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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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1612 results found

  1. Add an exercise to an existing workout on the fly

    In the previous version of the app, you could add an exercise on the fly. It helped when you simply added another exercise or substituted an exercise for some reason and wanted to record it accurately. i.e. maybe you substitute a DB bench press for a BB bench press. This can still be done on the browser, but is no longer available on the app. I resort to making a note in a notebook and entering it later when I am at my computer.

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  2. Add 'Instructions' field before each superset within a workout

    At the moment there is a field to add instructions for the entire workout, but each "superset" within each workout may have a set of instructions that's unique to the others. I understand that you can outline this at the top of the workout; however, it can be quite annoying or difficult to have to constantly reference the instructions at the top of the page. Furthermore, understanding which instructions correspond to which superset can be confusing to some. An 'instructions' field before each superset would remedy this and make for a much better UX.

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  3. Save workouts after training plan is over

    I still need access to previously made workouts after a client's training plan has ended. Why aren't they saved to edit or reuse? The copying function showed no workouts to copy over.

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  4. Training Plan Search Index

    Add a search index to the training library so users don't have to scroll through to whole list of workouts to find something/

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  5. Add text option for notes on each exercise during a workout.

    Add text option in workout tracker for better notes for progression on each exercise, instead of only having the ability to put numbers. For example: heavy band, green band, short box, 24" box etc...

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  6. Muscle Group worked

    There should be Upper (clavicle) Mid (sternal) and lower (costal) pec on the selection of which muscle is being Worked. Was also wrong on the back muscle options. Rather have Upper back and Lats separate etc…

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  7. Add other training systems to Programs

    Add more options for training systems when creating a 'regular workout'

    At the moment you only have superset and circuit, however, things like Drop set, Pyramid, AMRAP, EMOM, Chipper would make it a lot easier for both the client and the trainer, rather than writing in the notes box- which also needs to be bigger when writing in, as if you make a mistake in the text you cant see as it scrolls along.

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  8. To be able to update a training plan while viewing how they did the previous week

    When programming a new workout you are unable to view how the client did in their previous session at the same time, which makes it harder to currently programme accordingly.

    At the moment I am needing to go through 2 devices one for programming and one to view the workout that they completed the previous week.

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  9. workout substitutions-

    Have the ability to select a reason for substitution. eg.-no cable machine access, or low impact needed and have it recommended a substitution based off of client need or availability.

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  10. Ability to track client's heart rate throughout entire workout/cardio activity etc.

    Currently the app only shows average, max and min heart etc.
    It would be GREAT to be able to see a full graph of their heart rate throughout the entire workout/activity.
    This can be pulled from any of the major phone's health apps.

    This would be great to be able to see their heart rate at certain times (spikes) / make sure they're consistent if training at a certain zone. It would pair well with the RPE and other stats.


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  11. Redo your Kettlebell videos

    I've noticed that some of the kettlebell exercises (Kettlebell cleans in particular) in your video library are being improperly performed. Sometimes in a manner that if replicated by a client could cause injury. I know that I can make my own videos and do not need to use the ones provided. However, when providing exercise demonstrations as part of the service said exercises should be demonstrated properly. I feel that Trainerize has an obligation to provide correct exercise demonstrations and by not doing so it hurts your credibility as a "Fitness Platform".

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  12. AM or PM training schedule

    Example....Some of my clients do Running in the AM then I’d like them to do their Rehab Ex program in the PM or Swim in The PM post Run as an Active Recovery session

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  13. PRINT

    We need to have an option for clients to print workouts that includes the REP SCHEMES DESIGNATED. The ability to print right now only gives the exercise then the number of sets, but no instructions from the reps or rest columns. They should be able to print something that has everything they need to do their workout (aside from videos obviously) because not everyone likes carrying their phone with them everywhere in the gym.

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  14. Cast Apple Watch HR zones to TV for small group/team training

    Ability to cast multiple clients' HR zones on a TV screen from Apple Watch. Something like MyZone but for the Apple Watch.

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  15. Alphabetize your exercise library

    It would be useful if the Exercise database were broken up in alphabetical order. If I wanted to find any exercises that started with the letter A I could just click on the "A" tab, and so forth. Right now I'm in the middle of going through our exercise database and whenever I leave the project for awhile and come back, I have to start at the beginning. I have to scroll down, wait for the videos to load, scroll down further, wait for videos, etc., until I get to whatever letter I was on. Not a major issue, but…

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  16. workout notes

    While a client is "doing" a workout within the app - it would be great if there was an option to add a note while still IN the workout. The feature would be available in close proximity (maybe a plus sign that expended to a text box) to where the client would post their reps or weights.

    Condition = client was assigned to perform strict pull-ups. Half-way through the exercise, the client had to modify with a band.

    The ability to add a note when reporting would allow the client to say they did "X strict repetitions" and "Y modified…

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    We are all stuck inside without a gym, most of our clients only have limited equipment. I have looked through every exercise and you guys do not have some very basic exercises that can be done with a band. Lat Pull down tricep push down, the list goes on. We're going to be stuck in this horrible situation for a while until a vaccine is created. You guys have to adapt to at home exercises. I realize that i can just put notes in for the client but so many need a visual, like a said you must adapt like…

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  18. Volume tracking

    Can you add volume load tracking for strength training into the App? This would be phenomenal for advanced lifters who need detailed tracking methods.

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  19. Readiness to train section before each workout

    Having the ability to rate sleep, stress, energy & doms before each training session would be great.

    Train heroic has a similar option on their platform.

    Gives us as trainers a good idea of how well clients are recovering. As well as setting a game plan for a client who maybe had 4 hours sleep and is super stressed at work. Maybe they work at 50% that day or not at all.

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  20. Duplicate an Exercise while building a workout

    It would improve efficiency to allow an exercise to be duplicated while building a workout.

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