the workout were transferred to the printed sheet. I've found myself having to write in the target reps on every printed sheet i hand to my in-gym clients. It would be nice to see a target rep range possibly underneath or beside the name of the exercise. Or even somewhere in the set box.
1 vote -
See total duration of a workout! (PLEEEASE!) 😃😃😃
Thank you!!
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?