Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
409 results found
Allow Custom Calorie goals. Ex: Some athletes burn more than 4000 calories a day, and need higher options
Allow Custom Calorie goals. Ex: Some athletes burn more than 4000 calories a day, and need higher options
7 votes -
Having the option to use metric measurements and adjusting the meal plan to their customised macro goals!
1) My clients track their macros/calories by weighing their foods to the gram. Cup or spoon measurement are highly inaccurate.
2) I want to be able to adjust my clients meal plan to their individual macro split. Currently, this is not possible unfortunately.
4 votes -
ability to not follow calorie allowance
allow ability to use any recipe - not calorie or macro focused for flexible eating / ED recovery
2 votes -
Add simple meals with minimal ingredients
Simple Meals Like Oats, for breakfast. ect. Nothing too complicated and overwhelming for clients so they are likely to stick to the plan.
3 votes -
70 votes
Selection of Culture/Ethnic Groups in Meal Choices/Recipes in Meal Planner
Clients need to be able to access cultural foods so they can be successful with their goals. Having recipes from many large cultural groups will ensure all clients can find foods they actually eat.
Here are some much needed categories: American, Chinese, French, Greek, Indian, Greek, Indian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Mexican, Lebanese, Middle Eastern, Moroccan, Russian, Spanish, Thai, Vietnamese, Jewish, Filipino, Caribbean (Haitian, Jamaican, Bahamian, Southern USA, Asian, Mediterranean, Indigenous, Nigerian, Northern African, Southern African, Eastern African, Western African, Central African, Pacific Islander, Australian, Alaskan.
When all clients can be represented, trainers with diverse clients can choose foods that…
4 votes -
Opt out of using sucralose /non-caloric sweeteners
If we're trying to get people to eat better and eat "whole foods" that are nourishing why are we suggesting non-caloric/hyper palatable sweeteners? There are countless studies that show the negative impact of artificial, non-caloric sweeteners on gut health. Not to mention it continues that perpetual cycle of constantly craving 'sweet' vs savoury? Just a thought. I tell my clients to use maple syrup, date sugar or even coconut sugar.
4 votes -
More high protein on the go lunch ideas
More variety for on the go high protein lunches. Most people work and don't always have access or time to cook or reheat at lunch
2 votes -
Be able to use the meal planner as well as logging food through myfitnesspal
The meal planner is great as guidance but I want to be able to assign both so the client has the option and a more flexible approach
1 vote -
Ability to change the unit of measurement.
Hello. Nice app, fast and efficient. However, two things bother me. One of them was mentioned by the previous speakers, and that is the shopping list. The second one is the ability to change units from teaspoons and ounces to grams. I believe this is quite important because not all tablespoons are the same, and counting in this measure, especially for fats, can lead to introducing and enforcing artificial caloric values like 1200, etc. I could manage because I would use Google as a unit converter, but not every beginner has such an idea and the WILL to do it,…
1 vote -
2 votes
Adding the ability for clients to see a list of all the meals and favorite them
Be able to make it so clients can see a list of all the recipes offered in the smart meal planner with the calories and macros visible and also a search option and then so they can heart their favorite meals and add them to a list for way reference later. This will help out immensely when trying to meal prep a full week in advance!
6 votes -
Incorporate intermittent fasting into Smart Meal Plan
Right now, three meals per day is the minimum for the Smart Meal Plan feature. Some clients undergo intermittent fasting where they have their total amount of calories for the day divided into two meals. It would be helpful to accommodate those clients and allow them to have a smart meal plan by having the minimum amount of meals shifted to two and to incorporate higher caloric meals into the mix.
23 votes -
Ability to create smart meal plans through drag and drop (like workout builder)
I'd like to create any meal plan using the meal library through drag and drop just like the workout planner and then seeing what the total macros and calories would be.
2 votes -
Add 25% P / 5% C / 70% F macro split (keto)
Add an ultra-low carb, keto macro split
33 votes -
Link in-app recipes to clients calendar or program
It would make sense to me to be able to assign or link the recipes under the “meals” tab to select clients. As of now we have to screen shot the recipe and send it to the client over chat.
1 vote -
Copy Meals to Multiple Days at Once
Please allow a person to copy meals to multiple days at once. For example, it’d be helpful to enter my breakfast protein shake for a month at a time, rather than copying ahead by the day.
8 votes -
Add more South Asian recipes to the Smart Meal Planner
We would like to see more Asian recipes incorporated in the Smart Meal Plan feature
10 votes -
2 votes
Why are we paying more for this? It isn't helpful
This isn't a helpful feature. It doesn't work in conjunction with MyfitnessPal and now I can't see my clients MyfitnessPal data
1 vote
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