Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
505 results found
Show All Clients
Having the ability to SHOW ALL clients on one list then select, filter, tag, and manage large groups of clients would make the software even more useable for companies/trainers with large lists of clients.
10 votes -
Get A List Of Deactivated Clients
If my account is downgraded to a lower payment option, and a bunch of my clients are automatically deactivated because of this action, I would like to be able to see an exact list of the clients who've been deactivated. If, for instance, I have 100 clients, and I downgrade my account to a plan that allows just 75 clients, it would be useful to know which 25 clients have been deactivated by Trainerize. Or more honestly, I should actually be able to choose which clients are deactivated, instead of Trainerize acting on my behalf, please. Thank you.
1 vote -
Ability to edit start time and workout duration
It's great the time tracking feature added, but can we please add the ability to change start / end time on at least the trainer side. This will help better track time with the client, and works around issues such as the app crashing / losing data.
Thanks2 votes -
Ability to have training only getting started videos
You can’t switch of the walkthrough video that every client see’s when they start up the App, the mentioning of diet plans is not applicable to many trainers so can be confusing for the client.
2 votes -
1 vote
Copy and repeat freestyle workouts from a client calender
Have a client on a group training plan, but be able to create an extra freestyle workout on their calendar that can be copied to repeat on another day.
3 votes -
Bench Mark support like Sugarwod or Integration of Sugarwod?
To be able to have stored Barbell Movements and or Benchmark workouts to test fitness without having to reinvent all or repopulate them.
3 votes -
I would like to see the option of attaching a picture or video in clients dashboard under trainers notes.
Sometimes i like to add a picture of whiteboard explanation or video demo of workout. This is something they need to refer back to and is handy to have in their notes.
i can post pics and videos in messages and group chats in but eventually over time you have to go through messages to revert back to it. Is there a way of posting and keeping it in daily notes in the dashboard?1 vote -
Let us edit/delete comments
When we leave comments on the calories section, pictures or exercise replies, we can't edit or remove them like we can in the chat. I'd like the ability to unsend/delete and edit them please.
7 votes -
Remove Tags When Unnecessary
Have the ability to remove the automated tags. For example, some clients would rather text me through cell phone than a message on the app, but the tag saying they haven't been messaged in awhile stays. Also, if I add in workouts without using the program feature, I cannot "schedule" a new phase and the tag asking me to give them a new phase never goes away. It makes it difficult to manage my clients correctly.
2 votes -
Clients sign waivers with finger on their app
On the app Mind Body the professional usually has a waiver and/or agreement that the client can review and sign with their finger.
This is better than having them view the document, print off, sign, scan and email back. Plus an electronic version on the app through your system seems much more safe.
I would love to know that my clients can access it first before beginning any exercise programs.
Maybe an electronic version of the Par-Q would also help with boxes for them to check. All of these additions would help the trainers using this product feel more safe.1,495 votes -
Add tooltips for buttons in Clients web page view
Please add tooltips for the Archive, Delete, Resend and Export buttons on the Client Page in Web View.
I know this is not a very important feature, but I think it is so easy to be implemented that there's no reason to not do it. It also offers us Trainers a more clear understanding of the Dashboard we're working on.
1 vote -
Using a roller to change weight
Use a rolling number instead of typing in numbers for weight and etc.
Also add in sounds on the count down clock. 5,4,3,2,1
1 vote -
Colour Code Clients Based On Tags
I have a number of clients assigned to different programmes. It would be ideal to be able to identify them at a glance through colour coding. I would be able to see which clients have a 1-1 (increased contact) option and so need more check in. The tags are all grey in colour so they don't identify individual attributes that I need to account for
4 votes -
Add a "notes" feature for clients, not within their workouts
Can you please add a note section that would be similar to the tasks or habits that can be added to the client calendar. Some of my clients like to make note of the days of their cycle, what stressful event they had that day, or just other things that I should be aware of on random days.
1 vote -
Create in-app "Note" tab when clients click on + in the calendar.
When the client has an overview of his own schedule, they can click the + to add an activity. There are several options, but they are unable to find a "Note" tab.
For example, the client completed a workout, they can only add a comment which is automatically shared with us, trainers. This can be annoying for them.
My idea is that the client may have the possibility to leave a note as a reminder or personal observation within the app that the trainer won't see but may be important for them to note and add it to the schedule…
1 vote -
Ability to create a form, depending on answers drive automation of program or trainer assignement
Have a question like level, type of training to drive program assignment or trainer assignment automatically
1 vote -
Overview / home screen page
Customization for your home screen page. Something like widgets. I'd rather look at something of use to me regarding my clients rather than the "invite friends" and "new features" that is currently there.
3 votes -
Client stats post in message thread
have clients recent workout stats post in the personal message thread between the client and the trainer
1 vote -
1 vote
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