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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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1631 results found

  1. A better integration of "Rate of Perceived Exertion" (RPE) within Regular workout design

    A better integration of RPE would include a designated field for trainers to communicate the RPE for each exercise to the client, letting them know how hard this set should feel.

    In addition, I would suggest the inclusion of a field where clients record their "Last Set Rate of Perceived Exertion" (LSRPE) This way trainers can get a more granular picture of how and where clients rate of exertion reaches or approaches failure throughout the workout rather than relying on the single exertion rating at the end of the workout.

    This could also be tied into automation, automatically generating a…

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  2. Weight History

    Availability to see history of each exercise weight used. It would be nice to see the complete history of weight used for each exercise vs just the last time it was logged directly in the workout

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  3. Schedule a break/ time-off in a plan

    It would be nice to have a option to add a break into a scheduled program for a client if they need time off for illness or injury without having to fully rebuild the plan. For example you have a 6 week plan set up and workouts scheduled but client gets sick and you need to delay the plan for 10 days on the 2nd week of the plan so they can recover and start back up on week 3 after their scheduled 10 day break. It would just automatically push everything down on the calendar without needing to manually…

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  4. Link YouTube videos to video workouts

    Rather than importing a video when creating a video workout, provide the ability to link to an existing video YouTube. If copyright or unacceptable material is a concern, allow integration to our own YouTube channel and limit linking to videos to that channel.

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  5. Estimated workout time and exercise tempo counter

    I think having a feature that estimates the time of the workout would be a great addition also a timer to count rep tempo

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  6. Ability to add branded classes that show up as an activity

    Ability to track my branded classes as activities. My class is called Afterburn, so I would like it to show up as an activity tracked when they take the class.

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  7. Would like to see pregnancy specific exercises

    If possible I'd like to see pregnancy specific exercises ... existing exercise database could be updated to show for example: safe in trimester 1, 2 and/or 3

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  8. Periodized Sets/Reps

    ability to use customized algorithms to predetermine sets/reps - based on an If-Then algorithm using formulas on excel

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  9. Automatically show trainer recommend % of weight increase from week to week

    Once a workout is built, for progressions, I wish I could add the percentage or # of increase to auto populate each time an exercise is scheduled.

    Ie. Back squat @ 100 one week auto plans for 105 next week.

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  10. Replace/Add new upper body foam rolling exercises

    I want to do mobility workouts for my clients and for the foam rolling the form is worse than horrible. For some of them the person demonstrating rolls all over his low back. And for other, the "chest foam rolling", couldn't be worst, the guy rolls from his armpits all the way down his chest, and first, that's not how you roll your pecs, and second, that is no possible to do for a woman for obvious reasons. I'll have to film my own videos for this. Please, please, replace those videos or just delete them for avoiding someone using…

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  11. Get a notification after multiple missed workouts

    If a client misses more than 2 workouts in a row, the trainer should receive a notification so that he/she can check on the client and hold them accountable. The current "missed" feature seems to trigger at midnight on the day of the upcoming workout. This isn't ideal.

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  12. Ability to view clients exercise history inside the workout builder

    This should be fairly straight forward. When I am creating a workout for a client. I would like to look at the history of a specific exercise from within the builder.

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  13. Add the prescribed reps to the tracking sheet when you print it.

    When you select the option to print the tracking sheet it leaves the reps and weight blank. I understand the weight by why the reps. It is redundant to add them back in again. Whether I use it for my in person sessions or they want to use that instead of the app while working out.

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  14. Have exercise videos for seniors and clients with limited mobility

    Have videos using chairs or balance assisting furniture that can be done at home by individuals with limited mobility.

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  15. Add a 'Rehab/Recovery' top-level category

    Currently there are only 2 top-level categories: the blue square 'workouts' and the green circle 'cardio'. These categories are prominently displayed on the client dashboard in the 'activity by week' graphs and the 'all time completed' sections, as well as in the color coordinated calendar view.

    It would be GREAT if you could add a category for 'recovery' activities that could also be tracked and managed in the same manner. Perhaps a yellow oval or a purple star? The color/icon shape doesn't matter. But Recovery is such a major part of any successful training program, and we would love to…

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  16. Larger Instruction Area in Workout Builder

    The new workout builder only provides three lines of text which makes it a pain to edit. The ability to resize this area or just have it larger would be great!

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  17. heart rate calculation using Karvonen formula

    I noticed in the recent update that heart rates within the different zones is now automatically calculated utilizing the age of the client. I love this, however, it would be nice if we had the options of either choosing between calculating the zones automatically with the age formula or the Karvonen formula which utilizes the client's resting heart rate as well. Or at least entering the zones manually under the "measurements" tool so it overrides the age-predicted heart rates automatically.

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  18. Low workout compliance, without scheduled workouts

    Low workout compliance, without scheduled workouts.

    With the new compliance for nutrition and workout, i need a option to track workout compliance also, for the clients who have not scheduled their workouts ahead of time.

    Example: "tag client with less than 3 workouts each week" or "low workout compliance with clients less than 2 workouts each week" etc.

    Hope this can be a feature soon, together with the new (and awesome) compliance feature.

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  19. Be able to track stair climber floors instead of miles

    Be able to track stair climber floors instead of miles

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  20. Copy and paste workouts and programs on the app.

    Cannot copy from/to workout templates or clients in the app.

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