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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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444 results found

  1. Add reminders to clients in notes

    Being able to add a reminder for the coach to a client for a time and date would be useful. For example I have a client who currently has some medical issues she has gone to the doctors for. I need to remember in 2 weeks to check up on a few things with relation to this.

    Ability to add that to the client and then receive this as a reminder would be very useful

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  2. Client Check in Tracking

    I wish there was a way for us coaches to enter in weekly data, stats, notes and recommendations each week for our clients. I currently have an excel spreadsheet to track all of this however, it would be nice to have everything in one place.

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  3. Have a profile for trainers

    I don't know how we as trainers don't have a profile and we can't track our workouts and nutrition either. we should be able to have the option to plan a training for ourselves.

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  4. Record cancelled or rescheduled appoinments

    With self booking, our trainers would like to have a record or clients who cancel or reschedule appointments that they've booked themselves.

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  5. Allow Coaches to send programs and/or workouts to other coaches within Trainerize

    I want to be able to import and export programs or workouts from other Trainerize Coaches. I would like to be able to select a program hit share and be able to send it to another coach via their registered Trainerized email. To which they will be able to now import into their own library.

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  6. Monthly Planner for high level custom periodised plan

    Planner that can be used for scoping and developing a custom plan. Can be useful for competing athletes or those with very specific goals. e.g 'Training Peaks' software features.

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  7. Contracts

    Built in contracts when clients purchase a product. Eg; minimum 12 weeks, 4 weeks notice to cancel. Having debt collection associated too. I had a client just delete her card details and I lost income with no notice

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  8. Trainers that are employees and don't need to see the payment details

    Some trainers may not be booking clients directly, but are employees. Therefore do not need to see the payment details of the current.
    In case of nutrition specific trainers, they would only see the meal tracking and body stats.

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  9. Copy week of workouts to the next week or for the whole month!

    I think it would be nice to copy week of workouts to the next week or for the whole month! That way you don’t have to reselect for each day

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  10. Data entry

    Feedback from one of my clients:

    If you’re working with the developer tell them they need to integrate into strava and garmins APIs to transfer workout data into this app.

    This same client would like for flexibility in adding her activities. I give her workouts to do, however if she did yoga instead of the workout I assigned, she would like to add it. She would like climbing to be an option. (;

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  11. Total inches on measurements

    My client wants to know what her total inches are from all of her measurements. That way she can know how many total inches she is losing when she does her progress checks.

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  12. Printable Graphs

    Make the progress graphs printable, so i can downlad them in pdf add some comments on their progress and send that pdf to my client when the end of training phase is nearing

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  13. Allow us to close/dismiss the "New Feature" and "Share the love" banners on the web app.

    These banners take up a big chunk of screen real-estate.

    The "Share the love" banner has been there as long as I've been a user(4-5years), and the "New Feature" banner hasn't changed in months.

    I understand their importance so even having the option of dismissing them temporarily would be appreciated.

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  14. Individual Notes/modifications

    I would like to add notes/ modifications beside individual exercises as I'm personal training.

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  15. Colour Code Clients Based On Tags

    I have a number of clients assigned to different programmes. It would be ideal to be able to identify them at a glance through colour coding. I would be able to see which clients have a 1-1 (increased contact) option and so need more check in. The tags are all grey in colour so they don't identify individual attributes that I need to account for

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  16. Add a search box when assigning workouts in calendar view

    When adding exercises, cardio, or workouts to programs in the calendar view, having the ability to search those without having to scroll through the whole list would be a clutch addition.

    Essentially all you need to do is add a search box to the pop up window when you select workouts.

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  17. Program my own workouts

    I would love to see the ability to train myself without using a client spot. This would allow me to program workouts so I can know what truly works. If it works, I would be able to easily assign that program to other clients.

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  18. Client to put in own workout

    For clients to be able to add exercises they have done without the exercise being in their training plan.

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  19. Photo reminder / tag

    Hi! I always struggling to find out which clients does not uploaded photos yet. Would be great to see on overview who I need to ask to upload progress photos.

    Many thanks!

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  20. give the profile and consultation window editable size qualities so that it can be onscreen while working on a training plan.

    When I am working on a clients plan, it would be nice to be able to open the clients profile and consultation form in a window that I can either size smaller and move to the side or move to an external monitor separate from the training plan. It would eliminate alot of back and forth work that we currently have to do.

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