Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
406 results found
Ability to manually enter macro splits in smart meal planner
Instead of the 3 preset macro splits, allow me to define my own macro splits.
If you want to build a completely custom meal plan, you should vote on this one: votes -
Ability to generate meal plans for higher and lower calorie days
It would be great to bee able to generate meal plans for both higher and lower calorie days for the clients you are modulating their food around training day / non-training day.
637 votes -
Need to allow custom calorie intake below 1400
Simply give the option for custom calories below 1400 as some people need them
526 votes -
Meal Planner “and” PDF option not “or”
The meal planner AND the PDF option Should be available to clients especially if the meal plan it was an additional paid feature.
It should not be an “EITHER OR” thing.
We should have the ability to give our clients our PDF information as well as the meal planner.
They need other things like grocery list restaurant guides etc. It should be an “AND” thing not an “or” thing
499 votes -
Simpler meal plans
The meal ideas are wonderful, but I can find it quite overwhelming for my clients especially with the amount of ingredients required for the suggested meals.
465 votes -
Ability to choose 3, 4, 5,or 6 meals for 1500 and lower caloric range
When putting in a meal plan for someone who may be in the 1500 range to be able to offer them meals plus snacks, not just 3 meals.
374 votes -
Ability to fully customize Nutrition
Having the ability to custom macros, calories (ex. 1480 vs. 1400) and number of meals is so important to a good plan. Offering only 3 meals max for a certain number of calories is so limiting and makes it hard to teach clients how to spread their meals out throughout the day. I'm having to pay extra for another website to offer exactly what I need for my clients. Being able to add new recipes into the program and allow clients to pull for the database is nice - Now if we could just get more options available on how…
320 votes -
It would be nice if you could edit the recipe and make simple swaps such as brown rice for white rice for example.
Meal planner section
298 votes -
Make the Macro split 100% customisable
Ability to customise macro split to individual needs. i.e. 45% protein, 20% carbs, 35% fat.
Also have the ability to customise meals, i.e. I get my clients to avoid carbs for breakfast if they train in the evenings or increase carbs post workout rather than having a even split of carbs throughout all meals218 votes -
The ability to add and customize meal names.
I have many clients eating more than 4 meals a day and right now the only options are breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack. Considering having them go back to MyFitnessPal because it seems much easier to navigate and has more options for customization.
163 votes -
Include 45% P / 30% C / 25% F Macro split
Include a balanced split of 45% Protein / 30% Carb / 25% Fat
155 votes -
Create a filter for 3-ingredient-max meals
Many clients want to eat simple and boring either throughout the weekdays or at least for most meals except perhaps dinner. This filter would allow me to give them several options for very simple recipes that they can cook in batches and eat all week.
134 votes -
Include 40% P / 40% C / 20% F macro split
Include a high protein/carb, low fat macro split
122 votes -
Tighter caloric ranges for auto-generated meal plan
The current range of meal planner is about +-100 calories.
But imagine if someone follows the plan for the whole week, then you’d have +-100 kcal/day * 7 = 700 kcal / week (or +300 kcal for these three days). It’s a lot and May have a huge impact on a physique, if we have a strict physique goal.
Have a tighter caloric range or at least try to hit a weekly average closer to the nutrition goal.
118 votes -
Include 45% P / 25% C / 30% F macro split
Allow a high protein balanced macro split
103 votes -
Ability to edit recipes
Some recipes on the app have incomplete instructions or too many ingredients.
Either we need to be able to change them or there needs to be a simple way to inform someone of an error.
99 votes -
Ability to create meal plans for carb cycling (high carb training days, lower carb non training days)
I would like my clients to carb cycling for workout or non-workout days.
98 votes -
94 votes
Create Master Meal Plans
The ability to create master meal plans and save them so we can import to a clients plan in the same way we do with master programmes
87 votes -
Meal Automation
Some clients are simple and wouldn't mind eating the same foods everyday. So a feature that can allow us to copy and paste meals for a certain amount of days or each and everyday would be nice!
73 votes
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