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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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446 results found

  1. Show client's current weight in their profile card

    You can view a client's age, date of birth, height, but not weight in their profile card. It would be great to see their current weight in here as well.

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  2. Ability to include images in PARQ or other custom forms

    Ability to include images in PARQ or other custom forms

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  3. Display Clients Current Time Next to Their Name

    I work virtually and work with clients from several different time zones. It would be really helpful if the clients current time was displayed next to their name in dashboard, messages, client list so I could tell if it was an appropriate time to message them, and quickly adjust for their time zone when discussing scheduling

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  4. Multi Client View

    I'd like to be able to view multiple clients (2-4) on the same screen for coaching in person in case they're doing different workouts. This way I can see an overview of what each is doing on a laptop/desktop without asking to see their phone all the time.

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  5. Ability to Turn off the Invitation Email for Re-Activated Clients

    Would like the option to not send an invitation email to reactivated clients. Sometimes clients are deactivated for one week and it is redundant to send another invitation email.

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  6. Measurements summary rather than individual

    Rather than separate graphs for individual body parts, it would be great to have a summary graph. On this something like different coloured lines to represent each measurement site would be great.

    That way it's much quicker and easier to see overall progress on all measurements rather than one.

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  7. Ability to set up payroll for employees

    I use two softwares right now. I use PT minder just because their back end on running sessions and financial reports and doing payroll is very easy. Trainerize is lacking the back end. If we could do payroll and run financial and session report it would be amazing. This app is good for individual trainers but not good for business owner that manage many trainers.

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  8. Client lifetime/tenure to show me how long a client has been with us

    Quickly show me how long a client has been with my business.

    And show me an average length time of how long clients have been with the trainer

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  9. Why you should workout with me video.

    The why you should workout with me video. I would like it to be at least 3 to 5 mins. It would give us the opportunity to create a commercial and a preview of workout programs or exercises. The space currently only allows 30 secs of vertical video. I would like to do horizontal or vertical for 3-5 mins.

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  10. Calculate the number of missed workouts and goals etc… to discuss with client during check in

    To create accountability and to be able to show the client how many sessions or habits they’ve missed or number of days they haven’t logged when discussing goals and importance of tracking. Also a way to kickstart a conversation if too much is being expected during goal setting discussions.

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  11. Filter the calendar view for workouts, cardio, appts

    It would be a great review and efficiency feature to be able to filter a client's calendar view to show only one or a combination of items displayed;
    1) Workouts
    2) Nutrition
    3) Cardio / Activity
    4) Appointments
    5) Body Stats
    6) Habits

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  12. Auto switch clients

    Trainerize should automatically migrate clients between trainers when they are rescheduled in our DataTrak portal, without having to get a manager to re-assign them

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  13. Docusign like feature!

    I would love to see either a docusign integration for when you add a new client or a feature which allows you to select where you would like a client to sign & what to fill out much like docusign for sending online training agreement forms.

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  14. Show preview of entire workout on hover

    Right now, we show a list of exercise names. It would be great to show the entire workout structure in the tooltip.

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  15. Master Goals

    Add a section to the Master Libraries titled "Goals", where we can create master goals. Then be able to select the predefined goals on the client's page under the "Goals and Habits" section, therefore not having to type one up everytime.

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  16. Event countdown timer on dashboard

    In the case that a client has an event coming up, to help keep them motivated and accountable; it would be nice to have a countdown event timer on the dashboard.

    XX days until Wedding

    XX days until Competition

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  17. Toggle Between Client Workout, Dash and Calendar

    As of now, you can only submit actuals once before recording that a clients workout is completed. It would be nice to toggle between their calendar and dash to view previous sets reps weight, activity habits etc bc as a trainer having that info handy in session is so valuable and it’s hard to remember all actuals at the end of a session and then jump into another client session.

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  18. add notification when regular trainer enter notes

    Would be good if there would be notification when a regular trainer add notes to clients workout. It sometimes a miss for the admin or manager to look for any notes attached without a notification.

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  19. Ability to filter client list by multiple tags

    I want to be able to sort by multiple tags, pretty explanatory

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  20. a section for clients to reach out for support in the mobile app

    A link or URL to your own internal support for clients.

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